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Everything posted by Briggybros

  1. With the naming, will it only apply for English(US), as I use English(UK) that was my only concern with that
  2. Hello, I'm new to this forum and to forge. I'm trying to port my mod onto forge whilst updating to 1.3.2. It's also the first time I've run the game from eclipse. Names: I'm trying to add names to my blocks and items, but when testing from eclipse the items and blocks have no names. I'm using the ModLoader.addName(obj, string); method. Is this a problem with testing in eclipse, 1.3.2 or is there a different way to do it with Forge? Generation I'm also trying to generate ores with my mod, and I'm using what I assume is ModLoaders generateSurface(). Is there a different way to do this in Forge again? or am I just a bad player because after two hours of looking I couldn't find anything. Code: Here is the code which contains both of these errors package info.mineverse.Willow; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.src.Block; import net.minecraft.src.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.src.EnumArmorMaterial; import net.minecraft.src.EnumToolMaterial; import net.minecraft.src.Item; import net.minecraft.src.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.src.ItemSword; import net.minecraft.src.Material; import net.minecraft.src.ModLoader; import net.minecraft.src.World; import net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable; import net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient; import net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient; import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumHelper; import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks; import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Init; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry; @Mod(modid = "Willow", name="Willow", version="0.1") @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false, versionBounds = "0.1") public class WillowBase { //gem ores public static Block oreAmethyst; public static Block oreRuby; public static Block oreAmber; public static Block oreOnyx; public static Block oreJade; public static Block oreIolite; public static Block oreSapphire; public static Block oreTopaz; //gem blocks public static Block blockAmethyst; public static Block blockRuby; public static Block blockAmber; public static Block blockOnyx; public static Block blockJade; public static Block blockIolite; public static Block blockSapphire; public static Block blockTopaz; //gems public static Item gemAmethyst; public static Item gemRuby; public static Item gemAmber; public static Item gemOnyx; public static Item gemJade; public static Item gemIolite; public static Item gemSapphire; public static Item gemTopaz; //enums // - tools static EnumToolMaterial enumAmethystTool = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Amethyst", 3, 1561, 8, 3, 10); static EnumToolMaterial enumRubyTool = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Ruby", 3, 1561, 8, 3, 10); static EnumToolMaterial enumAmberTool = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Amber", 3, 1561, 8, 3, 10); static EnumToolMaterial enumOnyxTool = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Onyx", 3, 1561, 8, 3, 10); static EnumToolMaterial enumJadeTool = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Jade", 3, 1561, 8, 3, 10); static EnumToolMaterial enumIoliteTool = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Iolite", 3, 1561, 8, 3, 10); static EnumToolMaterial enumSapphireTool = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Sapphire", 3, 1561, 8, 3, 10); static EnumToolMaterial enumTopazTool = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("Topaz", 3, 1561, 8, 3, 10); // - armour static EnumArmorMaterial enumAmethystArmour = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Amethyst", 33, new int[]{3, 8, 6, 3}, 10); static EnumArmorMaterial enumRubyArmour = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Ruby", 33, new int[]{3, 8, 6, 3}, 10); static EnumArmorMaterial enumAmberArmour = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Amber", 33, new int[]{3, 8, 6, 3}, 10); static EnumArmorMaterial enumOnyxArmour = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Onyx", 33, new int[]{3, 8, 6, 