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Everything posted by delpi

  1. Are you going to use those coordinates uniquely in the Tile Entity? Or are you wanting them to activate some code when a button is pushed. If it is the later, you don't need a tileEntity, just the GUI and some packets.
  2. I would recommend creating a new inventory for the extra slots you want and storing it in extendeproperties for the player. With a little work, you can make it pretty graceful.
  3. If you find a graceful way to do those two things, please share. I ended up just making my protection go to sky and a little wide to avoid the liquids. Never tried with the crops.
  4. I meant that I can't see where you posted the code you are talking about. Are you sure you posted what you just told me about?
  5. Could I ask "Why???". Why are you using another Client side mod system instead of just doing it all in Forge. Or perhaps, spigot has changed since I last messed with it. If you have just Forge questions, we can probably help. If you are looking for spigot, need to look elsewhere.
  6. Thanks. I'll role with it then. Left it running for a bit and no errors or increased load, so taking that as double confirmation.
  7. Yeh, was typing this in from phone. Angle is what I was asking. Same question.
  8. The buttons that you are saying don't work are outside of your GUI.
  9. I've got a model I'm spinning around in a circle. Do I need to pay attention to how high '.rotationPointX' gets? Can I just keep incriminating it higher or do I need to reset it to zero at some point?
  10. Look under Player, PlayerMP, ect. You will find what you think you are asking for, but it won't help you make your flyable mount.
  11. save it. will be useful for something later on.
  12. Sorry, I honestly don't see it. I just looked again, but then i'm looking from my phone cause i'm about to board a plane.
  13. Regardless, you asked from a car you build, on how to make a flying entity. You were answered to look at flying entities (such as a Blaze) to figure out how to do it. Its not that hard. Trickiest part is getting the Trig right to translate move on heading and putting in your own keys for up/down.
  14. I was willing to give you a copy, but was more suggesting you go through the process of developing your own so you had it in your arsenal for the future.
  15. Someone already told you were to look in one of your previous post on how to create your flying mount.
  16. It is the type of thing you should have build in your various code banks to copy over when you need it. I could copy it into a new mod in a few minutes since I already have it built in and existing mod.
  17. Sorry, I don't have the code handy so I don't remember the exact setup, but I don't think you need a tickhandler to determine if the key is pressed. Its an event of sometype. Here is something on keybinding http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Key_Binding And another one. http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/minecraft-forge-1721710-keybinding.html Simple search. you can also watch for default minecraft key presses. That should be more than enough for you to mess around and figure it out.
  18. How are you using it? Each time are you calling getDatawatcher(32) or some junk? I tend to have a method in the entity such as (please forgive the syntax, i'm going off memory) public int Whatever() { return getDataWatcher(32); } Then wherever you are using it just: int testValue = entitySpecial.Whatever(); then track it. you could do some other variation. I also do the reverse of the above when setting the value. It is what I was referrening to when diesieben07 puked previously.
  19. You are randomly picking the texture each time the getTexture is called. What did you think would happen? Pick that random value in the initilization of the entity. Then check for the value in your render method and pick the right texture. That or just do all the texture stuff in the entity and just call the entity for the right texture. I've done both.
  20. Put a key watcher on the client and send a packet to the server when pressed. there is a way to watch for pressed and lifted if you want to know both. Sorry, don't remember the exact syntax for it, but you should be able to search and find it.
  21. Ah, just use the variable you declared into the datwatcher or pull into from the client.
  22. You must just be missing it. Otherwise your other variables wouldn't be missing. Did you declare it in a parent class or something?
  23. Have you tracked the variables during execution to see what is going on? Either print them to screen or put pauses in the execution and cycle through to see them.
  24. Looking above at your if else statements, I think I see the same thing as the boundary box. You are missing some cases.
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