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Everything posted by MikeZ

  1. Ok thank you. The problem is, that I have no idea how i can start. Please help me Thanks, Mike
  2. I can't find anything that's useful. I think, I need a little bit of help Thanks, Mike
  3. Thanks for the fast answer. Yeah, I know that But I could need a little bit of help with that Thanks, Mike
  4. Hi! I want to create a mod, to interact with new Twitch followers. It should be like this: If someone follows a Channel, ingame there should be a message like: "<NewFollower> followed". And it should give a block to the player. Can someone help me please? Thanks, Mike
  5. Please help me guys
  6. Ho! I created a new dimension, and added a new biome. My question is, how to add more biomes? Please help me, Mike
  7. Hi! I created a new dimension, and I added some biomes in the WorldProviderClass. My question is, for what are thes numbers?: this.worldChunkMgr = new WorldChunkManagerHell(BiomeGenBase.mushroomIsland, 0.8F, 1.0F); Please help me, Mike
  8. I solved it, thanks. Mike
  9. Hi! Look in the Netherrack class. There must be some code for that. Mike
  10. Hi! The mod makes 3 new dimension. There are 3 portal blocks. And 3 new Flint ad Steels. Please help me, Mike
  11. Do I have to make a version for the client and one for the server of the mod? Because, if I make the mod for the server like this: It isn't working. I changed all @SideOnly(Side.Client) to @SideOnly(Side.Server) Please help me, Mike
  12. Hi! I coded a Client Side mod. Do I have to change something to put it on a Forge server? Please help me, Mike
  13. Hi! Could you please help me, to change the spawning frequenz of vanilla minecraft ores? Thanks, Mike
  14. I mean, that 3rd party installed mods that generates something, also generates in the new dimension. For example the biomes.
  15. Hi, first of all, you have tocmake a MainClass where you register your Items, Blocks, Entitys ... . If you have your basic MainClass configuration (there are many videos for that) you can start to register a new entity. For the entity you have to make a new Class. I hope you know how to make a new entity Mike
  16. Please help me guys
  17. Hi! I want to make a new dimension (I know how to make a new dimension) were the installed mods also are working. For example that the biomes of Biomes O' Plenty are added. Please help me. Thanks, Mike
  18. Hi, I wondered if it's possible to add mods to Eclipse to use them. That means that I add the mod Biomes O' Plenty for example and then I'm able to add the Biomes to a new dimension? Please help me Thanks, Mike
  19. Hi, I want to make a new Dimension that has the same properties as the overworld. (Time, biomes, other seed). Please help me P.s.: I know how to make a new dimension but these aren't like the overworld. Thanks, Mike
  20. Please help me guys
  21. Hi! I want to make a new tool, that if it get's right clicked creates a village. I know that the Minecraft Class for the Village is this: net.minecraft.world.gen.structure.MapGenVillage.class But how can I make the Tool like that, that if it get's right clicked theres a new village? Thanks, Mike
  22. Ok, but how can I use that Class? Thanks, Mike
  23. Hi! I wondered if there's something like a script that creates a NPC Village. So could you help me to make something that creates on use a NPC Village? Thanks, Mike
  24. Hi! I've coded a Pickaxe, that if it gets right-clicked gives effects to the player. Could you please help me to code a cooldown for the pickaxe? Thanks, Mike
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