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Everything posted by blinky000

  1. Thank you i was wondering
  2. the getCollisionShape, getShape, getRaytraceShapeget and getRenderShape are all deprecated, so what should i be using?
  3. thanks for the help guys ?
  4. I want to REPLACE the positon with minecraft:glass_pane
  5. blinky000


    I have an item, when clicked on a black i have its registry name, i want to replace it with a minecraft:glass_pane , how do i reference the minecraft block , for the world.setBlockState(...)
  6. Light passes through my custom blocks, I've tried different things in properties, i haven't found anything that helps
  7. found the problem, the textures that had problems where 700 x 700 , bare minecraft didn't care, forge did
  8. Odd black lines between blocks. My video is up to date (RTX 2080ti , diver 445.87 ) , i reset it to factory setting does not fix the problem. Only happens with forge installed,
  9. after recreating the data package its now working. Thank you everybody for your help
  10. src/main/resources ----- assets -----data.yabm5,recipes ---------- test_test.json data is not part of assets
  11. iv'e tried using standard blocks: { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ "xxx", " x ", "xxx" ], "key": { "x": { "item": "block/stone" } }, "result": { "item": "block/stone", "count": 9 } } still nothing
  12. sorry old paste , did change minecraft to my id and data is a sibling to assests
  13. I have no recipes that work. my packages are : I am having a problem with recipes; i have the 'data' set up like : src/main/ressources -----assets ... ----data ----------minecraft ---------------recipes --------------------test_direction_from_block.json i question where the data package location, should it be equal with assets , or part of the assets package
  14. ok replaced minecraft with my modid. still didn't work. both "yabm5:block_direction" and "yabm5:block_measure_16" exist as normal blocks
  15. I am having a problem with recipes; i have the 'data' set up like : src/main/ressources -----assets ... ----data ----------minecraft ---------------recipes --------------------test_direction_from_block.json my recipes file { "type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped", "pattern": [ "xxx", " x ", "xxx" ], "key": { "x": { "item": "yabm5:block_direction" } }, "result": { "item": "yabm5:block_measure_16", "count": 9 } } when i put in the block_direction in the workbench, nothing happens and no errors. thank you any help
  16. This is defiantly a Forge thing only happens with smooth light is on. And i say Forge because it wrote the obj model loader
  17. @EventBusSubscriber(modid = Yabm.MODID, bus = EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD) public final class ModEventSubscriber { @SubscribeEvent public static void onRegisterBlocks(RegistryEvent.Register<Block> event) { // Named Blocks event.getRegistry().registerAll( //BlockList.TUTORIAL_BLOCK BlockList.SHAPE_SLOPE, BlockList.SHAPE_WEDGE } } If i understand it it's the <Block> that says what it is suppose to register, but i don't know what it would be for a Recipe or a ModelLoader
  18. how can i tint grass correctly in an obj model? I have tried using "tintindex" the the blockstate. There is a "forge_TintIndex" in the material file, but it dosn't seem to do anything
  19. i can understand copy all the OBJ model stuff, i don't know how to register and new model
  20. I think there is problem about the way it is parsing the OBJ model. I have tired using the debugger with out much success. if i could. If i could if i could modify the code i might be able to figure out the problem
  21. how would i go about Overriding the OBJModel.class
  22. I think the OBJModel is only using the last "g" tag it sees
  23. look for instances for the tag "g" in your .obj , remove them all.
  24. I have been looking into .obj models. I have run into an issue with "g" the group tag. If i use more then one group, only the last group used is rendered. version 1.12 did not have this issue. I.m thinking smoothing groups don't work with group
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