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Everything posted by vdvman1

  1. They stopped making the changelog because Jenkins is glitching up and cutting off the changelog, instead of the full changelog
  2. The reason you get 2 outputs is because the code gets run both server and client side, as even single player is on a server now. As for the textures not working properly, you may need to sync the server and client tile entities using packets.
  3. It actually uses 2 textures on the side of the block, one for colouring the top section, and one that isn't beng coloured, you can see this by lokking at the textures in the jar/texturepack
  4. Only if you think other modders could benefit from it
  5. Doing that will only change that method for anything that uses your new class, so possibly
  6. Not that I know of, but NEI is open source so you could look at that if you want, you may be able to work it out from that
  7. Using asm you can change ANYTHING in a class file at runtime (coremods) but is very hard to understand and use, as compiled java is very different to source java. Here is the official tutorial for asm itself: http://download.forge.objectweb.org/asm/asm4-guide.pdf As for setting up the mod side of it i do not understand, so I can't help you there
  8. Your function NEEDS to accept a NetworkManager! You are only accepting a String, it needs both, it even says so in the javadoc above the declaration! When using something you have not used before, ALWAYS read the documentation
  9. That is normal when using forge for your mods as forge combines client and server, you don't have to worry about it. It will work on a server as long as you have made it correctly
  10. This memory leak is a vanilla bug, it even happens if you switch between worlds alot.
  11. I have never played with mobs myself but you may need to create custom packets to send the data, but i am unsure. I also think i heard about a datawatcher somewhen, but again i am unsure
  12. Portal gun is causing the rain of chickens, its only for christmas
  13. You can use a crafting handler, I have never used them myself so I can't tell you how to use one
  14. yes, forge uses the texture like minecraft itself does, you can reference the different squares in the texture to change the current texture of the block (it starts at 0)
  15. is the texture file 256x256 ? it needs to be these dimensions (or a multiple of) with 16x16 squares (or the same multiple of)
  16. That is because the right click is called both client and server, you you need to check world.isRemote to make sure you are on the server
  17. The way ic2 does it (i think) is have it never completly full, it always has one less damage than full
  18. For any damage you can use -1 for the third input to new ItemStack()
  19. You would need to implement your wire differently to the vanilla redstone as it uses metadata to store the strength, and metadata only goes up to 15
  20. vdvman1


    In the if statement you are checking if it is MORE than 2500, you need to check that it is LESS than 2500, as right now it will never be true
  21. You would probably need to use a tick handler to call the if statement every tick
  22. You could either use packets, or in some cases you could make the calling code run server side when possible, but that is not always possible
  23. you could use metadata to signify whether or not it is powered and have the block change texture depending on the metadata, using getBlockTexture
  24. you might want to make sure that this code is being run on the server side, because if it is running on the client side it will be a client only block, which is probably why it is disappearing when it gets updated
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