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Everything posted by TileEntity

  1. There are client-side-only mods in your server's mods-folder Start with removing Sodium - you can keep it in your client If this is not working, add the new crash-report with sites like https://paste.ee/
  2. Add the crash-report or latest.log (logs-folder) with sites like https://paste.ee/
  3. Add the crash-reports with sites like https://paste.ee/ Is there the same issue without the mod konkrete? If yes, add the new crash-report
  4. Make a test without ToughExpansion-1.12-3.4.23.jar
  5. Caused by: net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocationException: Non [a-z0-9/._-] character in path of location: effortlessbuilding:icons/lıne The i in effortlessbuilding:icons/lıne is a special character This may refer to your system language - make a test with changing it to English
  6. Some mods are not working - make a test with an older 1.19.2 Forge build like 43.2.23
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