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Everything posted by CJCutrone9

  1. Snow. But it shouldn't do that, should it? I mean the snow block doesn't do that....
  2. Hey all, CJ here, I was recently creating a block (pretty standard) and when testing it in world I noticed something. It can be replaced with another block. When you try to place a block on top of it, or on the side of it, or anything, if you click on the block to do so, it replaces the block. Now, I went and did another block, and it doesn't do this at all. Looked, and I have the same stuff in it that affects bounding boxes and all that. Nothing. Yep, that is right, I originally messed with the BB and then took it out because it didn't fix it, but now it is gone. So their should be nothing that makes it do this, right? Well, that is what I thought. Here is the code I used for the block.
  3. This is done automatically by forge. If the correct version isn't installed, then it will not have the methods it needs and as such, it will tell the user that they need to use Forge version x.
  4. Thanks man!
  5. Hey guys, been gone a while, but I am back now. And with a question, how do you set the speed of an entityThrowable? An example would be an ender pearl, egg, or snowball. Thanks!
  6. Or, you could create a random number generator and set the damage to that random number.
  7. Thanks man! Really appreciate it.
  8. Hey all, me again, I tried this myself but couldn't figure it out, I was wondering if someone could help me figure out a way so that if a player steps on a said block, that they get a jump boost for as long as they are on it, and once they get off, they loose it. Any help is appreciated.
  9. He's having a conflict with the block, not the ingot.
  10. Can I just say this? Everyone calm the heck down! Look, Newt is a really good guy, he wouldn't steal your code, second, you can't do anything without the source. Newt, Tux was just saying he wants a closed source mod and didn't want to give it away, he was accusing you of stealing, he just didn't want his source out, this thing has gotten WAAAY out of hand. To put this thread out of its misery, Tux, stick your unzipped folder in the zip, not the conents of the unzipped folder, the entire folder. And try that. If that doesn't work, you'll have to show us how you have it set up, (NOT YOUR SOURCE!), so we can see if you have too many folders or something.
  11. I think I see the problem, in your individual class, it says that the Aluminum ore has Id first, in your main class it is second, my guess would be that sense minecraft doesn't see it first it assumes it is zero. But, I've never seen an error like this before, and I am new to modding myself, so this might not be the answer.
  12. I wasn't referring to just you, I understand, I was just hoping that someone else might be able to help. Anyways, I fixed them both, it turns out the tutorial I had based everything off of was using old forge code, it was simply a matter of me adjusting to the new. Thank though.
  13. Help anyone?
  14. Here you go. And, when I add in a second block, it names them both the same thing, here is my updated Ceepe code.
  15. Hey all, I am having a little trouble (okay, a lot of trouble). I just finished coding for a new ore I want to add with my mod, got it so that I could test and everything, and then I get his error. Now, when I take out this line of code the game loads, but no ore is generated. Any help is really appreciated.
  16. That is the thing, it won't let me recompile it, I might be doing it wrong is what I am thinking, I was wondering if I was missing a step or something so I was asking if someone could tell me exactly what needed to be done to recompile. 'Cause it won't work for me.
  17. Well, I just finished my mod, now I am having some trouble with it, I've looked everywhere and I can't figure out how to compile it (Not sure if the right word) Essentially, I now want it to be able to run in minecraft, and I am at a loss, I know it is probably obvious, but I can't figure it out.
  18. Well, I just did that, and I get the same errors.....
  19. The aether team did it, I would use the same method used for the end/nether, maybe have the item blown up when it is clicked on, or maybe have it so that when the player tries to place down the block, that the games checks the block ID and if it is a vanilla block, then they can't place it (I think that is what you are saying, right?)
  20. Put a durability on them and have them loose 1 durability every couple of ticks.
  21. What do you need help with, the translation I got said that you had a mask, and you needed filters and you need them to run out eventually, what are you having trouble with?
  22. Look it up in their classes. Probably under DimensiontheEnd or something.
  23. Same way that minecraft makes the end I guess, I'd have it to where you got some kind of portal (Look at mojang's nether/end portal) and use the end floating island terrain gen for the moon. That is my suggestion.
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