3}, 10); static EnumArmorMaterial enumJadeArmour = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Jade", 33, new int[]{3, 8, 6, 3}, 10); static EnumArmorMaterial enumIoliteArmour = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Iolite", 33, new int[]{3, 8, 6, 3}, 10); static EnumArmorMaterial enumSapphireArmour = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Sapphire", 33, new int[]{3, 8, 6, 3}, 10); static EnumArmorMaterial enumTopazArmour = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("Topaz", 33, new int[]{3, 8, 6, 3}, 10); //gem tools // - Amethyst public static Item swordAmethyst; public static Item pickaxeAmethyst; public static Item spadeAmethyst; public static Item axeAmethyst; public static Item hoeAmethyst; // - Ruby public static Item swordRuby; public static Item pickaxeRuby; public static Item spadeRuby; public static Item axeRuby; public static Item hoeRuby; // - Amber public static Item swordAmber; public static Item pickaxeAmber; public static Item spadeAmber; public static Item axeAmber; public static Item hoeAmber; // - Onyx public static Item swordOnyx; public static Item pickaxeOnyx; public static Item spadeOnyx; public static Item axeOnyx; public static Item hoeOnyx; // - Jade public static Item swordJade; public static Item pickaxeJade; public static Item spadeJade; public static Item axeJade; public static Item hoeJade; // - Iolite public static Item swordIolite; public static Item pickaxeIolite; public static Item spadeIolite; public static Item axeIolite; public static Item hoeIolite; // - Sapphire public static Item swordSapphire; public static Item pickaxeSapphire; public static Item spadeSapphire; public static Item axeSapphire; public static Item hoeSapphire; // - Topaz public static Item swordTopaz; public static Item pickaxeTopaz; public static Item spadeTopaz; public static Item axeTopaz; public static Item hoeTopaz; //gem armour // - Amethyst public static Item helmetAmethyst; public static Item chestplateAmethyst; public static Item leggingsAmethyst; public static Item bootsAmethyst; // - Ruby public static Item helmetRuby; public static Item chestplateRuby; public static Item leggingsRuby; public static Item bootsRuby; // - Amber public static Item helmetAmber; public static Item chestplateAmber; public static Item leggingsAmber; public static Item bootsAmber; // - Onyx public static Item helmetOnyx; public static Item chestplateOnyx; public static Item leggingsOnyx; public static Item bootsOnyx; // - Jade public static Item helmetJade; public static Item chestplateJade; public static Item leggingsJade; public static Item bootsJade; // - Iolite public static Item helmetIolite; public static Item chestplateIolite; public static Item leggingsIolite; public static Item bootsIolite; // - Sapphire public static Item helmetSapphire; public static Item chestplateSapphire; public static Item leggingsSapphire; public static Item bootsSapphire; // - Topaz public static Item helmetTopaz; public static Item chestplateTopaz; public static Item leggingsTopaz; public static Item bootsTopaz; @Init public void loadWillow(FMLInitializationEvent event) { //textures MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture("/Willow/Base/BlockGems.png"); MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture("/Willow/Base/ItemGems.png"); //gem ores GameRegistry.registerBlock(oreAmethyst); GameRegistry.registerBlock(oreRuby); GameRegistry.registerBlock(oreAmber); GameRegistry.registerBlock(oreOnyx); GameRegistry.registerBlock(oreJade); GameRegistry.registerBlock(oreIolite); GameRegistry.registerBlock(oreSapphire); GameRegistry.registerBlock(oreTopaz); ModLoader.addName(oreAmethyst, "Amethyst Ore"); ModLoader.addName(oreRuby, "Ruby Ore"); ModLoader.addName(oreAmber, "Amber Ore"); ModLoader.addName(oreOnyx, "Onyx Ore"); ModLoader.addName(oreJade, "Jade Ore"); ModLoader.addName(oreIolite, "Iolite Ore"); ModLoader.addName(oreSapphire, "Sapphire Ore"); ModLoader.addName(oreTopaz, "Topaz Ore"); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(oreAmethyst, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(oreRuby, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(oreAmber, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(oreOnyx, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(oreJade, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(oreIolite, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(oreSapphire, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(oreTopaz, "pickaxe", 