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Everything posted by memcallen

  1. So I have to redo it pretty much...
  2. I changed it to: item = items.get(items.size()-1).getEntityItem(); if(CrucibleRecipeHandler.alloweds.contains(item.getItem())){ int Counter=0; for(ItemStack i : inventory){ Counter++; if(i.isItemEqual(item)) if(inventory.get(Counter)!=null) if(i.isItemEqual(inventory.get(Counter-1))){ inventory.add(new ItemStack(i.getItem(),i.stackSize+inventory.get(Counter-1).stackSize)); break; } } if(inventory.get(Counter-1)!=null) inventory.remove(Counter-1); Counter=0; inventory.add(item); items.get(items.size()-1).setDead(); item = null; } it still doesn't work, keep getting crashes on my null check... "if(inventory.get(Counter-1)!=null)"
  3. GameRegistry.registerBlock(yourblock,savegameID) the savegameID is for when you do "/give player yourMODID:savegameID" I'm not sure if it's your modid but that's basically what it's used for, except internally.
  4. when you set your Item's unlocalized name with .setUnlocalizedName("randomtext"), in your .lang file put: Item.youritemsname.name=item's ingame name
  5. this code isn't working (as in it crashes with NullPointerException): @Override public void updateTick(World world,int x,int y,int z,Random rand){ CrucibleTileEntity te = (CrucibleTileEntity)world.getTileEntity(x, y, z); List<EntityItem> items = world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityItem.class, AxisAlignedBB.getBoundingBox(x+0D, y+1D, z+0D, x+1D, y+2D, z+1D)); ItemStack item=null; if(items.size()>0){ item = items.get(items.size()-1).getEntityItem(); if(CrucibleRecipeHandler.alloweds.contains(item.getItem())){ int Counter=0; for(ItemStack i : inventory){ Counter++; if(i.isItemEqual(item)) if(i.isItemEqual(inventory.get(Counter-1))){ inventory.add(new ItemStack(i.getItem(),i.stackSize+inventory.get(Counter-1).stackSize)); inventory.remove(Counter-1); break; } } Counter=0; inventory.add(item); items.get(items.size()-1).setDead(); item = null; } inventory is an ArrayList stored outside the function. Yes I realize I have to use a tileentity etc, this is just for testing purposes.
  6. I'm not good at finding things, sorry.
  7. What's the location of the petal Apothecary class? I can't find it.
  8. (I have no idea what to call this topic) I'm creating something similar to botania's petal apothecary, and I have no idea how to store the recipes. I don't want to store an ItemStack array because then I would have to check the order, etc. How could I do this so that there is no specific order you put the items in?
  9. Why are you doing setFull3D twice? Once in item class and in main class. Also does the resource location in the ItemRenderer work like that? I thought you had to do modid:texturepath.
  10. I figured it out thanks.
  11. Is there already a tree generator? I'm using WorldGenBigTree and I don't want to have to make my own if I don't need to.
  12. I need to use IWorldGenerator right?
  13. Is there a tree generation event? I want to be able to replace all trees in my dimension with my custom tree, or is there a way to disable tree generation? (I can make my own tree generator if I need to)
  14. yeah I was planning on adding special drops, like a precious mineral (diamond etc.) block would drop a shard of the same kind.
  15. MrCaracal, could I detect the harvest level of the block and if it isn't 0 then drop the blocks with the method I'm using now?
  16. Yes but the thing is, is that I would need a TON of code for what i'm making. It's basically a tool that can break certain blocks depending on the NBT, kind of like a super Tinkerer's Construct tool. I have the part that breaks the blocks at different speeds but if I break a block that you can break with your fist and get an item, it drops two items. Here's the onBlockDestroyed function: public boolean onBlockDestroyed(ItemStack itemstack,World world, Block block,int x,int y,int z,EntityLivingBase elb){ List<ItemStack> drops = block.getDrops(world, x, y, z, world.getBlockMetadata(x,y,z), 0); for(ItemStack is:drops){ if(!world.isRemote) world.spawnEntityInWorld(new EntityItem(world,x,y,z,is)); } return true; } so it's an "artificial" tool if you want to call it that. It doesn't actually extend ItemTool.
  17. bump
  18. I created an Item, it's essentially a customizable tool. I can't make it detect when you break a block though. Also this code doesn't work: public float getDigSpeed(ItemStack itemstack, Block block, int metadata){ NBTTagCompound nbt = itemstack.getTagCompound(); try{ if(nbt!=null){ System.out.println("has NBT"); speed = nbt.getInteger("Engine"); tool = nbt.getInteger("Tool"); }else System.out.println("Doesn't have NBT"); }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();} if(block.getMaterial()==Material.rock){ if(tool==1){ return speed*10; } } if(block.getMaterial()==Material.wood){ if(tool==2){ return speed*6; } } if(block.getMaterial()==Material.ground){ return speed*3; } return super.getDigSpeed(itemstack, block, metadata)+1F; } EDIT: scratch that, I made it work, but it drops two items when I do break the block. how could I fix this?- also it's only when I break a block that you can break with your fist.
  19. how could I make it so that it isn't grayed out or moving up and down? Also, thanks GL11.glscaled works
  20. also how could I scale the Item down?
  21. I tried using RenderManager, but the item just moves up and down really quickly. Also it's grayed out, I tried disabling GL11.gl_lighting but it doesn't work.
  22. I've made a crafting table, but I want to render the ItemStack on top of the block. I made a TESR but I can't figure out how to render the item.
  23. ok cool I got it to work. I changed my code to: package com.example.gammacraft.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager; import net.minecraft.network.Packet; import net.minecraft.network.play.server.S35PacketUpdateTileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.world.World; public class MultiToolModifierTileEntity extends TileEntity { public ItemStack[] inv; public MultiToolModifierTileEntity() { inv=new ItemStack[10]; } public Packet getDescriptionPacket() { NBTTagCompound nbtTag = new NBTTagCompound(); this.writeToNBT(nbtTag); return new S35PacketUpdateTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 1, nbtTag); } public void onDataPacket(NetworkManager net, S35PacketUpdateTileEntity packet) { readFromNBT(packet.func_148857_g()); } public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt){ super.writeToNBT(nbt); for(int i =0;i!=inv.length;i++){ NBTTagCompound NBT = new NBTTagCompound(); if(inv[i]!=null){ inv[i].writeToNBT(NBT); nbt.setTag("ItemStack"+i,NBT); } System.out.println("saving:"+i); } this.markDirty(); } public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt){ super.readFromNBT(nbt); for(int i =0;i!=inv.length;i++){ NBTTagCompound itemstack = nbt.getCompoundTag("ItemStack"+i); try{ inv[i]=ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(itemstack); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("reading:"+i); } } }
  24. Where am I setting the itemstack twice? I have no idea what markdirty does The rest will be added when I polish up the code, right now I just want something that works
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