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Everything posted by Abastro

  1. Just once again.. I really looking forward to any reply.
  2. I should have added more details; The problem is, the procedural generation will regard the factors which can be extracted from the generated objects. Why? It's due to deficiency of memory. Yes, procedural generation on minecraft does not care about the factors, they just generate and track nearest chunks to players/chunk loaders. But, that case is actually special, since 'nearest' is invariance. But in general, like in my case, there is no need of the 'nearest' to be defined as general. Actually there are many cases that invariant definition of 'nearest' objects will lead to huge memory usage. (Like frustrum checks) So I decided to load objects temporally, and only for certain usecases. This made the factors which can be investigated from objects by certain way of inspection very important. That's why I want to be aware of possible factors, in Minecraft Modding.
  3. I got same error, and fixed it by explicitly set JVM arguments for gradle. Put appropriate JVM args (Like -Xmx2G) to gradle.properties on your project location. (You should create the file if there isn't one) Like this: org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2G
  4. You didn't call #setEntityTexture, and assume that #tomahawkTexture be initialized...
  5. What do you mean by 'not loading'? If it is simply not rendered, then it is obviously problem with your rendering. Or do you mean you got the MISSING_TEXTURE? Then it gets interesting.
  6. I desperately need any reply. How should I prepare/implement compatibility?
  7. I18n got client only, which means you cant use it directly on mod class.
  8. No. Because 1. They are just english names, think about consistency with other languages. 2. Reverse-translation using Locale is also impossible because they could be parametrized. So.. it's even impossible to retrieve unlocalized name from localized name.
  9. Hello, I have question on current state/contents of modded minecraft, to prepare compatibility with them. I'm working on a mod named 'Stellarium' which features Configurable Procedural Generation on Space. To allow it compatibility with existing mods, I am designing an API first, on which 'Stellarium' will be based. So what kind of compatibility layer should I prepare on this API? I really got lost here, and any progress has been blocked by this problem. Any information and instructions on compatibility, modded minecraft concepts, trends, tendency, or advice on API will be greatly appreciated. * In case this additional information is needed; The implementation will be based on Observation concept, which means some operation will trigger inspection on certain domain of the space, and the result will be given as callback. The main problem lies on the result.
  10. First, the cloud disappears when it is far enough from the player. (This phenomenon is caused by z-clipping) So the closer its vertical position to the player, the further its visible edge goes. The GL state related with this concept is Depth Test and Depth Mask. Google is your friend: [lmgtfy]Depth Test and Depth Mask[/lmgtfy] They might be disabled on RenderWorldLastEvent, test for it. Also, note that cloud is rendered twice, before world rendering and after world rendering. You can simulate latter by RenderWorldLastEvent, but there is no event fired before world rendering. So World#setCloudRenderer migh be the only possibility. Look at EntityRenderer#renderWorldPass for more information.
  11. Well, you didnt post the code you used with setCloudRenderer. Also, you should try to understand vanilla cloud code before just copying it. GL state can be different on each methods. What is your goal with this? If you are just simulating vanilla clouds.
  12. No, you can't use them. They are sorted correctly on rendering, thus have no problem. What is the exact problem do you have with WorldProvider#setCloudRenderer? That should not hide any transparent blocks Show what you have tried with it in code.
  13. You can't render it on RenderWorldLastEvent, because it is one of the farthest objects in the world, next to the sky. So you should render it on IRenderHandler and register it using WorldProvider#setCloudRenderer.
  14. 1. You should have to understand the current blockstate system. 2. There is ModelRegistry.registerCustomStateMapper exactly for the use.
  15. I think you should disable the standard lighting while rendering the item.
  16. The game crashes? Then please provide the log.
  17. I think you have an issue with infinite loop. Debug it with breakpoint.
  18. Would you define ' not work' please?
  19. Yes, It would be BiomeProvider in 1.9.4
  20. Then implement it using common opengl features. You can push matrix and load identity for both projection and modelview, and draw 2d contents. I used this method for my texture test.
  21. Did you put '/' between the domain and the location? (So it would like 'resource:/(location)') Also did you tried removing 'assets'?
  22. I found about sphinx, and found out that it needs domain to read jar in , like "resource:" http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/tutorialsphinx4 It was actually obvious, since there is nothing like File in jar. But you didn't specified any domain there, which resulted in it trying to read from the File...
  23. 1. Read the javadoc for Matcher#find: Attempts to find the next subsequence of the input sequence that matches the pattern. This method starts at the beginning of this matcher's region, or, if a previous invocation of the method was successful and the matcher has not since been reset, at the first character not matched by the previous match. If the match succeeds then more information can be obtained via the start, end, and group methods. So it gives next match, and since it does not have two match, the second find gives false. 2. Instead of Matcher#group(int), Matcher#group() will be fine. 3. It's better to store the pattern in a field. (It is common use of a Pattern) EDIT) 4. Prefix/Suffix of the regex /.../g is generally not needed.
  24. You can't specify something like color with unlocalized name. Override Item#getItemStackDisplayName(ItemStack), and prepend the color tag there.
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