2); //gem blocks GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockAmethyst); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockRuby); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockAmber); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockOnyx); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockJade); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockIolite); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockSapphire); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockTopaz); ModLoader.addName(blockAmethyst, "Amethyst Block"); ModLoader.addName(blockRuby, "Ruby Block"); ModLoader.addName(blockAmber, "Amber Block"); ModLoader.addName(blockOnyx, "Onyx Block"); ModLoader.addName(blockJade, "Jade Block"); ModLoader.addName(blockIolite, "Iolite Block"); ModLoader.addName(blockSapphire, "Sapphire Block"); ModLoader.addName(blockTopaz, "Topaz Block"); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(blockAmethyst, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(blockRuby, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(blockAmber, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(blockOnyx, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(blockJade, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(blockIolite, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(blockSapphire, "pickaxe", 2); MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel(blockTopaz, "pickaxe", 2); //gems ModLoader.addName(gemAmethyst, "Amethyst"); ModLoader.addName(gemRuby, "Ruby"); ModLoader.addName(gemAmber, "Amber"); ModLoader.addName(gemOnyx, "Onyx"); ModLoader.addName(gemJade, "Jade"); ModLoader.addName(gemIolite, "Iolite"); ModLoader.addName(gemSapphire, "Sapphire"); ModLoader.addName(gemTopaz, "Topaz"); //gem tools // - Amethyst ModLoader.addName(swordAmethyst, "Amethyst Sword"); ModLoader.addName(pickaxeAmethyst, "Amethyst Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(spadeAmethyst, "Amethyst Spade"); ModLoader.addName(axeAmethyst, "Amethyst Axe"); ModLoader.addName(hoeAmethyst, "Amethyst Hoe"); // - Ruby ModLoader.addName(swordRuby, "Ruby Sword"); ModLoader.addName(pickaxeRuby, "Ruby Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(spadeRuby, "Ruby Spade"); ModLoader.addName(axeRuby, "Ruby Axe"); ModLoader.addName(hoeRuby, "Ruby Hoe"); // - Amber ModLoader.addName(swordAmber, "Amber Sword"); ModLoader.addName(pickaxeAmber, "Amber Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(spadeAmber, "Amber Spade"); ModLoader.addName(axeAmber, "Amber Axe"); ModLoader.addName(hoeAmber, "Amber Hoe"); // - Onyx ModLoader.addName(swordOnyx, "Onyx Sword"); ModLoader.addName(pickaxeOnyx, "Onyx Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(spadeOnyx, "Onyx Spade"); ModLoader.addName(axeOnyx, "Onyx Axe"); ModLoader.addName(hoeOnyx, "Onyx Hoe"); // - Jade ModLoader.addName(swordJade, "Jade Sword"); ModLoader.addName(pickaxeJade, "Jade Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(spadeJade, "Jade Spade"); ModLoader.addName(axeJade, "Jade Axe"); ModLoader.addName(hoeJade, "Jade Hoe"); // - Iolite ModLoader.addName(swordIolite, "Iolite Sword"); ModLoader.addName(pickaxeIolite, "Iolite Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(spadeIolite, "Iolite Spade"); ModLoader.addName(axeIolite, "Iolite Axe"); ModLoader.addName(hoeIolite, "Iolite Hoe"); // - Sapphire ModLoader.addName(swordSapphire, "Sapphire Sword"); ModLoader.addName(pickaxeSapphire, "Sapphire Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(spadeSapphire, "Sapphire Spade"); ModLoader.addName(axeSapphire, "Sapphire Axe"); ModLoader.addName(hoeSapphire, "Sapphire Hoe"); // - Topaz ModLoader.addName(swordTopaz, "Topaz Sword"); ModLoader.addName(pickaxeTopaz, "Topaz Pickaxe"); ModLoader.addName(spadeTopaz, "Topaz Spade"); ModLoader.addName(axeTopaz, "Topaz Axe"); ModLoader.addName(hoeTopaz, "Topaz Hoe"); //Crafting Recipes // - Gems2Gemblock // - - Amethyst GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockAmethyst, 1), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), gemAmethyst }); // - - Ruby GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockRuby, 1), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), gemRuby }); // - - Amber GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockAmber, 1), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), gemAmber }); // - - Onyx GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockOnyx, 1), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), gemOnyx }); // - - Jade GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockJade, 1), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), gemJade }); // - - Iolite GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockIolite, 1), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), gemIolite }); // - - Sapphire GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockSapphire, 1), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), gemSapphire }); // - - Topaz GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(blockTopaz, 1), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", Character.valueOf('#'), gemTopaz }); // - blockblock2Gems // - - Amethyst GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(gemAmethyst, 9), new Object[] { "#", Character.valueOf('#'), blockAmethyst }); // - - Ruby GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(gemRuby, 9), new Object[] { "#", Character.valueOf('#'), blockRuby }); // - - Amber GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(gemAmber, 9), new Object[] { "#", Character.valueOf('#'), blockAmber }); // - - Onyx GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(gemOnyx, 9), new Object[] { "#", Character.valueOf('#'), blockOnyx }); // - - Jade GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(gemJade, 9), new Object[] { "#", Character.valueOf('#'), blockJade }); // - - Iolite GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(gemIolite, 9), new Object[] { "#", Character.valueOf('#'), blockIolite }); // - - Sapphire GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(gemSapphire, 9), new Object[] { "#", Character.valueOf('#'), blockSapphire }); // - - Topaz GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(gemTopaz, 9), new Object[] { "#", Character.valueOf('#'), blockTopaz }); } public void generateSurface(World world, Random random, int i, int j) { for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int l1 = i + random.nextInt(16); int i3 = random.nextInt(16); int j4 = j + random.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(oreAmethyst.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l1, i3, j4); } for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int l1 = i + random.nextInt(16); int i3 = random.nextInt(16); int j4 = j + random.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(oreRuby.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l1, i3, j4); } for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int l1 = i + random.nextInt(16); int i3 = random.nextInt(16); int j4 = j + random.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(oreAmber.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l1, i3, j4); } for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int l1 = i + random.nextInt(16); int i3 = random.nextInt(16); int j4 = j + random.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(oreOnyx.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l1, i3, j4); } for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int l1 = i + random.nextInt(16); int i3 = random.nextInt(16); int j4 = j + random.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(oreJade.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l1, i3, j4); } for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int l1 = i + random.nextInt(16); int i3 = random.nextInt(16); int j4 = j + random.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(oreIolite.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l1, i3, j4); } for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int l1 = i + random.nextInt(16); int i3 = random.nextInt(16); int j4 = j + random.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(oreSapphire.