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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. Stannum, I don't know. They changed everything. All my dimension experience was from 1.3.2.
  2. Eh, we all need a poke in the right direction sometimes. Or in any direction, really, because sometimes you'll get an unhelpful answer that still gives you the idea to find out what's wrong.
  3. What's your IWorldGenerator code, and how are you registering it? Those are the two most likely culprits.
  4. Look, I'm not here to write your code for you. I'm here to tell you what you're doing wrong. If you don't understand how to code, there are books and tutorials available. If you have code and it doesn't work, I can probably tell you why.
  5. Oh, hey, travelToDimension. They would appear to have made things easier. Aanyway... how are you registering your world provider?
  6. If this is being called after your blocks are registered? Then it's no wonder; the block's ID is already set to 0.
  7. Sure. You will probably want some sort of recipe class, or at least a deep hashmap.
  8. That sounds like it's teleporting right back to the Overworld, where it hits your block and teleports again ad nauseam.
  9. Thank you for the code, but where would I insert it? The BlockPortal class? And would I just copy and paste the method into the class or would I take out one method and replace it with this one? It's a static method, put it wherever you want. And don't replace anything with it. Okay. So I typed in the teleport code and made the DimChange class(thank you again for the codes), but how do I call this method when the player enters the portal? Here is a snipit of the BlockPortal class: public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, Entity par5Entity) { if (par5Entity.ridingEntity == null && par5Entity.riddenByEntity == null) { par5Entity.setInPortal(); } } Can you help me with getting the player to enter the correct dimension? Once again, thank you SOOOOOO much for your help so far. And Im sorry for being such a code n00b. Don't use setInPortal(); it only applies to the Nether. Just call a dimension change directly. Getting it to delay like the vanilla portal is more difficult as you need to deal with attaching data to the entity.
  10. Thank you for the code, but where would I insert it? The BlockPortal class? And would I just copy and paste the method into the class or would I take out one method and replace it with this one? It's a static method, put it wherever you want. And don't replace anything with it.
  11. Can we see that one block, then? And, if you say that there are AIOOBEs, can you show us the log for them?
  12. I find that moving the player at a slope into the ground causes the player to slide further as your y travel is abruptly blocked by the ground but your horizontal is still full length of what it needs to go for the sloped travel if not blocked e.g. falling. So here is the fix for it: try{ // Trace for blocks MovingObjectPosition eyeTrace = player.rayTrace(distance, 1.0F); // If no blocks are traced, then eyeTrace is null. if(eyeTrace.hitVec != null){ //If a block is found, call the moveEntity below player.moveEntity(eyeTrace.hitVec.xCoord-player.posX, eyeTrace.hitVec.yCoord-player.posY + 1.1, eyeTrace.hitVec.zCoord-player.posZ ); } } catch(NullPointerException npe){ // Lolz at your NPE, going to throw you whatever set distance forward in the hope to ignore your NPE player.moveEntity(-distance*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(player.rotationYawHead))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(player.rotationPitch)),-distance*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(player.rotationPitch)), distance*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(player.rotationYawHead))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(player.rotationPitch))); } I had a feeling you would run into that; I wasn't quite sure what to do about it. But thanks for posting your solution!
  13. I have a nice 'n' efficient recipe system, which you are free to use if you like. Link to github is in my sig.
  14. Wait, what? Can you try explaining that more clearly? And what's the resource?
  15. Really? I thought it was 18th. I take this as a sign that we should write a modders' EAQ so people stop asking.
  16. TEProcessor is a superclass of TESC and TEC. Both of them only use 1 input, but it can be easily configured for three. Alright, I've looked at the code, however I'm still in the process of learning java, so how would I configure your processor to my liking? It's really just a matter of passing multiple arguments into ProcessorRecipeManager.getRecipe(). Assuming you have only three slots, you want something like this:
  17. I have teleport code. It's from 1.3.2, but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work. DimChange is my own class—I'll copy it here if you want to use it. It's built like an event, which is subclassed for every circumstance. (Probably not what you want, but it made sense for my purposes.) Otherwise, you can just get the player and world from wherever you would get them.
  18. Yes. You do need a model field (public final ModelWhatever model = new ModelWhatever(), which the tutorial, for some reason, fails to provide.
  19. Um, are you actually overriding doRender() in your render class?
  20. I don't think that has to do with java. Do you have these files present? ./conf/astyle.cfg ./runtime/bin/astyle-osx ./runtime/bin/astyle.exe
  21. It's not excellent, but we can understand you. Which is good.
  22. I just submitted PR #621 to solve this.
  23. Re #2: look at EntityFallingSand (a misnomer, as it is used for gravel and can be used for your purposes. I think.)
  24. That... will have no effect whatsoever.
  25. Sounds like a bounding box problem.
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