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Everything posted by American2050

  1. I'm not sure how to apply that. But I think the method that I can use to let rain go through would be setting Material.air It let's the rain to go through, but it makes the block to "break" with water... I will try different materials, I was thinking on material.web it lets rain go, but it also breaks with water. I'll try some other materials or I will have to figure out how to make the block not breakable by water Thanks Draco for your help, really awesome PS: Your Artifacts Mod is the one on the MadPack 2 right? I see JonBams playing it on Twitch
  2. Draco it works perfect, the problem I'm having, and I know I'm not that good with this codes But I can't figure out how to let rain go through. I'm taking a look into the Cobweb code for example and I don't see what code is allowing the rain to go through it. I must be missing something basic. Any clue? Thanks in advice, meanwhile I will keep trying and see how to achieve this
  3. Thanks, I'll take a look there
  4. Hello guys. I have a question, hopefully someone can guide me and see what I'm doing wrong and what I should use to fix this. I'm trying to create an invisible block. I almost had it, but I found 2 problems. One was that it was breakable with Dark Oak trees. (Same that happens with bedrock) I guess that's a Minecraft problem and nothing on the code itself. Another problem I had was that water break the block. This is the code I was using. package com.american.survival.block; import com.american.survival.configuration.ConfigValues; import com.american.survival.reference.CSInfo; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockGlass; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.world.World; public class BlockInvisible extends BlockGlass { public BlockInvisible(Material material, Boolean bool) { super(material, bool); this.setBlockName("invisible"); this.setBlockUnbreakable(); this.setResistance(60000000.0F); } public boolean isOpaqueCube() { return false; } public boolean isSolid() { return true; } @Override public String getUnlocalizedName() { return String.format("tile.%s%s", CSInfo.MOD_ID.toLowerCase() + ":", getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(super.getUnlocalizedName())); } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister iconRegister) { // blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon(String.format("%s", getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(this.getUnlocalizedName()))); if (ConfigValues.showInvisibleBlock == false){ blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("chunksurvival:invisible"); } else{ blockIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("chunksurvival:visible"); } } protected String getUnwrappedUnlocalizedName(String unlocalizedName) { return unlocalizedName.substring(unlocalizedName.indexOf(".") + 1); } } The material is defined as Material.air from a boolean config value. What I need to achieve basically is: [*]Block invisible / Visible if set so in a config file [*]Block invisible not showing a hitbox [*]Not breakable [*]Rain must go through [*]Hopefully no leaves grow on the other side of a wall made of this blocks I had almost everything working, but the leaves problem and water breaking it, I have no clue how to fix it. Any ideas? PS: The overall idea is to be able to create a wall while in cheat mode, and once set to invisible a "Barrier" be in place of those blocks.
  5. Same here, using version 964 as 965 didn't worked and I don't have mcp folder, so I'm not sure where to place the textures. Thanks for any support.
  6. One question, I followed all the steps using forge-1.6.4- It works, and Minecraft Launchs Ok. But my "src" folder is empty, it only has "main" and no net.minecraft files and folders showing. Am I missing some step? Thanks.
  7. Thanks gonna check that Bc now I notice that with my method, also the "Configs" gets override so... Thanks again for the tip.
  8. I don't think they want to Stop Forge after half Minecon was based on Modded Minecraft.
  9. Hello, I have a very simple question, for sure it is explained in forum already, but I'm not sure where or what to search for. The problem is this. I know to play modded minecraft, I install for example Forge for 1.6.4 and I place the Mods I want to use/test in the "mods" folders. But what happens if I also want a profile for 1.7.x Is there a way to have all the mods somewhere and depending the Profile I select Forge takes them? What I'm doing right now, when I want to test 1.7 I rename the Mods folder to mods164 and in the mods I place the 1.7 mods and, vice-versa when trying the 1.6.4 (You get the idea) Well, I hope there is a best way to do this Thanks.
  10. Thanks a lot man. My error was that (I was just following a tutorial) but yes, I also thought it was weird that I was not including the "ame" folder in my zip. And another error was that in my CommonProxy file, I was making reference to "ame.letscook" the first package I made for my mod that I left there and changed to start in this one been much cleaner and more detailed. Once I deleted all the ame.letscook related packages I saw that error and correct it as well. Once again, thanks for your tip I finally can see in mod (in a .zip) and working in game.
  11. Well, first of all, let me say hello to everyone in the forum. And, as always, usually the first post of someone is asking help (but what can we do?) Well, I have read the forum a lot already, and thanks to the forum and some tutorials I have my "First Mod" done (Meaning, it only does one thing at the moment, at it does work from Eclipse, but when I pack it to work in Minecraft, I get a crash) Name of the package holding my mod in Eclipse is "ame.minecraftchef" Let me point first what things I can see are "wrong" I notice that after compiling and "reobfuscating" what I do is go into "reobf/minecraft/ame" and there I select "minecraftchef" folder and I add it to a .zip file using winRar. What I can see there, is that I'm not including the textures files in the pack (so there is an error already) The crash report is here "http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/454d33e4" Please let me know what other information you need, and if you need the .java files of my code. I'm sure this is a very basic error, but I'm not very good with Java, so, that's why I ask you for help. (PS: The mod adds Tomato seeds, you can plant them and when it's done you get Tomato. I know, it's nothing new, it's not much, but it's the first step of my project) Thanks for your time guys.
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