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Everything posted by ItsAMysteriousYT

  1. I found something that could help us - the creator posted an example of the b3d loading on his git: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/c4f370a7e6e5b91813f93a14c45b64a7c0b30958
  2. Damn, why don't we try finding it out together? Oh, btw - if you need the obj loader i have a ported version of it
  3. Ah cool, i looked at it and its pretty awesome I have a question, can you show me how i can render B3D models?
  4. Cool On what kind of mod are you working on?
  5. Okay - cool and how can i animate them?
  6. Hey everyone, im trying to send an energy value from one tileentity block to another. Now, in 1.7 i would have done it in updTeEntity in the tile, but in 1.8 the method isn't there anymore. Now i want to use the RandomDisplayTick in the block, but i don't know how to propperly use it.
  7. Have you registered your message?
  8. Actually not, all i find is BDCraftCubic pro. Not how to load B3D models
  9. I think im doing the commonproxy stuff
  10. So in CommonProxy?
  11. I tried this: public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox(){ return super.getRenderBoundingBox().expand(1000, 1000, 1000); }
  12. Okay, i tried appending the boundingbox, but still it is unloaded when i go away a few blocks. What is the propper way to do it?
  13. Collisionboxes can be bigger than 1*1*1!
  14. Okay - how to load it up?
  15. No other way like in 1.7.10? Is it cuz the ItemRenderer was removed?
  16. How can i render a normal vanilla cube in my TileEntity?
  17. Yep. Very similar to how it was with OBJ in 1.7.10. Also, B3D has something special: you can specify it in json... YAYYY...which means i can animate it? And which programs can create B3D models?
  18. SOlved it, storing it in ClientProxy temporarily now
  19. So, B3D - does it work the same way?
  20. Youll need to create an IResourcePack and add it to minecrafts default resourcepackslist. Do this by reflection.
  21. Oh okay how to do that?
  22. Im trying to connect on Block with another by rightclicking on them with an item. that item stores the last clicked tileentity and sets the connected field in the second clicked tileentity as the first tileentity. Im wondering if im doing it right:
  23. Do it like this: WorldRenderer worldRenderer = Tessellator.getInstance().getWorldRenderer(); GLStateManager.glPushAttrib(); GLStateManager.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glRotated(angle, valueX, valueY, valueZ); //Rendering code here; GLStateManager.glPopMatrix(); GLStateManager.glPopAttrib();
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