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Posts posted by sequituri

  1. See? Basic java folks.


    This is the reason there are java naming conventions. People who code in java need to learn the basics: For one thing you have a variable "Coal_Pile" with the exact same name as a class "Coal_Pile". This is always a nono.


    • You never name variable and fields starting with uppercase!
    • Start class and enum names with uppercase.
    • Don't use underscores "_" in anything except ALL_UPPERCASE or all_lowercase names.
    • Don't use ALL_UPPERCASE for anything except manifest constants i.e. 'static final'
    • Almost never use all_lowercase, learn camel-case.
    • All non-constant variable and fields start with a lowercased letter (so they are not confused with Class names.

    Camel case uses worldAnotherAndAnother or WordHereToo for example.


  2. This may be a case of client/server synchronization. I believe TileEntity is considered a server object, and it is synced when the GUI is open by the gui code. However, if you have no way of telling the client that the TE has changed (cooktime on the server), you may need to try a start_rotating and stop_rotating packet (from server to client). I'm just guessing here, but I'd make a breakpoint at the place where you change the model instance and see what the TE says.

  3. The TESR is a rendering method that involves calling it every frame that is rendered. Your TE object data in not available most of the time the renderer is running because it would be ridiculously slow to try and load and save the TE data every screen frame. Can you imagine, writeToNBT and readFromNBT becing called and sent back and forth to the server every single screen refresh?????


    Nope, not gonna happen. That is why the facing and position of a block is stored in the block -- metadata is the key. metadata is always there and accurate. NBT data for a TE is only guaranteed to be accurate when someone is using the TE.

  4. Wow! How refreshing to find someone who is at least interested in testing prior to deployment. Unfortunately, I've had the same problem. As a result, I have just decided that integration testing was the only alternative. Unit testing would be doable, if and only if the Minecraft and ForgeModLoad code was writable and substitutable in the test environment, which it seems not to be.

  5. You did not read well,  I said RenderPlayerEvent.Specials.Pre , not the one you substituted.


    Are you wanting to stop rendering the arrows? Because, that is not so easy. But why? Just render your spears and ignore the arrows.

  6. Off topic here just a bit... But, personally I would quit such a survival server immediately if it screwed with my DEBUG. I want to see things like my frame rate and chunk load times and may other useful things in the event of trouble. However, you might find some hardcore MC players who don't care or don't know about debug who may play.

  7. I've several custom blocks that use the textures from the game. So if you load a resource pack, they also use those textures.

    The problem that I'm facing now is when they try to use a animated texture. The renderer resizes the texture and applies it to the block, like so:


    Animated textures load as an animation time strip. If you want to keep the animation, the use the size of just the frame and allow it to tick.  Either way, use the single frame size, not the strip size.

  8. Look at the event RenderPlayerEvent.Specials.Pre


    This is fired in RenderPlay#renderEquippedItems - render all your spears in that event if there are any.


    Also, look at RendererLivingEntity#RenderArrowsStuckInEntity(...) for ideas on how to render your spears in entity.

  9. getSideIcon is not a method in block or BlockFire. Why would expect to implement a nonexistent method? Did you mean GetIcon(side,meta) or GetFireIcon(index)?


    Let me speak plainer Ingrish, @Override is used for methods you are wanting/expecting/desiring/needing to override. There is nothing that says you cannot implement your own private or public methods in your extended class.

  10. Hey guy, those two classes you posted are not even in your crash log as suspects. This is your error location:



    Notice the error occurs at line # 305 in your micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.GCCoreConfigManager class, in the method setDefaultValue.


    Without that code, I can't help you.

  11. Protip: If you also supply --password it will attempt to log you in, thus allowing you to connect to live servers at dev time. Useful for debugging hard to replicate issues :P


    Odd, for me this doesn't work. My client fails to connect and I get this in my console:

    [18:32:24] [main/INFO]: Launching wrapped minecraft {net.minecraft.client.main.Main}
    [18:32:25] [main/INFO]: Setting user: <myusername>
    Completely ignored arguments: [--password, <mypassword>]


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