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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. What do you think this line in the error log mean? java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: mypackage.client.ClientProxy
  2. if (player.worldObj.isRemote) return; if(player.getCurrentEquippedItem() != null && player.getCurrentEquippedItem().itemID == Base.tankEmpty.itemID && event.action == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR) {
  3. Hello! I'm trying a bit of a crazy project here. My final plan involves rendering an area of a world from inside a GUI. Now I'm only in the experimentation phase and what I'm trying to do at the moment is simply shift the players view to that location when he opens the GUI. Now I do this by using the following code when the GUI is opened: EntityLivingBase e; e = new EntityOtherPlayerMP(mc.theWorld, "Cam"); e.posX = mc.thePlayer.posX; e.posY = mc.thePlayer.posY + 2; e.posZ = mc.thePlayer.posZ; mc.renderViewEntity = e; Now I just set a value just above the player so I would be able to check if it works without worrying about chunks loading and so on. The problem is that it seems to bounce back and forth between rendering what the new renderViewEntity sees and what the player is seeing. I figured maybe it's getting called to reset it to the player but it doesn't seem like it, and besides since the player is only opening the GUI once it shouldn't jump back and forth?
  4. Choose the same thing you choose when you run the mod inside eclipse. Usually Client or whatever And please don't PM me asking me to reply to a post, I will reply once I have the time anyways..
  5. If by coremod you mean the type which can use ASM and shit then the above is what you want. If by core mod you want a mod which is the parent of your other mods (like Buildcraft-core is for buildcraft energy) then you want to create each submod listing the core-mod's modid in the @Mod's dependency= statement.
  6. Google is such a nice thing for learning basic programming: www.vogella.com/articles/EclipseDebugging/article.html
  7. All rendering in minecraft is done using oGL via lwjgl Just look at the methods for rendering your items in ItemRender file, GL11.glTranslate GL11.glPush etc.
  8. Well it really depends on what animations you need, how big and advance are they. Simple animations could probably be done with 1 texture and just code to change how it's rendered or to draw small additions.
  9. Start by getting into how it renders an item and how that works. Play around with the openGL methods and see what you can do. Animation is just changing what's drawn there. Depending on what you want to do it may involve simply moving the item or maybe changing between textures
  10. Okay well this is a link, but not to a tutorial per say. It's a blog by TGG which details his findings as he explore the minecraft code. It's a very simple yet detailed explanation of how minecraft works, or well at least the parts which are covered. http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.com.au/p/list-of-topics.html Rendering of items are covered, in all the various forms they are rendered. I do understand that you don't want a tutorial, the above is a place of reference I use quite often and as you know Java I'm quite sure you will find it mega useful. Minecraft does some weird stuff, this will help you understand some of them
  11. If I add a copper ore in my mod, with 2 ores per chunk, then RP2 adds copper with 3 ores per chunk. Assuming we both use the ore dictionary how would this affect the rarity? As I understand the dictionary it makes one able to for example use RP2's copper ore instead of my copper to create items added by my mod. But how does this affect the rarity of the ore? As I've been told it does not affect generation meaning that the ground will generate 5 copper ores per chunk (2 from my mod, and 3 from RP2), and not stack them together to something like 2.5 ores per chunk? Is this correct?
  12. Welcome to the world of programming, facepalm's are quite frequent when debugging, but hey that's the life of a programmer
  13. Use the bult in debugging tools and println calls to figure out which values the x, y, z's are set too, I'm guessing its not getting the correct coords
  14. When do you bind the texture? Right before you do the render call, or does it happen to be after it? Would be easy to clear up this if we could see the rendering file
  15. What is meant for you above is that the correct way which I couldn't recall while at work was this: ResourceLocation texture = new ResourceLocation("modid", "textures/block/MYTEXTURE.png"); Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine.bindTexture(texture ).
  16. From memory I think it's like this: GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, mc.renderEngine.getTexture(texture)); With texture being a ResourceLocation
  17. You bind texture with gl11 just like you would for any gui or other bind texture call. A gui texture 1.6 google search should give you the code line as I cant recall it atm.
  18. Crash reports in spoiler tags as well please Or for easy of reading and of posting use: paste.minecraftforge.net 2013-10-10 19:14:40 [sTDOUT] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 2013-10-10 19:14:40 [sTDOUT] at worldiswar28.Domarne.RODItemSword.<init>(RODItemSword.java:28) 2013-10-10 19:14:40 [sTDOUT] at worldiswar28.Domarne.RODMod.<clinit>(RODMod.java:77) Your problem is on line 28 of RODItemSword, something is null at the time
  19. Heres some info on blocks which also mentions TE's and Metadata. http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.com.au/2013/07/blocks.html Btw that blog is one of the most awesome resources written on the inner workings of minecraft! Now that being said, you would have to store whatever you want to store inside the TileEntity ang get it from the TE when it's time to do so. For me it sounds like you will need a custom renderer for your TE, either a TESR or an ISBRH. Tutorials for Both can be found on the forge wiki. I recommend the TESR(Tile Entity Special Renderer), there you grab the TileEntity and get the texture from it. You should be able to find the tutorial on get your block to render normaly using an TESR, then adjust it to get the texture from a field inside the TileEntity. If you are unable to do so, then I would suggest that you look into how TileEntities work by looking into exisitng TileEntities and articles about them. Also reading more up on OOP may be of use.
  20. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1886370-forge16x-mazs-tutorials-custom-sounds-fluids190713/ A bit into the fluid tutorial it speaks of bukkits. Sorry I'm to lazy today to copy paste
  21. That's impossible mate. But what you could do is create a new tileEntityA which in it's update method checks the Xcoord and then repalces its self with either TileEntityB or TileEntityC ((TE's get their positions set during their construction))
  22. Without a TileEntity then you can't. Unless you store a reference to every block placed in a list etc. But then a TE is what you would want You really can't store ANYTHING inside a block except for metadata. If you need to store more than that then you need a TE. For a full explanation as to why see: http://greyminecraftcoder.blogspot.com.au/2013/07/blocks.html
  23. Lol draco, I'm giving you cred++; just for the signature you have on MCF there, nice one
  24. Not entirely correct FML is the Forge version of ML (Mod Loader), it has still compatibility with ModLoader mods to some degree but that may vanish with 1.7 due to the way ML is updated (late and poorly in my opinion but whatever). FML does do everything ModLoader does, but it does so without base edits. FML is the one responsible for finding @Mod files and making them into mod containers and load the mod. The @Mod annotation, the Sidedproxy and Intialization events are all parts of FML. As for the differences between forge and FML, well according to their github repo FML is "The Forge Mod Loader - an opensource replacement mod loader for minecraft" While Forge is "Modifications to the Minecraft base files to assist in compatibility between mods." More detailed explenation than that and I'd want to wait for Goto or Diesieben to reply
  25. The simplest way to look at the proxies are like this: If on the server side, only the CommonProxy is called. If on the Client side, the ClientProxy is called instead of the CommonProxy. The ClientProxy may and usually do make calls to CommonProxy. It's just a simple way to get a file where you safely can do all client only stuff without worrying about the server reading it. You can of course do this without using proxy files it's just more convenient to use them.
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