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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by delpi

  1. Here is how to do it in 1.7.2, you will have to leverage changes from 1.7.10 Setup event for player logout and record the players name and inventory. If you are having trouble getting the inventory before logout, something like this may help. Spawn a Custom NPC with the skin (name) of the player. - you need a datawatcher to move the skin name over to the client side - Give the npc the inventory, weapons ect from what you saved above - on the custom render for the npc look up the skin, you can look up skin with this Put a timer in the NPC logic for how long you want it to exist. Watch for if someone or something kills it. If so, erase the players inventory on the server. To find the players data you can adapt some code I had to move the player out of a deleted dimension.
  2. You are being fairly rude. If you decide you want to change your attitude, there is a simple way to do it.
  3. I'm assuming from this you want to create your own particle shape. If, you want to use one of the standard shapes, you can just extend them and then change the color to match what you want.
  4. I'll give that a shot. It has been awhile so my memory is fuzzy, but I don't think I tried that.
  5. I played with this at one point and could get it to work for world, but could not get the time to change for only one dimension. If you get it to work, I would be interested
  6. delpi


    Lots of other scripting languages for games have a sleep function. Its something used very often in the Arma Engines. I've seen it far more often than not.
  7. that is a pretty complicated topic. You are looking into terraingen type stuff. I can be done. Search around for what others have done.
  8. To answer your above question, no packet trickery is needed.
  9. Ok, whatever method you are using to initiate a teleport, fire something like this. In this case, target is another player. Its an admin command i have to warp around to different folks. MyTeleporter Class Translations of the above Ignore the dimension manager thing. Its just how I refer to my starting class to make things easy. The 'instance.functions_common().back_set(playerMP);' just records where I jumped from, you don't need it That is the easy way to do it if all you want to do is teleport to a set location based upon some trigger. I've got another one for going to the spawn point in the main world. You should be able to figure it out from the above. Let me know how it works out for you.
  10. Got distracted yesterday. I'll send you something that will work tonight. I'm assuming you have a method trigger the teleportion and you know where you want them to land in the alternate dimension? Is the landing spot dynamic or same spot everytime?
  11. Got your message. I've been a way for a bit working on Dayz Scripts. Please explain to me what you are doing and what exactly you need help with and I'll see what I can do. Be warned, If you are using the code I shared for making portals, I completely rewrote the vanilla stuff so I could do some unusual things with it. If all you want to do is stop portals from forming in your new dimension, there are two ways that I think are best: Change the Teleport code so that instead of forming portals, it sends you to the spawn point of that dimension, which is what I think you are trying to do Block people from creating a portal in the originating dimension in the first place. Since you created the blocks that originate this, should be within what you know to do.
  12. The reason nobody helps much on these inventory issues is that it is very involved to look through all the code. 2nd, people tend to use their own convention instead of following the tutorials which normally causes the error. In your case, you didn't follow the tutorials at all. Read them again and start over. There will never be a way to interact with the players inventory if you have client only functionality defined.
  13. Go to your 'mods' folder, delete everything in it. Restart Minecraft for the win.
  14. You are comparing the itemstacks, not the items. The NBT data is what is screwing it up.
  15. After you place the fluid, mark the block for update in the world. Depending on how you placed your fluid, there should be an option to do that if I remember right without the above.
  16. Look up the vanilla mob code and see how to set a weapon and then look at the livingdrops method and modify it.
  17. There are numerous tutorials on how to make custom dimensions and the portal blocks for them. Look it up. All you are doing here is setting a portal without fire. You could just build the outside blocks and then set one of the centers to fire or initiate it another method, ect.
  18. What entity did you extend? did you remove its existing AI? I'm guessing this is your issue. You probably extended a mob like a Zombie.
  19. Not sure that made sense. I think you tried to say you want circuitry that works underwater?
  20. Don't have the time to read in depth right now so just guessing. Do you have your stuff bracketed in GL push/pop?
  21. What are you wanting to do with this new repeater? Different functionality from the current one or a different type of power?
  22. Nevermind, I screwed that one up. I went back and inspected one more time and spotted that my print statement was not the first line. I was checking for a null to avoid and endless loop and I fatfingered a == vs a !=. Sigh. Thanks for the help guys.
  23. I checked, it is registered because I can see it firing for normal entities. I have a print statement as the 1st thing in both mods for this event so I can see which one fires. This event isn't cancellable, so that takes that out of the equation. I'll try the priority and see what that does. What order and getting stuck might be something. But my understanding was when the event fired, it cycled through all the mods registered to until interupted. Since this one isn't cancellable, I don't think that would happen. This is very odd.
  24. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, hoping someone can help me out. For the purposes of this question, I have two different mods. For a custom entity that does target selection in a unique way I have at the end of its routine the statement. ForgeHooks.onLivingSetAttackTarget(this, targetLiving); I wanted it to call this event so that I could process it in the 2nd mod. The problem I was having is the 2nd mod never saw it. After some troubleshooting, Mod 1 where the custom NPC is, does see that event. Mod 2 never does. So, Is this a feature or a bug? If it is a feature, how do I go about specifying it so mod 2 can see it?
  25. I've done it with Bukkit before as server only, but like you said its only for vanilla things. If you are using forge, why not unlock the potential and have a client side as well?
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