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l1, i3, j4); } for (int k = 0; k < 1; k++) { int l1 = i + random.nextInt(16); int i3 = random.nextInt(16); int j4 = j + random.nextInt(16); (new WorldGenMinable(oreTopaz.blockID, 3)).generate(world, random, l1, i3, j4); } } static { //gem ores oreAmethyst = (new WillowBlockOre(225, 0)).setBlockName("AmethystOre"); oreRuby = (new WillowBlockOre(226, 1)).setBlockName("RubyOre"); oreAmber = (new WillowBlockOre(227, 2)).setBlockName("AmberOre"); oreOnyx = (new WillowBlockOre(228, 3)).setBlockName("OnyxOre"); oreJade = (new WillowBlockOre(229, 4)).setBlockName("JadeOre"); oreIolite = (new WillowBlockOre(230, 5)).setBlockName("IoliteOre"); oreSapphire = (new WillowBlockOre(231, 6)).setBlockName("SapphireOre"); oreTopaz = (new WillowBlockOre(232, 7)).setBlockName("TopazOre"); //gem blocks blockAmethyst = (new WillowBlockStorage(233, ).setBlockName("AmethystBlock"); blockRuby = (new WillowBlockStorage(234, 9)).setBlockName("RubyBlock"); blockAmber = (new WillowBlockStorage(235, 10)).setBlockName("AmberBlock"); blockOnyx = (new WillowBlockStorage(236, 11)).setBlockName("OnyxBlock"); blockJade = (new WillowBlockStorage(237, 12)).setBlockName("JadeBlock"); blockIolite = (new WillowBlockStorage(238, 13)).setBlockName("IoliteBlock"); blockSapphire = (new WillowBlockStorage(239, 14)).setBlockName("SapphireBlock"); blockTopaz = (new WillowBlockStorage(240, 15)).setBlockName("TopazBlock"); //gems gemAmethyst = (new WillowItemGem(1000, 144)).setItemName("Amethyst"); gemRuby = (new WillowItemGem(1001, 145)).setItemName("Ruby"); gemAmber = (new WillowItemGem(1002, 146)).setItemName("Amber"); gemOnyx = (new WillowItemGem(1003, 147)).setItemName("Onyx"); gemJade = (new WillowItemGem(1004, 148)).setItemName("Jade"); gemIolite = (new WillowItemGem(1005, 149)).setItemName("Iolite"); gemSapphire = (new WillowItemGem(1006, 150)).setItemName("Sapphire"); gemTopaz = (new WillowItemGem(1007, 151)).setItemName("Topaz"); //gem tools // - Amethyst swordAmethyst = (new WillowItemSword(1008, 64, enumAmethystTool)).setItemName("AmethystSword"); pickaxeAmethyst = (new WillowItemPickaxe(1009, 96, enumAmethystTool)).setItemName("AmethystPickaxe"); spadeAmethyst = (new WillowItemSpade(1010, 80, enumAmethystTool)).setItemName("AmethystPickaxe"); axeAmethyst = (new WillowItemAxe(1011, 112, enumAmethystTool)).setItemName("AmethystAxe"); hoeAmethyst = (new WillowItemHoe(1012, 128, enumAmethystTool)).setItemName("AmethystHoe"); // - Ruby swordRuby = (new WillowItemSword(1013, 65, enumRubyTool)).setItemName("RubySword"); pickaxeRuby = (new WillowItemPickaxe(1014, 97, enumRubyTool)).setItemName("RubyPickaxe"); spadeRuby = (new WillowItemSpade(1015, 81, enumRubyTool)).setItemName("RubyPickaxe"); axeRuby = (new WillowItemAxe(1016, 113, enumRubyTool)).setItemName("RubyAxe"); hoeRuby = (new WillowItemHoe(1017, 129, enumRubyTool)).setItemName("RubyHoe"); // - Amber swordAmber = (new WillowItemSword(1018, 66, enumAmberTool)).setItemName("AmberSword"); pickaxeAmber = (new WillowItemPickaxe(1019, 98, enumAmberTool)).setItemName("AmberPickaxe"); spadeAmber = (new WillowItemSpade(1020, 82, enumAmberTool)).setItemName("AmberPickaxe"); axeAmber = (new WillowItemAxe(1021, 114, enumAmberTool)).setItemName("AmberAxe"); hoeAmber = (new WillowItemHoe(1022, 130, enumAmberTool)).setItemName("AmberHoe"); // - Onyx swordOnyx = (new WillowItemSword(1023, 67, enumOnyxTool)).setItemName("OnyxSword"); pickaxeOnyx = (new WillowItemPickaxe(1024, 99, enumOnyxTool)).setItemName("OnyxPickaxe"); spadeOnyx = (new WillowItemSpade(1025, 83, enumOnyxTool)).setItemName("OnyxPickaxe"); axeOnyx = (new WillowItemAxe(1026, 115, enumOnyxTool)).setItemName("OnyxAxe"); hoeOnyx = (new WillowItemHoe(1027, 131, enumOnyxTool)).setItemName("OnyxHoe"); // - Jade swordJade = (new WillowItemSword(1028, 68, enumJadeTool)).setItemName("JadeSword"); pickaxeJade = (new WillowItemPickaxe(1029, 100, enumJadeTool)).setItemName("JadePickaxe"); spadeJade = (new WillowItemSpade(1030, 84, enumJadeTool)).setItemName("JadePickaxe"); axeJade = (new WillowItemAxe(1031, 116, enumJadeTool)).setItemName("JadeAxe"); hoeJade = (new WillowItemHoe(1032, 132, enumJadeTool)).setItemName("JadeHoe"); // - Iolite swordIolite = (new WillowItemSword(1033, 69, enumIoliteTool)).setItemName("IoliteSword"); pickaxeIolite = (new WillowItemPickaxe(1034, 101, enumIoliteTool)).setItemName("IolitePickaxe"); spadeIolite = (new WillowItemSpade(1035, 85, enumIoliteTool)).setItemName("IolitePickaxe"); axeIolite = (new WillowItemAxe(1036, 117, enumIoliteTool)).setItemName("IoliteAxe"); hoeIolite = (new WillowItemHoe(1037, 133, enumIoliteTool)).setItemName("IoliteHoe"); // - Sapphire