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Everything posted by Abastro

  1. Show your current code for your entity. (+ Do you understand basic java? You should do that to make a mod)
  2. Please read Javadocs: * @param modGenerationWeight a weight to assign to this generator. Heavy weights tend to sink to the bottom of * list of world generators (i.e. they run later) So when you have bigger weight value, the generation is called later.
  3. 1. Why do you have two models on the constructor? 2. You have private static final String __OBFID = "CL_00001036"; which means that you just copy-pasted minecraft base code. Don't do that i you cannot fully understand the code..
  4. Only do world.setBlockToAir(i, j, k); when treeChoice is 1 or 2 or 3. (How simple..)
  5. Subscribe to BlockEvent#HarvestDropsEvent, and change the ArrayList<ItemStack> named 'drops' To change drops of a block. (It can be any block; But you should check if the block is 'the block' that you want.)
  6. For 5 block radius, it is fine to search all blocks. For 16 visible blocks, combine raytracing and surface tracking method.
  7. Does the symptom occurs every time you logs out and back in? + Don't register an entity globally. It can cause too many issues.
  8. You should provide the actual instance, not the class, to get a value of a non-static field. So you need Tessellator.instance in the place*: f.getInt(*)
  9. If you are on 1.7.10, there is no appropriate way to do that, but there is also a roundabout route. You need these: 1. You can remove drop on BlockEvent#HarvestDropsEvent. 2. You can make breaking speed slow with PlayerEvent#BreakSpeed.
  10. I inspected it and only found out that the exception is impossible.. Can you debug it with some breakpoints?
  11. Oh so you are talking about that. Actually there is no difference between them, so that's a matter of choice.
  12. So is that 1.7 or 2.8? And surely, on public boolean chunkExists(int x, int z)
  13. Pros: can accept various parameters for the recipe, it gives more degree of freedom to the form of the recipe. Cons: High possibility of Illegal Argument Exception.
  14. 1. What is your minecraft and forge version? 2. I think you should make it so that there is no chunk on the world.
  15. You should consider subscribing all the possible events, like block clicking and swinging, etc.
  16. I inspected to it and found no way to do that; Left clicking calls Minecraft#func_147116_af(), which directly leads to attacking an entity or breaking a block. So there is no simple method to do what you want..
  17. Post the whole crash report and possibly the whole log. You are missing what exception had occured, which is very important.
  18. The best method would be your own 'clean room' WorldType, which provides the IChunkProvider.
  19. FMLPreInitializationEvent#getModConfigurationDirectory() gives the parent directory for the config. So you can find the another mod's configuration file there.
  20. Just set up the gradle dependency for that. See ForgeGradle section, it will help you a lot with gradle.
  21. In my attempt to use the GlStateManager I gave the player a permanent superman-pose disability. While I won't ask for a tutorial on using GlStateManager, how do you access the statemanager for a Tessellator and a WorldRenderer object? The vanilla code on this doesn't make much sense to me... You don't have to, and should not access the WorldRenderer object.. You need to put this before rendering yours: GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); and this after yours: GlStateManager.popMatrix();
  22. Then what about giving empty list of quads on getFaceQuads() and getGeneralQuads()?
  23. Just use World#setBlockState with the original pos(BlockPos), you need not create new instance of blockpos copying that. Also for giving a player an item, here is a snippet of code from CommandGive: EntityItem entityitem = entityplayermp.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(itemstack, false); entityitem.delayBeforeCanPickup = 0; entityitem.func_145797_a(entityplayermp.getCommandSenderName());
  24. Then just use GlStateManager to rotate it.
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