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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Mazetar

  1. If it's untextured I would look at the getIcon and registerIcon methods Remember that you are free to create your own Icon variables and register a top an bottom doir texture, then by metadata decide which to return in the geticon. I suggest you look at how the door blocks metadata is used
  2. The reply to your linked post seems to be the correct answer mate
  3. extend the regular door block and the regular item and tweak it as need be. As you would for anything else which already exist in vanilla?
  4. Can't you spawn a fake entity and teleport it to the dimension? Since you have the dimension ID you should be able to do that. You will probably have to have some "camera" entity or whatever there anyways to project the view, so it might work?
  5. Check the thread Lex made in the releases section, that should give you and idea about what's coming Exciting times!
  6. Networking code is being completely re-worked so I would have waited for 1.7 to hit
  7. Nether? Well re-read my response again then... And if you are doing your own dimension then create your own chunk provider, jobs done.
  8. You could add events to base classes using ASM though, but by the question you are asking I guess ASM is out of the question If you see the need for a new forge event and have a suggestion on how it could be implemented in code then feel free to discuss it on this forum or do a PR if you know your way around that kind of thing
  9. Actually you can't remove the stone unless you are working with your own dimension or well at least your own chunk provider. The reason for this is that the world is first generated purely with stone. Then later it replaces stone with whatever is the top and filler blocks of that biome.
  10. First learn how to do something on a keypress, there's a tutorial for that over at the minecraft forums. Also learn how to work with packets, since Input is client side, while setting a block must be done on the server side (it can be done on both sides, but it MUST be done on the server in order to affect the world as the server is the boss of everything ) Then you can do on key pressed -> packet to server -> packet handled on server side -> do the setBlock. For your original question, I doubt it's possible to guarantee that it happens last during the world gen. But if you do it during the 4th stage it would be small chances of it getting overwritten by something else. Is this a block which only needs to be generated once during the very start of the game, near spawn for example?
  11. If you use it during world gen, then it will most of the time not be removed by other stuff. If your mod is the only one being used then it's quite unlikely that your shit will be touched
  12. Vswe's courses are the best alternative if you insist on going the youtube tutorials way.
  13. You could use the terrain gen events and do it in the last step of the generation? I dunno what it would be tbh, but hey have you actually tested just using the world generator? It does happen after the caves and shit. Alternatively I guess you could perhaps use the BiomeDectorator? Why does it need to be last? For most cases the world generation method which is used for custom structures by many mods should suffice:)
  14. You can do setBlock whenever you have access to the world object, and some position you want to place it. If you don't want it during world gen, then the better question is when do you want it? Also all Entities have a worldObj field for the world they are currently in, this includes the player. So you have access to a reference to a world most of the time When a player uses an item for example, you know the player, so you know the world hes in.
  15. Looking at the blog again, yeah it dosen't clearly state that IDs are gone, only that you will now use names for /give block and other commands. Anyways IDs are finaly gone. For a forge user and non-modder this just means that the update will take a while but also that there won't be anymore stupid id block conflicts to solve
  16. I'd guess looping on the x then z axis looking at each block by using the world.getTopSolidOrLiquidBlock method (name may be different, taken from memory)
  17. No you can name the mcp folder wtf ever you want. I leave it as mcp.. It dosen't matter. You open workspace to the eclipse folder inside the mcp folder. Once there you create a new project, and add Minecraft project as a dependency in it's build path. If you are familiar with eclipse this should make sense to you, else you will have to google that part
  18. CS106A Programming Methodology on the Stanford webpages is where I would have started Followed by the forge modding courses by Vswe @ courses.vswe.se Also google.com is a valuable tool in finding simple things such as tutorials which are made '
  19. Look into Minecraft.renderViewEntity
  20. You will need to let it finish Let it work until it's done!
  21. Didn't you read the readme file along with the src? Look at the files again.
  22. Check that the package name to your clientProxy is the same as what you said in the @SidedProxy annotation
  23. Actually they just hired Searge from the MCP team, hes moving to Sweeden in the spring to start working there Anyways I'm looking forward to the 1.7 update, this will make for a big improvement for us modders! I can't wait to dig into the new systems
  24. Have you checked the methods in EntityLivingBase? :=P
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