swordSapphire = (new WillowItemSword(1038, 70, enumSapphireTool)).setItemName("SapphireSword"); pickaxeSapphire = (new WillowItemPickaxe(1039, 102, enumSapphireTool)).setItemName("SapphirePickaxe"); spadeSapphire = (new WillowItemSpade(1040, 86, enumSapphireTool)).setItemName("SapphirePickaxe"); axeSapphire = (new WillowItemAxe(1041, 118, enumSapphireTool)).setItemName("SapphireAxe"); hoeSapphire = (new WillowItemHoe(1042, 134, enumSapphireTool)).setItemName("SapphireHoe"); // - Topaz swordTopaz = (new WillowItemSword(1043, 71, enumTopazTool)).setItemName("TopazSword"); pickaxeTopaz = (new WillowItemPickaxe(1044, 103, enumTopazTool)).setItemName("TopazPickaxe"); spadeTopaz = (new WillowItemSpade(1045, 87, enumTopazTool)).setItemName("TopazPickaxe"); axeTopaz = (new WillowItemAxe(1046, 119, enumTopazTool)).setItemName("TopazAxe"); hoeTopaz = (new WillowItemHoe(1047, 135, enumTopazTool)).setItemName("TopazHoe"); //gem armour // - Amethyst helmetAmethyst = (new WillowItemArmor(1048, 0, enumAmethystArmour, 6, 0)).setItemName("AmethystHelmet"); chestplateAmethyst = (new WillowItemArmor(1049, 16, enumAmethystArmour, 6, 1)).setItemName("AmethystChestplate"); leggingsAmethyst = (new WillowItemArmor(1050, 32, enumAmethystArmour, 6, 2)).setItemName("AmethystLeggings"); bootsAmethyst = (new WillowItemArmor(1051, 48, enumAmethystArmour, 6, 3)).setItemName("AmethystBoots"); // - Ruby helmetRuby = (new WillowItemArmor(1052, 1, enumRubyArmour, 7, 0)).setItemName("RubyHelmet"); chestplateRuby = (new WillowItemArmor(1053, 17, enumRubyArmour, 7, 1)).setItemName("RubyChestplate"); leggingsRuby = (new WillowItemArmor(1054, 33, enumRubyArmour, 7, 2)).setItemName("RubyLeggings"); bootsRuby = (new WillowItemArmor(1055, 49, enumRubyArmour, 7, 3)).setItemName("RubyBoots"); // - Amber helmetAmber = (new WillowItemArmor(1056, 2, enumAmberArmour, 8, 0)).setItemName("AmberHelmet"); chestplateAmber = (new WillowItemArmor(1057, 18, enumAmberArmour, 8, 1)).setItemName("AmberChestplate"); leggingsAmber = (new WillowItemArmor(1058, 34, enumAmberArmour, 8, 2)).setItemName("AmberLeggings"); bootsAmber = (new WillowItemArmor(1059, 50, enumAmberArmour, 8, 3)).setItemName("AmberBoots"); // - Onyx helmetOnyx = (new WillowItemArmor(1060, 3, enumOnyxArmour, 9, 0)).setItemName("OnyxHelmet"); chestplateOnyx = (new WillowItemArmor(1061, 19, enumOnyxArmour, 9, 1)).setItemName("OnyxChestplate"); leggingsOnyx = (new WillowItemArmor(1062, 35, enumOnyxArmour, 9, 2)).setItemName("OnyxLeggings"); bootsOnyx = (new WillowItemArmor(1063, 51, enumOnyxArmour, 9, 3)).setItemName("OnyxBoots"); // - Jade helmetJade = (new WillowItemArmor(1064, 4, enumJadeArmour, 10, 0)).setItemName("JadeHelmet"); chestplateJade = (new WillowItemArmor(1065, 20, enumJadeArmour, 10, 1)).setItemName("JadeChestplate"); leggingsJade = (new WillowItemArmor(1066, 36, enumJadeArmour, 10, 2)).setItemName("JadeLeggings"); bootsJade = (new WillowItemArmor(1067, 52, enumJadeArmour, 10, 3)).setItemName("JadeBoots"); // - Iolite helmetIolite = (new WillowItemArmor(1068, 5, enumIoliteArmour, 11, 0)).setItemName("IoliteHelmet"); chestplateIolite = (new WillowItemArmor(1069, 21, enumIoliteArmour, 11, 1)).setItemName("IoliteChestplate"); leggingsIolite = (new WillowItemArmor(1070, 37, enumIoliteArmour, 11, 2)).setItemName("IoliteLeggings"); bootsIolite = (new WillowItemArmor(1071, 53, enumIoliteArmour, 11, 3)).setItemName("IoliteBoots"); // - Sapphire helmetSapphire = (new WillowItemArmor(1072, 6, enumSapphireArmour, 12, 0)).setItemName("SapphireHelmet"); chestplateSapphire = (new WillowItemArmor(1073, 22, enumSapphireArmour, 12, 1)).setItemName("SapphireChestplate"); leggingsSapphire = (new WillowItemArmor(1074, 38, enumSapphireArmour, 12, 2)).setItemName("SapphireLeggings"); bootsSapphire = (new WillowItemArmor(1075, 54, enumSapphireArmour, 12, 3)).setItemName("SapphireBoots"); // - Topaz helmetTopaz = (new WillowItemArmor(1076, 7, enumTopazArmour, 13, 0)).setItemName("TopazHelmet"); chestplateTopaz = (new WillowItemArmor(1077, 23, enumTopazArmour, 13, 1)).setItemName("TopazChestplate"); leggingsTopaz = (new WillowItemArmor(1078, 39, enumTopazArmour, 13, 2)).setItemName("TopazLeggings"); bootsTopaz = (new WillowItemArmor(1079, 55, enumTopazArmour, 13, 3)).setItemName("TopazBoots"); } }
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