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Everything posted by Choonster

  1. Unfortunately that log doesn't tell me much more than the original popup, since it doesn't show the actual exception that caused the failure. Was there any more to it? If you visit https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.7-bin.zip in a web browser, does it download correctly? Try installing Gradle locally and telling IDEA to use that instead of the wrapper.
  2. That screenshot doesn't really have any useful information in it, we need to see the log it was referring to. My guess is that ForgeGradle ran out of memory while decompiling Minecraft. I explain how to fix this here.
  3. I'd suggest looking at how mods like Treecapitator or Tinker's Construct (i.e. the Lumber Axe) achieve this.
  4. If it's directly related to the original question, ask in this thread. If it's a separate topic, start a new thread.
  5. I have an example of a block that rotates the player from the client side here. You should be able to find tutorials on key bindings somewhere.
  6. Block metadata is limited to the range [0, 15] (4 bits), but item metadata is limited to [0, Short.MAX_VALUE] (16 bits).
  7. The item ID is automatically set when you register your item using GameRegistry.registerItem . You must register every Item you add.
  8. You posted this in the wrong section, which is probably why diesieben07 thought this was about your own mod's GUI. Modder Support is for mod developers, Support is for users. This crash occurred because you tried to craft an item without an ID. Report this to the author of the mod you were trying to craft an item from.
  9. You need to install coroUtil, which is included when you download TropiCraft from its website.
  10. Create a gradle.properties file next to build.gradle (if it doesn't already exist) and add this line to it: org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2G This tells Gradle to run Java with the -Xmx2G argument, which sets Java's maximum heap size to 2 GB (enough to decompile 1.8.9). Edit: Fixed the formatting.
  11. Your createBlockState method must return a BlockState with all of the block's properties. Yours only includes the FACING property, not the OPEN property. If you're extending BlockDirectional , you should use the BlockDirectional.FACING property instead of creating your own. If you need your own facing property, don't extend BlockDirectional .
  12. One option is to actually create the entity without spawning it in the world, then kill it using a custom DamageSource that stores the position of the spawner (or the spawner itself). Subscribe to LivingDropsEvent and check the DamageSource : if it's from your spawner, cancel the event and add the loot to the spawner (or do whatever it is that the spawner does with the loot).
  13. I just implemented this myself, it was a bit tricky to figure out. You can't just connect to the new server immediately, you need to disconnect from the current server first and then connect to the new server. When the player clicks the button, store the ServerData of the pending connection somewhere and disconnect them from the server. Look at GuiIngameMenu#actionPerformed (case 1, the Disconnect/Save and Quit button) to see how to disconnect from the current server. When the player disconnects from the server ( FMLNetworkEvent.ClientDisconnectionFromServerEvent ), schedule a task on the main thread using Minecraft#addScheduledTask (this event is fired on a Netty thread, so you must schedule a task on the main thread before you can safely interact with normal Minecraft classes). In this task, check if there's pending connection. If there is, call FMLClientHandler#setupServerList followed by FMLClientHandler#connectToServer (pass a new instance of GuiMainMenu as the first argument) to connect to the new server. You can see my implementation (a client command) here. If you're not targeting Java 8, use an anonymous class instead of a lambda for the scheduled task and Guava's Optional instead of Java's Optional .
  14. Create a class that extends ItemBlock and overrides Item#addInformation . Register your Block using a GameRegistry#registerBlock overload that takes a Class<? extends ItemBlock> argument and pass your class to it.
  15. If there's no compound tag at the specified key, NBTTagCompound#getCompoundTag will return a new one; but this new tag won't be added to the parent tag's map so you need to do this manually. I've written a basic example of this for 1.8.9 here. It should be mostly the same in earlier versions.
  16. For a method reference to be used as an interface, the method must have the same signature as the interface's method. IRenderFactory#createRenderFor takes a single RenderManager argument and returns a Render , your method must do the same. Constructors implicitly return an instance of their class, so you just need to match the arguments. You don't need to create your own renderManager field, Render#renderManager already exists with protected access.
  17. That should work. If you look at the player's NBT data after login at runtime or in the save, is your key present? Post your new code on Gist or Pastebin with syntax highlighting and link it here.
  18. Have you installed CodeChickenCore?
  19. The parentheses weren't part of the code. Just pass the method reference itself as the IRenderFactory argument, you don't need to explicitly cast to or specify that it's an IRenderFactory . registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityNewMob.class, RenderNewMob::new);
  20. If you're targeting Java 6/7, just create an anonymous class that implements IRenderFactory and overrides createRenderFor to return a new instance of the your Render class. If you're targeting Java 8, you can use a method reference to pass your Render class's constructor ( RenderMyEntity::new ) as an IRenderFactory instead.
  21. BlockDynamicLiquid#isBlocked controls whether or not a liquid can flow into an adjacent block. Liquids won't replace a block if it's a door, a standing sign, a ladder, sugar canes, uses Material.portal or a Material that returns true from Material#blocksMovement . In this case, you just need to use a Material that returns true from Material#blocksMovement . This can either be an existing one or your own.
  22. Once you've chosen a position to generate your ore at, you can use World#getBiomeGenForCoords to check the biome at that position. If it's the right biome, generate your ore; otherwise do nothing.
  23. Did you try calling FMLClientHandler#connectToServer with a new ServerData object?
  24. So would it be : Block checkID = world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(i, j, k), IBlockState.getBlock, checkID); I simply cant figure it out. IBlockState#getBlock means that getBlock is an instance method of IBlockState . Call it on an instance of IBlockState to get its Block . Use World#getBlockState to get the IBlockState at the specified position. You can think of an IBlockState as a combination of a Block and its metadata value. Use GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator to register an IWorldGenerator .
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