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Everything posted by Failender

  1. First thing I saw, the packet needs the empy constructor. Show the whole error log please.
  2. 1. dont compare strings with == , it will never turn true. Use String1.equals(String2) 2. dont save the players names , those can change. Save the UUID
  3. because dirt isnt something to get harvested by pickaxes..? Also dont its not Item#canHarvestBlock , its ItemStack#canHarvestBlock, are you sure u checked that with a ItemStack and not an item?
  4. correct me if im wrong. but world.getWorldTime() % 50 != 0 should be faster right?
  5. one easy solution might be to just check the world time, if the world time%50 ==0 add potion effect.
  6. whats ur problem..?
  7. stop using that colors please.
  8. open gl and TileEntitySpecialRenderer would be my first guess
  9. depends on what you want..? if u want to happen sth when it gets destroyed by explosion use ByExplosion, if u want it by player use ByPlayer, if u want both write a method and let it get called by both methods
  10. write urself a script writing the jsons for you
  11. Yeah I was hoping there was a package I was missing The advantage of it is that anyone can connect without the need of adding mods when joining new server EDIT: Also it is a lot easier to code if u dont need to do all the sync stuff and find a server only solution
  12. Hey guys, I am working on a server sided mod. I want to manipulate the break speed there, but noticed that it seems that changing the BreakSpeed on ServerSide only wont work, because the Client doensnt know. So my question: Is it possible to manipulate the breakspeed (BreakSpeed event) on server side only? If yes how to inform the client? I was unable to find a correct package for that
  13. Commands can come from two ways. 1. Console 2. Player And you should be able to cast the command sender directly. So all you need to do is check if the sender is instance of EntityPlayer and after that cast to it
  14. Gameregistry has a method for that. I think it was Gameregistry#findItem. Check ur ide
  15. that is wrong. If you would read the crash log you would see that the array causing that exception is a minecraft one, not one of his.
  16. The error is occuring because he is only opening the gui client side.
  17. As far as I know, and i might be wrong, setting blocks in an unloaded chunk loads the chunk and unloads the chunk after its done
  18. exactly. just add the recipes to ur custom CraftingManager instance, after that check in ur container if the recipe is valid (using the crafting manager) , and consume the items if the result is taken out
  19. http://en.lmgtfy.com/?q=unable+to+install+breakpoint+due+to+missing+line+number+attributes Two hints for you. 1. Learn to google. 2. U wont find the error in debug mode.
  20. eeeeehm. that was a test to see if u are paying attention. you passed?
  21. ExtendedPlayer epNew = ExtendedPlayer.get(event.entityPlayer); ExtendedPlayer epOld = ExtendedPlayer.get(event.original); NBTTagCompound comp = new NBTTagCompound(); epNew.writeToNBT(comp); epOld.readFromNBT(comp); This will copy every variable u are reading in ur nbt stuff
  22. you are still not checking for the tag compouind beeing null
  23. if u are only coping methods from the crafting manager u wont need ur own class.
  24. not sure why u need ur own class. just save the instance in ur main mod class and access it in ur crafting gui. For the problem with removing items, look at SlotCrafting#onPickupFromSlot
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