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Everything posted by TileEntity

  1. Backup your world and make a test without AoA3 or try other builds of this mod
  2. Looks like the world is broken Create a backup of your world and remove it Restart the server to create a new world Then copy level.dat and level.dat_old to the broken world Delete the new world and put back the broken world and test it again
  3. Yes If you are using Nvidia, also make sure Java is using this GPU https://windowsreport.com/minecraft-not-using-gpu/
  4. Add crash-reports with sites like https://paste.ee/ Check for AMD/ATI GPU driver updates
  5. Looks like some kind of issue with the loot from AoA3 - maybe a conflict with Oculus Same issue without the mod Oculus?
  6. Add crash-reports with sites like https://paste.ee/ Remove fpsreducer and add the new crash-report
  7. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: vazkii/arl/item/BasicItem ARL is missing https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/autoreglib
  8. Does it work without Optifine?
  9. Add the latest.log with sites like https://paste.ee/
  10. Add crash-reports with sites like https://paste.ee/ lmft-1.0.2+1.20-forge.jar is conflicting with Connector-1.0.0-beta.15+1.20.1-full.jar - make a test without Connector-1.0.0
  11. There is an issue with Simply-Improved-Terrain - make a test without this mod
  12. I have no idea - maybe use a pre-configured modpack as working base and add some mods one by one
  13. Add crash-reports with sites like https://paste.ee/ BetterFoliage requires Forgelin - add this mod: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/shadowfacts-forgelin/files/2727070
  14. There are some mods involved: Rubidium/Oculus MidnightHats/MidnightLib PlayerAnimator
  15. Are there changes without the mod Dimensional-Threading-Reforged?
  16. Mekanism and ImmersiveEngineering In connection with Create, try Create Crafts & Additions https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/createaddition
  17. Also remove garnished, createcasing and extendedgears Maybe these are not compatible with the create build
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