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Everything posted by memcallen

  1. I did that and it said a ton of stuff that I couldn't read (I think it was obfuscated). I just googled BlockGrass and I found "public int getRenderColor(int p_149741_1_)" do you know what the argument is?
  2. I have no idea how to view those classes....
  3. I was wondering how to use "world.playSound". I put it in my block's updateTick (it's set to randomly update) and it didn't work. world.playSound((double)x, (double)y, (double)z, "random.explode1", 100F, 1F, true); this doesn't work (no sound is played and no crashes), any help is appreciated.
  4. I've made a block that generates in the world. I want to hide it in the top layer of grass, so I textured the top with Blocks.grass.getBlockTextureFromSide(1). This works, but it's a gray texture. How could I fix this?
  5. would I use addItem?
  6. I've been looking around, but I can't find any good tutorials for adding dungeon loot. I have an item that is very hard to craft (its actually pointless to craft) and I wanted to add it to dungeon chests. I looked at DungeonHooks but I don't think it works with 1.7.2 any help is appreciated.
  7. ok thanks, that's all I was wondering.
  8. I meant the differences in packets on ssp/smp. I noticed that packets/nbt only gets read on world load, so I was wondering if a player updated the tileEntity, would the packet get sent automatically on smp.
  9. I noticed that in ssp nbt only gets saved once, when you exit the world. Do I need to do anything special for smp? By that I mean, when another player uses the block does it automatically update the tileEntity.
  10. huh, I didn't know it was stored as a NBTTagString element. I thought it was stored as a NBTTagCompound. What method or methods do you use to get the NBTTagString or is it just ".getString"?
  11. I need to get the text on each line, and I can't figure out how. you can see what I've tried in the first post.
  12. I'm making a block that can read a book and quill's nbt and follow instructions based off that. I can't figure out the correct tags for books though.
  13. I've already made this post here:http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=25547.0 but I didn't get much help. I can't seem to figure out a Book and Quill's NBT tags. if you were wondering, this in my class's code (its in onBlockActivated) if(!world.isRemote){ if(player.getHeldItem()!=null) if(player.getHeldItem().getItem()==Items.writable_book){ System.out.println(player.getHeldItem().stackTagCompound); if(player.getHeldItem().stackTagCompound!=null){ NBTTagCompound booknbt = player.getHeldItem().stackTagCompound; NBTTagList Pages = (NBTTagList)booknbt.getTag("pages"); NBTTagCompound text = Pages.getCompoundTagAt(0); System.out.println(text); } } Any help is appreciated.
  14. Oh awesome, I didn't think about using the vanilla wiki.
  15. How can I read the text in a book and quill? I currently have it reading the NBT, but I don't know the tag names and any other data that I need.
  16. ok I'm using IExtendedEntityProperties for the research. Is that the proper class to use?
  17. I want to create a research system, similar to thaumcraft's (not in the mini game aspect). I want any unresearched items to have the name "?" and when you do research it, it has it's proper name. How could I do this?
  18. Ok I was wondering why they wheren't void.
  19. In the readFromNBT function, is it supposed to return itself? Also, thanks I didn't see that.
  20. I'm currently figuring out the COFH RedstoneFlux API and I was wondering where the implemented classes go, in the block class or the TileEntity class.
  21. ahh that sucks. Is there any way I could get around this? or will it still cause too much lag.
  22. Basically I need some way to create a sine wave value for getLightValue().
  23. I'm trying to make a "glowing" effect for a Block, but I want the block to actually emit different amounts of light. I am using getLightValue() with the world,x,y,z arguments. I can't figure out how to actually make the glowing effect though.
  24. first, wouldn't the ArrayList = a new ArrayList? Wouldn't it not be null then? or is that how "new" works. also They're nested if statements, I didn't need the brackets.
  25. Should I still try and use an ArrayList? or should I just use an ItemStack[]?
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