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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No when it says instance there it doesn't mean your mods modid, it means an instance of your main mod class which you get from putting @Instance(MODID) public static MAINMODCLASS instance; in your Main mod class.
  2. No need for the caps. When it says instance it means @Instance(MODID) public static MAINMODCLASS instance;
  3. What is Ref.MODID? It is asking for the mods instance.
  4. Is there anything in the log. His Entity extends EntityMob
  5. Did you register this Entity? Also you should try to debug these issues yourself instead of coming straight to the forum.
  6. That is fine, though I'm not sure if Diesieben will lock it or not (I can't do that). Though I will tell you that it will be unlikely that someone can answer your problem without your Error log.
  7. There isn't one. As he said there is no reason to not update. Please update. It has been said that 1.7.10 is no longer supported.
  8. Well I have no Idea why that piece of code was needed, but I guess it was necessary. But that piece of code only makes it spawn at light levels 8 and lower. There was no need to change that I think do you want it to spawn at high light levels or low light levels like mobs? If so that was fine, but since you want it to only spawn underground you need to add worldObj.canBlockSeeSky(blockPos) to the getCanSpawnHere() method
  9. What is with this.rand.nextInt(32) You should also check to see if the entities pos can see sunlight using worldObj.canBlockSeeSky(blockPos)
  10. Well as long as the class path extends EntityLiving you should be able to use getCanSpawnHere() and could you show me how you edited it.
  11. You mean your Entity is a passive entity?
  12. In your Entity class you need to override this method public boolean getCanSpawnHere() { return this.worldObj.getDifficulty() != EnumDifficulty.PEACEFUL && this.isValidLightLevel() && super.getCanSpawnHere(); } To add the entity to spawn just loop through all the biomes from BiomeGenBase use EntityRegistry.addSpawn()
  13. It is weird, but I think it may have something to do with this 1. Creates a new NBTTagCompound 2. The new NBTTagCompound is equal to tileEntity.writeToNBT(the new NBTTagCompound) 3. NBTTagCompound is saved to disk. I think that is how it works and don't know why they changed it. Diesieben or someone if you know why they changed it and/or how it works feel free to post or pm me about it.
  14. They changed the methods return type instead of void it's NBTTagCompound.
  15. Well since you copied them...I doubt you know what they do.... But now you need to make new Slot classes one for Output and one for FuelInput unless you are using the Normal Furnaces Fuel.
  16. Container Furnace and GuiFurnace Do not make them exact copies there need to be changes if you want to use your own custom recipes.
  17. { "parent": "block/orientable", "textures": { "top": "modid:blocks/texture_top", "front": "modid:blocks/texture_front_off", "side": "modid:blocks/texture_side" } }
  18. First a suggestion instead of public static void setState(boolean active, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { BlockMachine.setState(active, worldIn, pos, ModBlocks.FLUXGRINDERWORKING, ModBlocks.FLUXGRINDER); } Use public static void setState(boolean active, World worldIn, BlockPos pos) { super.setState(active, worldIn, pos, activeBlock, nonActiveBlock); } But back on topic did you look at the JSON aswell?
  19. So the problem you are having is that when you place it, it faces the complete opposite way?
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