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Posts posted by Animefan8888

  1. 4 minutes ago, Drachenbauer said:

    I made such a class and registered it this way, but minecraft still uses the old one...


    Now i think, if i register my own varialts of the blockitems in the old registrynames and attach them to the new blocks, maybe i can place the new blocks, but the ond ones still will be there in the world, if placed before using the mod......

    No if your override the registry it will be yours that are placed.


    Also you won't need to register your own ItemBlocks.

  2. 4 minutes ago, saoj12 said:

    I am now calling registerEntityRenderingHandler in the doClientStuff method of my main class because someone said that's where I should put it since the rendering is done clientside.

    This is correct.

    4 minutes ago, saoj12 said:

    but then when i try and spawn the mob in-game I get an error message in the chat log

    Post the error.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Drachenbauer said:

    Do you mean registering all of theese blocks the same way as i registered the particles?

    with "linecraft" at the end of tho upper line and their original names in ther individual lines?

    Yes and you will need to make a class for each of them that extends their current class and only overrides the methods that spawn the particles.

  4. 23 minutes ago, ultra_reemun said:

    Thank you for your quick reply @Animefan8888! I am trying to keep experience displayed and render my HUD over the top of it as it is a cooldown meter that is only shown temporarily, is there any way I could adapt your code for this?

    Can you show a screenshot of two of what you have/mean? In general you should cancel the original and render your own only when the experience bar shouldn't be rendered to reduce some rendering calls.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Drachenbauer said:

    If i normally register stuff, it get´s the mod-is at the front of the registry name.

    How do i get "Minecraft" there?

    .setRegistryName(modid, registryName)


    setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(modid, registryName))


    setRegistryName(new ResourceLocation(modid:registryName))

    where modid is "minecraft"

  6. 1 hour ago, TrqpzDevelopment said:

    I'm new in forge and I'm programming a mod that mades the player breaking down blocks and it works if my minecraft is opened, but I want the mod doing this if minecraft is minimized too. 

    Does the pause screen come up when you minimize Minecraft if so just use the F3 settings to turn off pause opening when Minecraft loses focus.

  7. 14 hours ago, Kiljaeden053 said:

    Ahh ok. How about hitboxes having child hitboxes? 

    Minecraft uses a single AABB as collision boxes for a single Entity. I suppose you could do a calculation inside Entity::getCollisionBox based on the entity it is asking about. Like return the closest AABB to the entity passed in.


    Or definitely do what Alpvax said and check out the EnderDragon code.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Drachenbauer said:

    in some videos i saw, that with optifine, it´s possible to use a gradient png (16 pix x 1 pix) for this.

    But Optifine for 1.15 is still not finished.

    The progress-report page shows now 95% for more than a month.

    Optifine probably does exactly what I said, but instead uses a file to determine the colors instead of raw code.

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