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Everything posted by ItsAMysteriousYT

  1. Thanks Awesome help - especially that the boundingbox must be smaller thatn a block!!
  2. That's what I keep telling everyone, but they don't listen! I also tell people not to use skydaz, but that might just be me. Skydaz is part of TheDiamondMinecart
  3. Oh HAHA no Must have been thinking of something else and wrote future What i wanted to ask is if there will be a world in readFromNBT later. And for the tile - what you mean with lazy initialization? And also the tile need to know where to send the signal to or not im not connecting the two blocks with redstone or simillar blocklike structurs but just with cables that are rendered in the TESR if the tile. Thats why i need the 'to' variable in the class (if you mean that with strong reference )
  4. But i need to load it up immediatly, so the electrizity is being cast when player joines in world. So can i just set a global variable and in the update method put something like that: if(to==null&&toCoords!=null){ this.to=(TileEntity_Electric)worldObj.getTileEntity(toCoords); }
  5. So what im doing there atm will work in the future ? Cuz you say there is no fututre Yet. Also - the onBlockPlacedBy method i tried isn't working. Do i have to put it in the subclasses to? public abstract class RLMBlockContainer extends Block implements ITileEntityProvider{ public RLMBlockContainer(Material materialIn) { super(materialIn); } @Override public abstract TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta); public void onBlockPlacedBy(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityLivingBase placer, ItemStack stack) { super.onBlockPlacedBy(worldIn, pos, state, placer, stack); TileEntity tileentity = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos); if (tileentity instanceof RLMTileEntity){ RLMTileEntity tile = (RLMTileEntity)tileentity; tile.rotation = 90 * MathHelper.floor_double((double)(placer.rotationYaw * 4.0F / 360.0F) + 0.5D) & 3; worldIn.markBlockForUpdate(pos); System.out.println("Succesfully rotated "+tile.getName()); } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public EnumWorldBlockLayer getBlockLayer() { return EnumWorldBlockLayer.SOLID; } @Override public boolean isFullCube() { return true; }
  6. I wanna add some cool effect too my Block when an entity collides with it e.g a minecart. What is the right place to do that?
  7. You can upload your mod to any site you want. But curse is the best for you cuz you earn points for it. For the points you can get money. And else login to PlanetMinecraft 9Minecraft etc and upload it there, they usually have their own file server.
  8. OMG - MY stupidness solved the disappearing - i forgot to do super.writeToNBT() in TileENtity_Electric witch caused that all entities without NBT were okay and those with NBT where removed. But now the saving of the connected tile won't work. I try writing the BlockPos of the tile to NBT like this: But when i close the world and open it again, the 'to' variable isn't set.
  9. Nah didn't solved it. I reworked some of the methods and classes but now some of the tileentities immediatly disappear after placing. I think it is caused by wrong saving to NBT. Here is the baseclass and the not working subclssses: Baseclass: Subclass: Subclass 2:
  10. Yes, i updated all my tiles so that the rotation is being set in OnBlockPlaced by and is initially set too zero. No i only have one constructor that looks like this: public TileEntityElectric(){ super("TileEntityElectric"); } OH - maybe i can solve the problem if i register TileEntityElectric? Cuz its just a class that is never use as itself - only as extended class?
  11. Somebody asked me about what this means but i don't know it either. Does anybody knows something about it?
  12. Nah, but im searching for a solution too.
  13. my mail is [email protected], also have skype (itsamysterious)
  14. Yea often the weirdest bugs are really tiny biuts of code
  15. Youll have to have a guiHandler. In there youll have to define which GUi should be opened on Client/Server while on server - youll have to open Containers, cuz Guis are client only.
  16. Use setBlockBounds(minX, minY, minZ,maxX,maxY,maxZ)
  17. Have a look at Minecrafts EntityAI package - in there you should find all the required information.
  18. It already exists, as a program and i already written an api for it
  19. Check that you have set the path to your clientproxy/commonproxy right in the MainModFile.
  20. They are stored in radians (-180 till 180) you can convert them to degrees by doing MathHelper.toDegrees(angle) or to radians by doing MathHelper.toRadians. PS - if you need help with the beam calulation i can help you too, cuz im doing something pretty similar atm
  21. Im Sorry... was a bit angry yesterday Ill just wait for an answer and try getting it right myself
  22. Does nobody has an idea? Please - at least tell me if you haven't im really getting mad on this weird bug. I bet its one of the most obvious things and im just to stupid too see it :'(
  23. How can the tileentityelectricfield can be shown as a non-tileentityelectric tileentity??? PLEASE HELP or at least say me where the problem could be
  24. First of all why do you write in red and second - think of what you need. Youll need a speed and the propper calculations hint - have a look at minecrafts entity boat class
  25. Well, thats pretty difficult if you don't extend ItemArmor.
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