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Everything posted by Failender

  1. and diesieben told you what the problem is. I thought u wre coming up with a new problem
  2. 1. learn java 2. show crash log
  3. Could you google that? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2599440/how-can-i-access-a-private-constructor-of-a-class
  4. damn u mojang. so u just want ur custom CraftingManager, which is basically the same, right? Why not create ur own instance using reflection, instead of just copy pasting the whole code
  5. read about the keyword extends please. after that go and smash ur head soft against a wall
  6. u should consider reading a tutorial about the proxies and why u need to use them. the simple reason to use proxies is to NOT use event.getSide()
  7. show thje whole thing where u send the package. i guess its inside ur event handler. have u registered the event handler? show that
  8. for(Block b : BlocksUwannaCheck) { if (b instanceof MyMachineBlock) doEpicStuff(); }
  9. seriously the tutorial is straight forward. fix it urself
  10. check all blocks around or block with instanceof MyPowerBlock
  11. important changes should always happen on server side. the client side is ONLY for displaying informations and sending inputs
  12. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20135.0.html
  13. One way would always be reflection. But I dont feel like there is need for this in this situation. When do you need the distance from the container
  14. GuiOpenEvent is fired Client-Only. Which means If you want to open a different Container u need to send a packet and let the server open the gui (because the server will inform the client)
  15. A custom gui is done with a class extending GuiScreen , you only need to open that up on client side (I guess you want to be using a KeyBinding for that) so every time the KeyBinding gets hit open the gui using @SubscribeEvent public void onKeyPressed(KeyInputEvent event) { if(ClientProxy.binding.isKeyDown()) { Minecraft.getMinecraft.displayGuiScreen(new MyScreen()) } } You should look for a basic tutorial on how to set up ur proxies ( you will need it). There are tons of them out there so I wont teach u how to do that. Same goes for Keybindings. Look for a tutorial, if you have any problems come back and ask. (Of course the Clientproxy.binding is from type KeyBinding) For the playermodels.. I have no idea. Sorry
  16. delete the examplemod from ur project u wont need it.
  17. seriously u should start to learn to look at vanilla and learn from it. look how vanilla renders the player inventory maybe and then add 4 slots?
  18. im not 100% sure, but taking a look at ChatComponentTranslation should lead u to ur goal
  19. dont do that. work with a master slave system, choosing one main block and let all other reference to the master
  20. why are you adding 1 to y? if u want the block UNDER the player?
  21. never use sideonly if u have no idea what u are doing. if(event.world.isRemote) doStuff();
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