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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by delpi

  1. I'm going to suggest you do not use an Entity for that. In your mod, create a class to track players and wehther they ahve this ability or not. Setup a tickhandler to fire a routine in the class on whatever frequency you like. Then with that routine, fire your flamethrower effect. If you need to save the data as to whether a player should ahve the effect or not have the effect, just use the player's NBT data. You can either check on player login if they should be added to the list or check on some frequency all the players and see if your list is accurate.
  2. I could be thinking about this incorrectly because i have never tried it, but I think it will work. When you create a custom weapon 3D render/model you have to give it the case if it is 3rd person, 1st person, or inventory. For each case, you can point it to your block render. Might have to make some adjustments. I 'think' The other trick is you need to tell your block to drop as a custom entity instead of the normal itementity. When it is picked up, it deposits a custom item intead of the normal one for a block. It is also possible you might just be able to register the item renderer to your blockitem if you can get the name right.
  3. I'm not sure from reading this, excactly what you are doing. If you really want a seperate entity, just set it to have no BB and each tick, have it set its position to yoru target player. Teleporting is goign to be a bit painfull. If you could describe why you want this, it would make it easier to offer you alternatives or help.
  4. I don't see anything highlighted. What is it telling you when it crashes?
  5. Anybody know why rotationYaw refers to the head during this point in time. Maybe I misunderstood, but I though it refereed to the body and rotationYawHead refered to the head.
  6. Thanks!
  7. I'm trying two different ways to render an extra item and both work. One is replacing playerrender and the other is using the forge event. The problem that i'm having is I can't for the life of me figure out what the body rotation is on the player. Yaw doesn't work, none of the model subparts for the body seem to be populated. Anybody found a solution to the right variable?
  8. Look at a thread I posted a few days ago. Between what Jabelar and I talked about, you should find everything you need.
  9. The following is the relevant code where Slots are rendered. That does not look like to me it is using whatever texture you input. It is using the default minecraft items.png file. Do you see it differently?
  10. I found that, but if you trace out the GUI, when it gets that icon from slot, it will only use the standard Minecraft texturemap. I don't see a way to point it at anything new. I got this to work for the normal helmet, chest ect. I'm looking to do the same thing with a peice of custom armor. It won't utilize anything but the standard 4. Is this making sense?
  11. I'm trying to figure out how to assign an empty slot of a container with a texture. It looks like Forge added some stuff to the Slot to have the ability, but when I look at the GUI Container code that would utilize it, doesn't seem like it will work. Anyone have any experience around this?
  12. Thanks, it was the line if (npc_spawner_tile != null) { Forgot to remove that when i copied it out of another spot.
  13. Well crud, it is getting to null. added another print statement.
  14. I probably didn't explain enough I am sending a packet to the server with a keybinder. It works, I'm tracking it with a print. It causes the serversideGUI call to happen (the systemprint shows it), but the client one never happens. I'm not sure about your null comment. That only happens if there isn't a ID specified, and in this case I specified 3.
  15. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong that is very obvious but I can't see it. I put a print command on both sides of my GUIHandler and when I tell the server to open the GUI, its not communicating with the client. I can of course force the client side to open, but then they don't talk and wierd stuff happens. GUIHandler (#3 is the one of interest) Main class - well the relevant parts Called on serverside to open the GUI
  16. delpi

    Two GUI's

    I wanted to add some custom slots, but instead of disturbing the original inventory GUI, I was going to pop mine up on the side at the same time. As I looked at it, I had my doubts it was possible. What do you mean by multiple inventories? You mean one GUI representing multiple inventories or something else?
  17. delpi

    Two GUI's

    Has anyone attempted to open two GUI's at the same time? Specifically, two inventory GUI's at the same time.
  18. If he just wants smoke particles out of block, that could be done without a tilentity.
  19. I've got some protection blocks setup. If you want this to be a very common block, it could be a bad idea, but assuming it is not a world populate block, just create a Tileentity. Then set it up to search every so many ticks for entities around it that meet your criteria, and do whatever.
  20. Look up examples of EntityFX tutorials. The EntityFX will be your custom particle. It will only reside on the client. What I have done is create a packet class, where my server can say where to generate a particle. You specifcy a name, location, motion. I suggest only sending the particle to the world of interest. You could try area around, but I stuck with world. On the client side, it takes that and if the name is for one of my customFX particles, it generates it for the clients. If it is a minecraft basic, it generates it as well. This has served me well in my mods.
  21. So far just keeping track of the order seems to be working. It means I put the convertToChild all together at the end. Not that bad.
  22. Got a workaround. Your base parent can't be rotated or the child doesn't position right. I created some dummy parts that were not rotated with dimensions of 0,0,0 and it fixed it. Next issue is order that the convertToChild is run. For example, if headb is a child of head is a child of neckbase. You have to run convert on headb before you run it on head or it has already subracted the angles and positions and things get weird. Any ideas?
  23. Hit a snag. If your parent is rotated, things seem to get weird with the child setup.
  24. I'm going to keep messing with it. Learning a lot which will help with some future ideas I have. When I get home tonight, I'll play with the model and Tecne more. After that, I'll post th code. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate you taking a look at it and seeing if anything else jumps out at you.
  25. I'm using it as well and haven't noticed any issues. My server reboots only once a day and my kids play for way to long during the summer. Unless it is an extremely small memory leak, I think it would have caused issues by now.
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