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Everything posted by SenpaiSubaraki

  1. mcp is missing from the download. i'm going to try and ownload it manually.
  2. Got the same problem here. I was so exited to update my mdos that this was a real bummer x)
  3. I can not guarantee that I am uing the latest version of forge to code, neither that the users of my mod are using the latest forge. BUT I've had this bug only in 1.5.2 of minecraft. My mod uses a Death Event. When the player dies, the world freezes, no single entity moves, and your health is stuck on the last hearts you had before you got your final strike before dieing. I've had this error myself once in vanilla minecraft and about two or three times in eclipse. I've never really payed attention to it untill people started reporting this very bug to me. I haven't been able to recreate the problem since, neither did the VoidsWrath team that uses my mod and tested it for a few hours, together with other mods. Though people keep coming and reporting of this problem. It does not result in a crash, and there is nothing special to see in the logs, no crashes, no errors, no saving worlds, just a complete freeze. I always tell people to update their forge, but it does not seem to help. thanks for reading this. just want to make sure this gets to the forge developers. if this issue has been solved already, I'll make a note on my page that x version of forge is required.
  4. you dont have to unbind your texture. and try adding these : GL11.glPushMatrix(); Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine.bindTexture(name); GL11.glScalef(3f, 3f,3f); GL11.glRotatef(0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); GL11.glRotatef(0, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); GL11.glRotatef(-180, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GL11.glTranslatef(0f,0f,0F); theItem.render((Entity)data[1], 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0625F); GL11.glPopMatrix();
  5. *self bump* i would like to find a solution as soon as possible solved it. i was setting another integer in the main mod file. it would get its value from the proxies, but there's only one mod file, with one integer, so it would get set to the last player who set it's block value. deleted the integer and called in the method getRenderId directly.
  6. minecraft forums ? report him. your mod is your right and copyright. report him, and he will have to, as the code is originaly yours. if you have the proof, he has nothing to say. your mod had that code since 1.4.7, his came later.
  7. it DOES need the .png in the end, given your texture file should be a .png ! also, where did you put your texture file ? given of how you code it, your texture should be in forge\mcp\src\minecraft\textures\items\modParticles given from that > does the item render when you go out of first person mode ? for first person view rendering, use case EQUIPPED_FIRST_PERSON:
  8. forge\mcp\src\minecraft\myFolderName/myPicture.png > sorry, thats for other textures. your should be in forge\mcp\src\minecraft\mods\MODID\textures\blocks or forge\mcp\src\minecraft\mods\MODID\textures\items
  9. i think that is rather for blocks like furnaces, to update their contents. packets seem to be the problem that you have, or, (didn't read trought the whole code) delete the tile entity together with your block. that can cause problems too sometimes. deleting the block but not the tile entity causes the tile entity to stay at the very same place. tile entities are entities, and can exist without block. they are just bound together when the block is placed, and should be destroyed likewise too. i've had similar problems with gui's (client side only) consuming or giving items with a button click, but when using/rightclicking the new item, or empty itemslot , the item would reapear, or disapear, because the server never recieved the info about the change. packets for giving the player items, as well as removing them, from out of a gui, is the (only) solution. double check your proxies, and block code, for eventual things you might have missed. you never know.
  10. the answer is in your question. you somewhere must have a static modifier that keeps changing them. here is my block code for a block with custom bounds.
  11. give us your updated code. and any crash reports. if it doesnt open it means you don't trigger the opening gui event. check you id's in the proxies again.
  12. falldamage accumulates over time when entities fall. i dont know how to get that value, but you could use the fmllog.getlogger.info(""+falldamagevalue); to print that value once you find how to get it. this way you could add a check like if (falldamage < 10.0){ negate falldamage; }
  13. the code comes from a stand alone gui, opened with a keyhandler. But i'll check over the stuff that I save in the block too. only should be the playername, some strings and the integer. p.s. > the integer also gets called out of the proxies, aswell as saved , in an IPlayerTracker
  14. make a global integer. private int counter =20; in your 'onItemRightClick method' counter--; if(counter == 0){ shootGunStuffHere counter=20; } this makes the gun fire every second at least once. (second = 20 ticks) make it more or less as you like. should work. Find me on the minecraftforums : senpaisubaraki if it doesn't work. i'm a rare forge site visitor.
