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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. There are plenty of examples in vanilla code, like EntityBlaze and EntityGhast.
  2. GL11.glScaled(scale,scale,scale); . A scale of 0.5 is half the original size, and a scale of 2 is twice as large.
  3. Show what you have tried.
  4. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ID is already registered: Fireball
  5. You are setting the block's harest level, before you initlize the block, so you set the harvest level of null .
  6. They are already working on building a stable FML version for MC 1.8, and then they start working on Forge, so that's gonna take a while.
  7. If you want to open a GUI that extends GuiScreen directly, you can just use Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new YourGUI()) . Else, you will have to use packets.
  8. Yeah, you don't set the itemstack variable anywhere, so how would you expect it to not be null?
  9. Either enteredPin , itemstack or stackTagCompound null. Put a breakpoint on that line so you can see which was is null.
  10. Sorry, i meant "put a breakpoint inside the [/code]render(float)[/code] method and see if any if those values are null"
  11. Try putting a breakpoint at the render(float) and inspect all the different model parts in the render(float) to see if anyone of those is null.
  12. Can you post the ModelAlchemyCauldron class using pastebin? I suspect there are some issues with your model (probably a fault from Techne again)
  13. That doesn't work, as if you want to read the info from addInformation() you must be in the gui, and in a gui you can sneak, so that will always be false when in a gui.
  14. Why are you adding buttons EVERY TICK??? Move those calls to buttonList.add(*); to initGui() and see if that makes a difference.
  15. That's because they're test versions. Here's the link: http://files.minecraftforge.net/fml//1.8
  16. Yes, there's a method called getDrops in the Block class in which you need to return an ArrayList<ItemStack> containing the ItemStacks that you want to drop.
  17. The readFromNBT() method only gets called on the server side. So the server knows the saved value (1000mB), but the client still has the default value (0mB). To solve this add the methods from brandon3055 post.
  18. Run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace instead of gradlew setupDevWorkspace
  19. Instead of annotating it with @Subscribe , use @EventHandler .
  20. I'm sorry, my magical code viewing device is broken. Can you manually post your code please?
  21. Try making the tile variable in the mathod itself, instead of making a fieldin the Block class.
  22. You never call ModFluids.init(); . Be sure to call it before ModBlocks.init();
  23. You don't understand (from what i can see in te code) the use of proxies. Go look up a tutorial on how to use proxies.
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