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Posts posted by Animefan8888

  1. 1 hour ago, me1 said:
    for (int i = 0; i < ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.getValues().size(); ++i) {
    	for (Biome biomeCan : ((OreType) oreType).biomes)
    		if (ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.getValues().contains(biomeCan)) {
    			OreType ore = (OreType) oreType;
    			ConfiguredPlacement placement = Placement.COUNT_RANGE.configure(ore.countRangeConfig);
    			((Biome)ForgeRegistries.BIOMES.getValues().toArray()[i]).addFeature(GenerationStage.Decoration.UNDERGROUND_ORES, Feature.ORE.withConfiguration(new OreFeatureConfig(ore.fillerBlockType, ore.ore, ore.size)).withPlacement(placement));


    What are you trying to do here?

    You iterate every biome for the oreType for every biome in the game.

    News flash



    This is not the biome that you want to add it to. Right now your code will try to add it to every biome.


    1 hour ago, me1 said:


    This is not the correct event to do this in. You should be doing this in the FMLCommonSetupEvent.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Cobiy said:

    1. Run the following command: "gradlew genEclipseRuns" (./gradlew genEclipseRuns if you are on Mac/Linux)

    There is another command gradlew eclipse. However you opened the project as a gradle project as such I'm not sure how necessary it is. I always
    gradlew eclipse
    gradlew genEclipseRuns

    Import Project as a Java Project.

  3. 16 minutes ago, ultra_reemun said:

    Oh I see. Do you know how I'd go about checking if it was a subclass of Pickaxeitem? That would at least give me compatability with a couple mods, aswell as all the vanilla ones.


    Thank you for all your help today! :)

    You could also do.

    // Which returns a Set<ToolType>

    Check if the Item::getToolTypes contains ToolType.PICKAXE.
    Generally all Pickaxe Items even ones that do not extend PickaxeItem will have ToolType.PICKAXE in their tool types.

    • Like 2
  4. 5 hours ago, MisterSirCode said:

    Is there a newer way to allow a "TRANSPARENT" renderType on a single glass element inside a model, while keeping the "CUTOUT" or "SOLID" portions of the rest of the model. Using transparent rendertype on solid materials gives nasty render errors and bad results.

    When you call RenderTypeLookup.setRenderLayer which takes a predicate. I'm not sure exactly what this is used for but you can allow for multiple render types. Have you tried using the translucent render type. What happens when you just use that one.

  5. Just now, pwazconvoid said:

    mod examplemod resources at E:\examplemod\forge-1.12.2-mdk\out\production\forge-1.12.2-

    1.12.2 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. For more information read the LTS at the top of the page.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Babelincoln1809 said:

    but what I'm actually getting is nothing.

    The vanilla shield actually has two model files that it uses. minecraft:item/shield.json and minecraft:item/shield_blocking.json. You need to use the ItemOverrider you have in the constructor to tell it to point to the second model.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Babelincoln1809 said:

    This is the custom shield code, it's basically a copy of the actual shield code but got rid of the stuff for dye and banners.

    You need to override IForgeItem::isShield to return true. And I'll need more information to help you with the animation. What exactly is happening versus what you expect to happen.

  8. 1 minute ago, VulpixUsedEmber said:

    how do they manage to support modding 1.12.2?

    People who don't want to move onto the newer versions because all the big mods have yet to be updated. Similar to you except they have been doing it for a while. It's the same for 1.8.9. A decent portion of the community that didn't like the combat update refuses to update and people still make mods for 1.8.9 they don't get support here.

  9. 1 minute ago, Shelk said:

    It says if you come for help with other versions, you can't. But 1.12 is not in the other versions

    It specifically says 1.12 is no longer supported. It says this to make it clear. "Other Versions" means not the latest and the one immediately before the latest in this case.

  10. 3 minutes ago, VulpixUsedEmber said:

    I just don't get why that existing knowledge is being taken away from public sources.

    It's really not. It's just not supported on this forum anymore. There are other forums where you can go for modding help.


    4 minutes ago, VulpixUsedEmber said:

    Make a forum rule to tag your version, etc.

    Yes because everyone reads the rules or the appropriate information before posting on a forum. Also how would you enforce that? Would you have a warning system? Just make more work for the very few mods that this forum has?


    4 minutes ago, VulpixUsedEmber said:

    I'd imagine someone capable of confidently answering any modding question would have a pretty good idea what works in what versions, especially when the version I'm asking about:

    Sure you can say this is true, but imagine not touching a large code base like Minecraft/Minecraft Forge(specifically pre 1.14) for a few months perhaps years in the cases of 1.8.9 then being asked a question about those versions? Honestly my answer may be a bit spotty. And I may lead you in the absolute wrong direction.

  11. 5 minutes ago, VulpixUsedEmber said:

    Would anyone be able to update a list of about 100 mods from different authors from 1.12.2

    I doubt anyone would want to. Why not wait for their creators to update them.

    6 minutes ago, VulpixUsedEmber said:

    to a version this forum hasn't obsolesced the knowledge about?

    It's not that the version has become obsolete. It just can you imagine having to support 10 different versions of a codebase that has been heavily modified over each version? Like if there is a bug found in Minecraft 1.15.2 at this point do you think Mojang is going to release 1.15.3 in order to fix that bug or just fix it in 1.16+ when it comes out?


    Also you can easily find many resources for 1.12.2 out there as it was the primary version for Minecraft Forge for a long time.

    Or even outside of Minecraft would you expect Microsoft to offer support for older versions of Windows like Windows XP even though they have explicitly discontinued support for it.

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