  15. I made an integer that can be set trough a gui, by clicking a button. this integer regulates a block that spawns on death. imagine: player 1 sets a dirtblock to spawn on death.(integer 1) player 2 sets a sandblock to spawn on death (integer 2) when player one dies, the block spawned will be a sandblock, because player 2 changed it most recently. the integers get set to the player's persisted nbt tag. both are called in the proxies, by sending a packet from the player to the server. packet gets send on button click. here's some code setter and getter for code. client and commonproxy packetHandler tell me if you need to see another class, i might have forgotten one. thanks for reading this ! and thank you more for any help given ^^
  16. /** * Called to render an item currently held in-hand by a living entity in * first person. If rendering as a 3D block, the item will be rotated to a * 45-degree angle. To render a 2D texture with some thickness, see * net.minecraft.src.ItemRenderer. In either case, rendering should be done * in local coordinates from (0,0,0)-(1,1,1). * * Data parameters: * RenderBlocks render - The RenderBlocks instance * EntityLiving entity - The entity holding this item */ EQUIPPED_FIRST_PERSON, I can now affirm that the case exists. thanks !! bug solved. i'm changing the title and i'll close the topic
  17. haha, now my eclipse does the same thing I think it's a bug in 688 !! because 684 in eclipse worked, and i had 688 in my vanilla minecraft. that's why.
  18. we might want to know what mods you are using. and the mod that is spamming your console is probably filling your memory, thats why the lag comes over time and eventually results in a crash. i'd take out mods one by one to see which one spams or even crashes your game. then report to the author. that seems best to do.
  19. if you want acces to the command any time, just delete that. i use a command that can be used any time. just delete the if 's that check for anyt permission, or creative mode or something.
  20. just saw i'm in 684. i'll try with 688 and tell you if it changes anything
  21. /** * The render type used for when a ItemMap is rendered in first person, * All appropriate rotations have been applied, and the player's hands, * and the map BG are already rendered. * * Data Parameters: * EntityPlayer player - The player holding the map * RenderEngine engine - The RenderEngine instance * MapData mapData - The map data */ FIRST_PERSON_MAP there is no such case equipped_first_person
  22. I see your code and i raise you mine if(data[1] != null && data[1] instanceof EntityPlayer) { if(!((EntityPlayer)data[1] == Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderViewEntity && Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.thirdPersonView == 0 && !((Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiInventory || Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instanceof GuiContainerCreative) && RenderManager.instance.playerViewY == 180.0F))) { GL11.glScalef(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); GL11.glTranslatef(x, y, z); GL11.glRotatef(15+rotZ, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); GL11.glRotatef(12+rotY, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); GL11.glRotatef(145+rotX, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else { GL11.glRotatef(15f+Z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); GL11.glRotatef(175F+X, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GL11.glRotatef(102F+Y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); GL11.glScalef(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); GL11.glTranslatef(-0.2f+fpsX ,-0.3f+fpsY, 0.2F+fpsZ); } ////////////////////////////////////: @Override public boolean handleRenderType(ItemStack item, ItemRenderType type) { boolean render = item.getItem().equals(Item.dyePowder) && item.getItemDamage() != 4 ? false : true; switch(type) { case EQUIPPED: return render; case ENTITY: return render; default: break; } return false; } i've got what's needed does your renderer work in 1.5.2 ?
  23. since 1.5.2 my item renderers don't render in first person anymore. they do in eclipse, but vanilla minecraft (with mods) doesn't render in first person here's an example
  24. Take a look at the Player Renderer ! Player special's like capes, or Deathmau5's ears are rendered on a special way. they do not belong to the basic model. that way, you just need a variable for each part of the body, and depending on that variable, it will render another part. I think this is the easiest option you can get
  25. What's the difference between a Cake block and a Cauldron ? you can eat cake caudlrons take water yeah okay, great. what about this ? they are both special renders they both keep count and render differently depending on times eaten/water available cake and cauldron MAY just use meta you could pull it off without a tile entity yes, that too. but you're not close to it. I'm using an ItemRenderer, to render an item into a model. But, blockmodels already exist? so why bother making new models ! I use this very line to render blocks render.renderBlockAsItem(blockToRender, 0, 1.0f); where "render" is an instance of RenderBlocks this works with Cake and Reed/Sugar Cane it lacks the rendering with flowerpots, cauldrons, brewing stands, repeaters, comparators and signs. WHY ?? Thanks for any reflective answer or help.
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