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Everything posted by delpi

  1. I wouldn't name a class 'Items'. change it to MyItems and make sure nothing that should point to Items magically changed to MyItems. I'm betting you have a reference wrong.
  2. I get it now, I totaly misunderstood. That is how many entity classes can exists. I thought you were talking about how many spawned entities in a world. I was getting worried something I was working on was doomed.
  3. For the Gamma Question, you can change gamesettings on the client side. In this case you need to pay attention to what their GAMMA was before you change it so you can change it back after they leave your dimension where you want it darker. I usually track this with a TICK event. A GAMMA of -0.5 makes it pretty challenging.
  4. is that 256 entities per world, dimension, chunk?
  5. There is nothing unreliable about how I did it. Works very well, but I am interested in your method, it is easier.
  6. You are going to need your own worldgen and biome for that to work.
  7. Sometimes setting mothion doesn't work right. Have you looked at the knockback code?
  8. Does setting that keep the light levels and everything constant? I have an always night dimension but had to do it in an odd way. Created a custom skyrender and set the dimension to have no sky which gave a skylight level of zero. Also adjust the gamma down on client when in that dimension. Makes it downright evil.
  9. I don't see where you are setting your value. DataWatcher#updateObject(id, newValue) from previous post. not sure the exact syntax and I don't have my code handy right now. You need to set this value initially with a random.
  10. It depends. Do you want he mob to look different on each client or would you like each client to see the same thing? If its the first, then skip the datawatcher. If its the 2nd, how do you think Joe Smith's PC's client is going to see Betty Joe's PC's client information? Each one will have a different random texture. One will say "Look a creeper" and the other will see an enderman or somethign else. What they are describing to you is how to sync them all up. The datawatcher is the easiest. You could do it with a custom packet system, but I wouldn't suggest it. SanAndreasP, any suggestions on safe # ranges for datawatchers. I'm always worried I'm going to grab something used elsewhere. so far above 16 seems safe.
  11. I'll try later to read your code and see if anything looks odd, but to answer your immediate question. In your main mod file, you created an item and it has a variable associated with it. For example
  12. Piz, this isn't the easiest one to cut your teeth on. Course the only way to learn is to try.
  13. I'll try it, but I think it is the same issue. Needs to be loaded.
  14. I gave you the long version below, but the short version is I think you are missing "config.load();" after you say "config = new Configuration(file);". Need something like this in your commonproxy Something like this in your config file Compare with yours and see what to change.
  15. That worked. The problem now is determining if the Enderdragon exists. Easy to do if the relevant chunk is loaded, not sure how to if not. I could just check for a player to be present, do a scan to see if dragon is alive, then delete the world when it is devoid of players (probably best on next reboot). This could cause issues if player isn't near enough to load the chunk. Unlikely, but someone could have built a walkway. Anyone know of a way to determine if the Enderdragon is there without its chunk being loaded?
  16. This post has some helpful stuff in it. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=9700.0 They do not appear to have solved it. This is what I would try. Extend the vanilla fishing pole and do nothing to it other than having your own theIcon variable and to override onitemRightClick to spawn your very own custom EntityHook. Create your own custome entity extending EntityHook. This will be more tricky. It has a lot of private values, some of which you need to adjust. You will need to create your own and adjust them. Onupdate, func_146033 appear to be the two methods you need to customize. Get it working exactly like the vanilla one first. Then customize it.
  17. Wow, I really messed that up. Changing it per your suggestions and fixes. Thank you, I've been looking at this for days and only seeing what I thought should be there. A little history on it was that I started out with the read/write entity methods but changed in effort to get the name to the client. I eventually used a datawatcher instead but never changed this back. A couple questions: Why the entity method verses the base one? Had some experiences with it or does it not call get consistently? In a setup like this, how could putting the super at beginning or end mess it up other than if I used the same variables in there? But then that would mess up something either way. This looks better?
  18. I'll dig some up. That is what I was looking for was what part to grab. In grabbing the code, I think I see it. Got trigger happy with the copy paste. I'll delete the write from this and i bet it fixes it.
  19. Sorry for the slow response. I occasionally have the issue you are describing. I haven't been able to figure out why. Its pretty dang annoying. There is probably a packet to the client that isn't happening right with how we are doing this. I'll look around a bit tonight and see if I spot anything.
  20. I'll do that. I already have the code build trolling for players in dimensions that would cause problems. I search offline players to move them to a safe dimension if the dimension no longer exists, ect. This would be simpler since just need to look for live players. Thanks for the help. I'll work on it tonight and post how it went.
  21. Hate to bump this again, but I can't figure it out and I can't find anything searching like it.
  22. The following snipet is inside of a command call. But this won't help you that much. As I said before, I've got system tracking things for each world, such as where i want to spawn in from a teleport to it. You will either need to do that or just specify a constant. If you do that, you will need to search based upon x,z what the topmost y is each time.
  23. Name of things from my mod. you will want to get rid of them and put in your own references.
  24. I searched through the code and I'm having trouble finding where the hardcore mode locks or deletes a world. Anyone found it before?
  25. Just create a custom Teleport class and use it. Here is a simple version i did for something. You just need to change out the method associated with location destination. I don't have it in this version, but you also want to set the player's fall distance to zero when setting the motion.
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