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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by ObsequiousNewt

  1. Actually, I have been experimenting with Reflection API. I tried using this to get my Block field in the other class. Class eoReflect = Class.forName("sobiohazardous.minestrappolation.extraores.ExtraOres"); Field sunstone = eoReflect.getField("Sunstone"); However the recipe method won't accept the sunstone variable because it is a Field. sunstone.set(object, object) doesn't work because it is a static method. I can always resort to trying and making the API's, however I think(and hope) it is not necessary. Any ideas? Field.set() is not a static method. If the field is static, just pass null in as the first argument.
  2. Why/how didn't it work?
  3. You also need to set the hardness. (this.blockHardness = 3)
  4. SBFP Tech Wouldn't you like to know! I. Description With all those other tech mods, it's all the same. Mine some ore, smelt it, use it to build wire, connect the wire to all of your machines. Not SBFP-Tech! We want to keep in the spirit of Minecraft, by veering just a little from reality. We don't use wire; instead the entire system is based on "Redstone Flux", an energy that can be stored in redstone and used by any machine. Also, tractors. II. Downloads We understand your irritation with adf.ly, so we don't use it. We do use bit.ly to track our downloads, though. So without further ado: Aleph 2 (for Minecraft 1.5.2) Aleph 1 (for Minecraft 1.5.2) III. License Minecraft Mod Public License (MMPL). Copied here for your convenience. IV. Credits Written by atrain99 and ObsequiousNewt. Artwork by atrain99 and ObsequiousNewt. Tractor model by JohnVoiden. Thanks! This mod uses the Minecraft Forge API. V. Bugs and Bug Reports Known bugs: Tractor movement glitch. Found a bug? Please tell us by commenting below. INCLUDE THE FORGE MODLOADER LOG OR YOU WILL GET IGNORED.
  5. Yes, but you're not using the metadata argument. You need to check for each combination of side and metadata.
  6. And you tell which slot they put it in... how? There is a method that returns the slot number that a certain item is in. But you could always go: inventoryInstance.consumeInventoryItem(ModBase.RandomIngot.itemID); inventoryInstance.addItemStackToInventory(new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron.itemID, 1)); Though that would only work for one. But I am working on a method that will find the slot it is in and such What if they pull it out of the output and eject it into the world? Or put it into a different inventory? Or do something with it that another mod would define? No. You probably don't want to use an ICraftingHandler, which doesn't seem to be called until you pick up the item (or maybe you do, I don't know.) Unfortunately there does not seem to be much of an alternative. There should be a GameRegistry overloaded function for this, similar to addRecipe(IRecipe) but for furnaces. To the Suggestions board!
  7. Well, yes. Your orientation is dependent on metadata, but getIcon() isn't checking the metadata.
  8. Dammit, I knew I would be posting in the wrong board... Ah well. Thanks anyway.
  9. SOL? Sh*t Out of Luck. His option is to either check all the blocks that could possibly be providing power (6 for strong, significantly more for weak) or nothing. Well, if that's how redstone itself works, I guess I wouldn't feel bad about checking all six.
  10. Oh, ha ha. I was thinking of isItemValid() in the slot class. Which I believe should be checked in mergeItemStack. Besides, I had thought he had meant that nothing called mergeItemStack() besides the hopper.
  11. Why not just compile it with the mods installed and then pull out only the modpack classfiles? Just a thought...
  12. Just override performEffect().
  13. You were giving him suggestions for his mod as well. Which he did not ask for. But it is true that, if that is his intention, the bow code will not work.
  14. Well, it'd ask me to create a constructor. I'd click the link to auto-make it, and get this: public TileEntityRoadSignBlock(int roadSignID, Class par2Class, boolean par3) { //Todo: Auto Generated Stub } So, obviously I needed to add a few things, so I added: super(roadSignID, Material.iron); this.isFreestanding = par3; and also private Class signEntityClass; (All of which are directly from the Sign's block class) Then it accepts that as no errors, but back in my main block class it simply tells me I need a constructor again and would auto-create that same thing, going around in circles. I'm not quite sure what I did, but I seem to have fixed it again now. However, when I try and place the sign in-game I get "Unable to locate sign at [coords]" You seem to know literally everything about Forge.. any idea what I'm missing? I've registered the tile entity so I'm not sure what else there is. Maybe the sign has another class that I've not found yet? That would seem more like a Java problem or an Eclipse problem. Did you copy TESign or extend TESign? Because I just did both, and I didn't get any errors for either. Besides, TESign doesn't have a constructor (oddly enough, it gets intialized by reflection), and the constructor you wrote matched instead BlockSign. When I copy BlockSign, it works (no compile errors anyway), and when I extend it, it asks for the constructor, which I give to it, matching your code, and Eclipse is satisfied.
  15. And you tell which slot they put it in... how?
  16. Except for the fact you have used python code again... You should probably try to fix that. Writing in Python I mean. Well, the next time you do that, I give you full permission to tell me "Ewe look sheepish."
  17. I did an "open call hierarchy" in Eclipse, and, unless something's using reflection, the only function that creates a BreakSpeed is getBreakSpeed, and the only two functions that call getBreakSpeed() are blockStrength() (which already has the position args) and getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock() (which is called only by blockStrength().) Shall I create a PR, or am I missing something?
  18. Would it be possible to have one user create a topic and allow it to be editable by another user? (or is this already possible?) atrain99 and I are collaboratively working on a mod, which we'd like to put on the Mods board. I know something similar can be done inside a board with two moderators, but I don't think our mod is in such a state as to warrant a board yet.
  19. Except for the fact you have used python code again... You should probably try to fix that. Writing in Python I mean. Oh. Lol. But, but, it's such a better language! While some of my friends tend to agree with that statement, I only agree that is better when it comes to its runtime speed. Much faster than java. But I do like the java syntax so much more... Funny. I usually hear the opposite argument. How could you possibly like Java syntax more?
  20. Your torch won't save, or the burned-out stick won't save? Also, replace the two lines with world.setBlock(x,y,z,id,0,3);
  21. Except for the fact you have used python code again... You should probably try to fix that. Writing in Python I mean. Oh. Lol. But, but, it's such a better language!
  22. Which is clumsy, because you have to check where the signal is coming from. If there's not such a function as he wants for the block receiving the signal, there should be.
  23. Um, that doesn't sound right. How did you add this? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/wiki/FML-mod-information-file Another one for the EAQ, Draco. I think we actually should do this.
  24. "it'd tell me it was wrong"? How so?
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