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Everything posted by SenpaiSubaraki

  1. public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer var1) { return true; } public boolean doesGuiPauseGame() { return false; } in the container. that's what you need
  2. I dont have a tile entity because i have no block T.T I open my gui with a key
  3. tried all of those. either it is not reading properly, or not writing properly. http://pastebin.com/McNg1HE1 please take a look. My guess is my call on the Inventory that makes it bug, but I would not know how to call on it differently thanks you for taking a look and leaving an answer !
  4. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1483366-universal-subarakis-one-stop-custom-block-tutorial-make-it-with-techne/ tut for modloader. with a little thinking you can change it to forge. not much to be changed
  5. modloader has this cool armorstand mod. decompile it and pick up some ideas. then continue making your mod. good luck !
  6. public RpgInventory rpgInv; public RpgContainer (EntityPlayer p1) { super(); rpgInv = new RpgInventory(p1); oh, and the container and inventory get bind in my common and client proxy.
  7. I'm making a new inventory, and all works fine. Apart from the fact the slots do not get saved. I've contacted multiple people, and one adviced me to write data to a .dat file, and one adviced me to write it to an ItemStack. I'm still kind of lost and dont know what to do. Here's the code i have right now. Inventory Container any help is welcome =)
  8. wauw ! im gonna add this to my tutorial page for people who need help with forge converting
  9. its been a day or two since i posted these. I got onto that right now. i got it 'working' only problem now is, the gui wont launch anymore. thanks for the post btw
  10. Mainly because of this problem. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,5128.0.html where i can not simply open a new gui with container because I can't (and some guy that works with me can't either > very advanced coder he is) because of server and client side. if you have taken a look at the problem, and can tell me that the problem is not server or client, please tell me, and then ignroe this post. but it would be awesome to be able to open a gui without a block or item, just a key, or the way I did it, with ClientTickHandler. Thanks for reading
  11. It could also be a problem for how its called. im so confused and really could use some help
  12. I have been modding on this mod for a few days now. (I've got a nice tad of experience modding. dont worry ) Evertything works fine, apart from one thing. Here's the idea : When the Player opens the Vanilla Inventory, I open an ALternative gui, with two buttons : close and Rpg Inventory. I got that working fine trought the ClientTickHandler. The second button, the one that makes us go to a new Gui : My Rpg Inventory, is where the problems are. I've tried opening it with ModLoader.openGui(). I've tried opening trough EntityPlayer.openGui(). I've tried sending a packet to the ServerPacketHandler opening either ModLoader.openGui or EntityPlayer.openGui(). I've tried going trough the Client and Commen Proxy to open the new gui, with gui client and server side, and container trough server side. In any of those ways, either it wont show the gui, and just pops me back in to the 'playng minecraft' mode, or it shows the gui, with container, which is completely (sorry for the word) f**ked up.* *definition of that word : I can pick up items 1 chance out of 100. if i can, i can or not put it back, or put it back, but it will pop in another slot. or i can take out items, but the whole inventory gets mixed up, or i click a slot, and the item 4 slots away will be taken out. I've been told this is a server/client problem, which I do think it is too. I would show you my code, but it's completly messed up atm. Though, here are a few of them. CommonProxy ClientProxy Alternative Gui RpgGui and offcourse, the @mod
  13. Okay, thanks. I'll set up a new mcp environement.
  14. MCP code working > go to MCP folder > recompile > reobfuscate > open reobf folder>open minecraft folder > copy that content into a .zip file > add textures > upload > distribute > people come and post me error log > try to find solution. (read back from the start 3 times) > report to forge cause no clue what is going on thats what i did. recompile+reobf = good way to reobf no ? or did I miss something ?
  15. An entity AI wont make my custom entity have a spawning chance of 30% Cow, 30% Pig or 40% Chicken if you know what I mean.
  16. So 'ive updated my mod to 1.4.6 MCP works fine But when people try to install my mod, The log files says : 2012-12-24 10:56:15 [iNFO] [sTDERR] Exception in thread "Minecraft main thread" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainer Which i'm not surprised with, because my mod uses a block that opens a Gui. As the class is not missing in MCP (so Forge Source) Is it possible it is missing in Forge Universal? I tripple Checked the code and everything is imported as it should. Can anyone else provide more information on this ?
  17. I dont think the EntityAI controlles What the animal spawns as a baby, as all EntityCreatures have the same AI for ''making'' babies, but not for spawning them in the world. Or am i wrong ?
  18. Hello everyone ! I would like to suggest a hook for making animals spawn other baby animal babies ! Sounds weerd ? > i have a mod: better breeding, which i have to edit baseclasses for. I've added a few new cows, pigs, chicken and whatnot to the game, but to be able to make the vanilla animals spawn the new pig / cow/ ... i need to edit the baseclasses so they have x chances of having a new breed baby. I would love a hook for this so i do not have to edit baseclasses anymore !
  19. If you have any issue with a modloadermod, report it here, so here i am. Forge's own build in ModLoader can't use ModLoaders ModLoader.AddEntityTracker. I have had this with two mods. I'm talking straight to the creators of forge right here I would love this to be fixed in later forge versions. It's kind of a pain Here's the error Log.0 you ask for ! Trust me, this is not a coding problem, it's forge who can't read the entitytrackers as modloader does.
  20. probably optifine. I'm using mcpatcher and its working great. just un-check everything from mcpatcher that's there at default, and install mods with it. Supereasy, works for me. even hi res textures ^^
  21. i think you might be wrong:/ cause in my mod file the entityTracker is clearely registered after the entity.
  22. yes, Obsdia is a ModLoader only.
  23. Obsidia crashes with forge é.è Being author of this mod (luckily) i know what the problem is. ModLoader has a nice build in, good working, entityTracker system. Sadly enough, Forge never adapted this ModLoader method, but created an own entitytracker (which untill today i still didn't find any tutorials of, or failed miserably trying myself) So any fix would be great, as I use my own mod together with forge mods.
  24. no no, you got it all wrong I dont want the pig to be a baby I want the pig to spawn a baby cow and a baby pig. but i would have to edit base classes to do so.
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