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Everything posted by blinky000

  1. How do i change the voxel shape based on facing
  2. I have got everything setup up, but no mater what the model is i get this: the .obj file was a cube. No matter what model i use i get that
  3. I'm not sure how to path the texture in the .mtl file Can you give me working example (blockstate, model.json, model.obj ,model.mtl) files. ty
  4. blinky000


    I'm using eclipse I understand i should be using the forge logger import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; static final Logger Logger= LogManager.getLogger(MODID); as an example i do ; Logger.debug("Help Me"); where does the file go? it doesn't show up on my Eclipse console, or any log file i can find in project directory.. probably a silly question but i haven't had a log file since 1.13
  5. Will it ever be possible to pass textures to an .obj using the # notation from the blockstate, like 1.12? or have things changed to much?
  6. I have alot of decorative blocks, instead of creating each block individually, i would like crate one master block and pass the the "style" block when registered . then append the a string value to the StateContainer. Then i can apply the textures to a standard model. somthing like (just a mock up) : { "variants":{ "facing=north,style=01": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock" , "texture":{"n" : "green"}, "facing=south,style=01": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "y": 180 , "texture":{"n" : "green"}}, "facing=west,style=01": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "y": 270 , "texture":{"n" : "green"}}, "facing=east,style=01": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "y": 90 , "texture":{"n" : "green"}}, "facing=up,style=01": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "x": -90 , "texture":{"n" : "green"}}, "facing=down,style=01": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "x": 90, "texture":{"n" : "green"}}, "facing=north,style=02": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock" , "texture":{"n" : "blue"}, "facing=south,style=02": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "y": 180 , "texture":{"n" : "blue"}}, "facing=west,style=02": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "y": 270 , "texture":{"n" : "blue"}}, "facing=east,style=02": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "y": 90 , "texture":{"n" : "blue"}}, "facing=up,style=02": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "x": -90 , "texture":{"n" : "blue"}}, "facing=down,style=02": {"model": "yabmm:block/yb_m_tudorblock", "x": 90, "texture":{"n" : "blue"}} } }
  7. Blockstate: { "forge_marker": 1, "defaults": { }, "variants": { "": [{"model": "yabmm:block/test_block"}] } test_block.json: { "model": "yabmm:test_block.obj" so you have a <model..json AND a <model>.obj
  8. IBakedModel bakedModel = model.bake(event.getModelLoader(), ModelLoader.defaultTextureGetter(), new BasicState(model.getDefaultState(), true), DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK); I used DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX_COLOR_NORMAL on the block bake instead of BLOCK
  9. Would it be possible to have blocks share a blockstate ?
  10. Did you try changing the DefaultVertexFormats. on the block
  11. I changed : IBakedModel bakedModel = model.bake(event.getModelLoader(), ModelLoader.defaultTextureGetter(), new BasicState(model.getDefaultState(), true), DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION_TEX_COLOR_NORMAL); from DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK I still had to use : @SubscribeEvent public static void onPreTextureStitch(TextureStitchEvent.Pre event) { event.addSprite( ResourceLocation.tryCreate("yabmm:block/rose_quartz_panel")); } BUT, only if the texture had not been previously used on a resisted block. I assume its a timing thing
  12. another problem of mine is some textures work orthers don't , and they are all the same size
  13. That's exactly my problem, i temporarily fixed the taking out the side or floor setting the voxel shape starts .0001 and ends .999 (stupid fix i know)
  14. It's strange, it looks perfectly fine in inventory and all views int the players hands
  15. so i did get the stone block, when placed in game was totally messed up, thinking it might have to with texture size, or maybe it doesn't parse my .obj files like it did it 1.12 (using kHed)
  16. newmtl Material1 Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 Kd 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 d 1.000000 d 1.0 map_Kd minecraft:blocks/stone_bricks 2nd problem can't get it to use minecraft textures, tried with / without doman , and with/without blocks
  17. Ok, now its almost working , get the model, and the item. The item looks fine, the block is too dark.
  18. Ok , i got TheMikeste1's model to work, but tied haven't registered item yet, and the color is much darker then the original texture. now im worried that the texture HAS to me hard coded in the mtl . previous versions you could define the texture in the blockstate
  19. I havn't got that far, i can't even get my model to show up
  20. jun2040 you commented out the onModelBakeEvent() ? and it worked? all my messing around has got me an empty cube
  21. Using code from TheMikeste1 wabbits, all i get is a untextured block. Only has adding a Sprite texture. Any help would be appreciated
  22. In the <mod>.java file i have FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus().addListener(this::doClientStuff); private void doClientStuff(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) { if (FMLEnvironment.dist.isDedicatedServer()) return; Logger.info("Got game settings {}", event.getMinecraftSupplier().get().gameSettings); OBJLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain("<your mod name>"); } forget it, i see you have it
  23. The 1.12 .obj model loader is still there in 1.13 you had to put OBJLoader.INSTANCE.addDomain("<your domain>"); into the pre_init , so i assume now, i have to subscribe to an event. but no clue which event
  24. I goofed its .obj , 1.12 supported it. I have no clue how to write a model loader
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