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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. Unfortunately (someone correct me if I'm wrong), you have to add the textures to the "jars/bin/minecraft.jar" archive.
  2. I want all blocks of a certain type within a certain chunk to flash on and off every second (an alarm system triggered when a certain block is broken.) How can I force a lighting update?
  3. Looks like you may have got an incomplete download or install... Try redownloading and installing.
  4. Here's a suggestion, and I'm trying to offer a compromise: I will make machines that make wheat and other crops grow. You, because you want a green machine, can make a machine that encourages things around it to grow (grass on dirt, mushrooms, flowers, tallgrass, my fruits on trees), maybe by ticking them more often. Call it the "Air Purifier" or something. That work?
  5. What does that have to do with Green Energy or The Computer Age/Advanced Tech?! It grows crops. It, um, is green? And I want some machines! So, can I be: Green Tech? Please? Hey, wait a minute! If that should be anyone's, it should be mine! Oops, too late! And no, I want it. You are agriculture, I'm tech. Difference. But maybe you can have it from me. I am AGRICULTURAL TECH! If I was just agriculture I wouldn't be using UE.
  6. What does that have to do with Green Energy or The Computer Age/Advanced Tech?! It grows crops. It, um, is green? And I want some machines! So, can I be: Green Tech? Please? Hey, wait a minute! If that should be anyone's, it should be mine!
  7. Oh, wow, I love them! *uproarious applause*
  8. The textures look excellent; there are two things I would change: 1. Make the kumquat smaller, as right now it's bigger than a lemon. 2. Pluralize the kumquat, olive, and allspice. And a couple more peanuts couldn't hurt either. Thanks!
  9. If they connect and attempt to use the blocks, what happens?
  10. Which ones did I misidentify? Incidentally, I think it would look better if the grapes were purple (that way it wouldn't look so much like a pepper.) Use this image for vanilla (I got it from Wikipedia btw):
  11. They all look excellent! Let's see... I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) that they are, in order: Pear, apricot, cherry, plum, mulberries, peach, date, fig, orange, lemon, lime Pomegranate, banana, coconut, mango, (?), olive, pecan, grape, honeydew, canteloupe, strawberries Peanuts, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries. If that's the case (I know that I probably have some of them wrong; it's not that they don't look realistic, it's just that they're out of order), then you're just missing vanilla and pineapple.
  12. Haw! Haw! High-larious! Did you make this?
  13. Speaking of Bukkit, (where) can I learn how to port my mod? Or can I? Are there only certain people (it seems cpw does /everybody's/) that know how? P.S., nice name. I assume you got it from the Latin?
  14. Coconuts and peanuts should have a shell, pecans should not. Nutmeg should look like the entire fruit, not ground (if you need to, look at the Wikipedia article for examples.) I know that some of these are weird, but I want to be thorough. Thank you for your time!
  15. 32x32 is fine with me; after all, Forge has built-in support for other resolutions. The current textures look excellent, by the way. Also, don't feel under any obligation to get them done quickly; I have plenty of time.
  16. Have you _seen_ my textures? Ich. They're almost as bad as those of the mod I'm trying to replace. Whats the mod youre trying to replace? Um, Forestry. Or so says Calclavia, but I agree.
  17. Have you _seen_ my textures? Ich. They're almost as bad as those of the mod I'm trying to replace.
  18. I'm honestly just glad I'll get actually decent textures.
  19. I know this isn't really a "hook", per se, but could ItemFood.getHealAmount() be passed the metadata/damage of the item? (I suppose this could also be done by passing it the ItemStack arg) This would allow not only for multiple food items to share the same item ID, but also for some sort of nourishment machine... I see an interesting future for my mod.
  20. That's no problem, I have time.
  21. I would like textures for my Newt's Horticulture mod, as I am poor at drawing them myself. I need the following items: Pear, Apricot, Cherries, Peach, Plum, Mulberries, Date, Fig, Pomegranate, Kumquats, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Banana, Coconut, Mango, Nutmeg, Olive, Pecans, Grapes, Honeydew, Vanilla(stalks), Canteloupe, Strawberry, Peanuts, Allspice, Blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Pineapple. If you could draw these items, I would be quite grateful. Reusing textures by recoloring is fine with me, by the way.
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