public boolean onItemUseFirst(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
return false;
found this in 1.8 . mb u can find it in 1.7 too
I know that the PlayerInteractEvent gives u an EnumFcing with it. So I am pretty sure that there must be a method in ur Item class that gives u an enum facing u can use.
I literally can't even...
...think of an appropriate meme to post now.
Just speechless.
let me help you out.
If u say we cant understand ur code dont ask for help. thank you.
diesieben has more understanding of minecraft and modding then u might ever have so dont come up with u dont understand the code if u have no idea what u r doing.
1. Dont use Minecraft.getMinecraft on a server, the class is client side only
2. How is that a packet class? Wheres ur IMessage ,wheres the IMessageHandler, what is this?
Im not sure if this is the best way, but the ResourceLocation also gives u the absolute/relative path for JavaIO. so u can go ahead, load the image inside an buffered image (goolge is your friend) and call the methods for getting width and height there. but java io is expensive so dont do this a lot.
you cant and you dont need. if you want to change the world the player is currently in simply go and get the worldObj from the player.
the handleMessage of the imessagehandler gives u an context ctx. so just go ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.worldObj. I might be wrong with some naming here, search ur ide