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Everything posted by vdvman1

  1. You also need an ItemBlock when working with metadata placed blocks, look up a tutorial on google
  2. I would also suggest reading the official tutorial to ask itself here: http://download.forge.objectweb.org/asm/asm4-guide.pdf
  3. not that i know of, could you please post your code? i might be able to see the problem then
  4. Is the block using Material.circuits? For a block to output a signal it has to have that material
  5. Do not use mcpatcher! Use opticians instead, since forge is not compatible with mcpatcher
  6. NEI uses asm, which is why it is a coremod
  7. To be able to output a redstone signal the material HAS to be Material.circuits, are you using the right material?
  8. Try changing the read and write methods in the entity to public
  9. When you are calling proxy.registerRenderInformation(), proxy is still null because you commented out @SidedProxy and so was never initialised
  10. I actually fixed it myself, turns out out you need to manually sync it with packets
  11. i have been getting the same problem, hope someone works out why
  12. Where does the getAuxillaryInfoPacket() function come from, i am trying to a similar thing but i don't know where to put that function, the onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, Packet132TileEntityData pkt) is in TileEntity, but no getAuxillaryInfoPacket()
  13. glad to be of help , now if only my mod didn't have problems that aren't so easely fixable
  14. here is one on how to use forge events in general: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1419836-131-forge-4x-events-howto/
  15. When any living entity dies the LivingDropsEvent is called Living entities include mobs and the player, the entity variable tells you what entity died
  16. oops, LivingDropsEvent is the one you want
  17. if you know how to use events, there is a LivingDeathEvent, which you can use to add drops on death (i think it lets you but not sure exactly)
  18. I am trying to update redstone gate to 1.3.2 (unofficially, sorry) and i have managed to get the gate to render with the gui working and everything, but whenever i place the gate and then relog the metadata resets back to 0! Plus because the metadata isn't saving the gate does not even work, not even before reloging! Can someone please help. Here is my code: RedstoneGate.java BlockRedstoneGate.java TileEntityRedstoneGate.java ContainerRedstoneGate.java EDIT: you probably need the renderer! BlockRendererRedstoneGate.java
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