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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. pink_sword.json That is incorrect. item/pinkguy_block.json That needs to be block. Pay attention to your spelling also check your console for errors. Whenever these is a texture/model problem there is always an error in the console.
  2. This is true. A Chunk capability or World capability.
  3. Well now you know that BlockStates are singletons.
  4. It makes every blockstate value at startup. 2,000,000,000 is way too many. That's 4,000,000,000 block states for blocks that dont have other properties. Imagine redstone. Also this wont work in 1.14 so you'd be better off with a chunk capability that stores an integer for every block position.
  5. When you apply this and the boolean value do you have any idea how many IBlockState values are created?
  6. Because you are creating a new CompoundNBT and loading your data from there instead of using the INBT instance you are provided. Cast it to a CompoundNBT.
  7. You'll need to have a custom IRecipeSerializer(1.14) make sure to register it via the forge registry system.
  8. Animefan8888


    Do not interact with OpenGL directly like that. Don't use GL11 use GLStateManager. Also please use the Tesselator.
  9. What would it be used for then if not making data persist across death, and what event would you use for making data persist across death because there is no way to use PlayerRespawnEvent to do so.
  10. You need to make the data persist through player death. This can be done using the PlayerEvent.Clone(I think is the name, I know Clone is a part of it).
  11. You're making it a new array every time that method is called therefore it is never the "previous" inventory. It is always an "empty" inventory. You only need to initialize it once. You also need to make sure that none of the values are null, but instead ItemStack.EMPTY.
  12. It's meant to represent the player's inventory right? Then you should initialize it to have the same size as the inventory. If his mod worked at all then he must have done it at some point.
  13. For the love of god no...go back to using an array. You need to initialize your array. If you don't know how to do that please look it up. It's very basic Java and many other languages.
  14. Please make this lowercase and post the console output there must be an error in it.
  15. Here is what you should do instead. Set the multiplier to 0. Check if the world is on the server (isRemote is false). Then modify the velocity/motion. Then do living.velocityChanged = true.
  16. setBlockState(state.with(integerProp, state.get() + 1)) // then setBlockState(state.with(booleanProp, false)) // is not the same as setBlockState(state.with(integerProp, state.get() + 1).with(booleanProp, false) Does that make sense?
  17. state.with(state.get(...)+1)
  18. No. I need to see the current state of your code.
  19. I believe that is wrong...cant you just have two models per color/whatever(16). And then an extra one that's empty. Then an extra one that is empty to apply when it is false. Which comes to 16x2+1=33 which is a lot, but you can just parent the glass pane model and change the texture.
  20. No...The problem is that it is null you never give them any value. You need to give them a value. They dont automatically have a size/length.
  21. Also this will always most of the time be true. Use ItemStack#areItemStacksEqual or similar method name.
  22. Do you ever give your previous or now fields a value or do you assume that they automatically have the size you want?
  23. Hmm it crashed...why did it crash? If only it told us...
  24. It would be easier to just store a boolean called hasSpawned.
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