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Everything posted by SenpaiSubaraki
I figured some stuff from enumhelper, like toolmaterial and weapon material, now im trying to understand the addArt. All i found so far is this public void load(FMLInitializationEvent init){ EnumHelper.addArt("EnumArtGibea","Painting001", 16, 16 ,112 , 0); EnumHelper.addArt("EnumArtGibea","Painting002", 16, 16 ,128 , 0); EnumHelper.addArt("EnumArtGibea","Painting003", 16, 16 ,144 , 0); ive got like 64 of those. but they dont seem to pop up when using the painting item. does anyone have any ideas on additional code that this needs ?
an ability to not render the rider of a spesific entity
SenpaiSubaraki replied to Ninjusk's topic in Suggestions
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1688664-151-sspsmpwin-a-cape-v83-rpg-inventory-mod-3d-items-jewelery-capes-and-much-more/ thats what i did without any baseclass editing. custom armor models, capes rendered to the player, other models rendered to him, a new inventory, all without baseclass editing. only problem is that is incompatible with any mod that does edit the player renderer. Smartmoving does not do that. Mine Little Pony does. So bascily, all you need to do is catch an instance of RenderPlayer, use the field ModelBipedMain, and set your player 'invisible'. as i told before, you can't acces the aror model fields, because they are private fields i really wouldnt know any other ways of doing what you need, and in my opinion, the easiest to get, without using any api or editing baseclasses. You could even set it so the player cant mount the vehicle if he wears armor, or you can just unrender the entire armor sets by bypassing and itercepting the model renderer and anihilate the renderer (a hack, basicly). i did the same thing for custom armor, but rendered stuff with it , instead of removing stuff -
what he said. or write an NBT to the itemstack. so it keeps the player's name untill it is in another player's hands. either that, or onUpdate.
an ability to not render the rider of a spesific entity
SenpaiSubaraki replied to Ninjusk's topic in Suggestions
ivegot an easy solution. ModelBipedMain, used in PlayerRenderer returns the current player model used. you could use following : modelBipedMain.bipedHead.showmodel == false; do that for every part of the player. remember to .showmodel== true; as a default, so when the player un mounts the bike, it will bee visible again. this does not allow you though to acces the model of armor, as they are private fields so bike riding would have to happen without armor. or you can find a way around this -
or opn up a simple gui with buttons that on click will either detect items in slot x from the hotbar or your inventory, if its that block, change its metadata AKA, consume the block.item and place a new one. easier then te and container, but requiers a lot of hassle with client and common proxies to consume/ add items to the players inventory, as both sides need the player'si nventory information.
if (modelBipedMain.aimedBow == false) { } i used that method before 1.5 and it was working just fine (using it in a renderer) since 1.5, it seems like it does not get called. (System.out.println(modelBipedMain.aimedBow ) tells me that) any suggestions ? (note, i posted this both in modder help and suggestions) sidenote on bows : Sorry LexManos if i miss expressed myself in my previous post about bows I have got a bow with a custom renderer. i used the iconIndex before 1.5 to detect changes in the 'original' bow, and update this way my own 3d model of my bow. but since 1.5, this method does not get called if the item has a custom renderer. Could you please fix/change/ take a look at this ? thanks
if (modelBipedMain.aimedBow == false) { } i used that method before 1.5 and it was working just fine (using it in a renderer) since 1.5, it seems like it does not get called. (System.out.println(modelBipedMain.aimedBow ) tells me that) any suggestions ? (note, i posted this both in modder help and suggestions)
OR, if any other ways are availabe, anything we could have missed, please let me know ! last thing to have my mod fully updated. thank you !
[from skype conversation of modding team] 2013-03-15 19:56:00 [iNFO] [sTDOUT] getIconFromDamage [1:56:57 AM] *username: that is the only call i get when drawing the bow [1:57:04 AM] *username: and obviously i cannot use that [1:57:51 AM]*username*: that doesnt even work [1:57:54 AM] *username: look: [1:58:26 AM] *username: if (this.itemInUse != null && par1ItemStack.itemID == Item.bow.itemID) { int j = par1ItemStack.getMaxItemUseDuration() - this.itemInUseCount; if (j >= 18) { return Item.bow.func_94599_c(2); } if (j > 13) { return Item.bow.func_94599_c(1); } if (j > 0) { return Item.bow.func_94599_c(0); } } [1:58:35 AM]*username: its fucking hard coded into entityplayer [end of record] thanks
How would I go about coding a custom cape?
SenpaiSubaraki replied to ZeldaCorporation's topic in Modder Support
You guys are morons. There is in no way a need to edit any baseclasses or make an API extending renderplayer is more then enough, calling it in the proxies. now someone please close this topic, best answer is given. -
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1688664-147-sspsmp-v71-rpg-inventory-mod-3d-items-jewelery-capes-and-much-more/ that one ? only one i know with capes and jewels mine btw. I can tell for sure that adding an inventory like this is a real b*tch. not talking about smp compatibility x.x
I need to detect items in an item slot, but the items return null if i use a check in my renderer file ! the idea : have an inventory that opens with a key command, enter an item in a slot, and let the entity change model depending on the item. The only problem is, as Renderer's are client side, it wont read my code ! Because it gets saved client side http://paste.ubuntu.com/1683515/ here's a paste of how i save the code in my container and inventory. the data has to be player specifique. thanks for reading, and a like if you answered/helped me !
cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: tutorial.generic.generic caps > your class is called Generic. and get a new tutorial to follow. your classes are full of really bad stuff. just saying.
NBT Data not copying from inventory slot?
SenpaiSubaraki replied to Linternator's topic in Modder Support
dotn edit the data in the slot, edit the data on the item itself. -
I dont really know where to start First of all, we were two into the modding of our mod, and my buddy handled the inventory stuff, but then he quit, so im left alone, and my knoweldge of inventories is small I've figured he saved the data (content of the slots) to the server , with a remote check. inside the container. A new inventory gets created everytime, and loaded with that information, depending on the player's name. It works fine, really. In singleplayer it has no problems. But in multiplayer the inventories start acting weird. The inventories are not shared ! If i equip an item, and then my friend equips an item, my inventory gets emptied. So i would need to save the data to the client, so every player can load the data on their client. So, as i said, i have not much knowledge on inventories, and I would not know how to start I went to see some irc chats, but they did not really help me. I've got 3 proxies now btw. Client, common and server. which seems weird to me. just so you know I dont know which classes to include so i will wait for anyone to answer that can help me. greets, Subaraki.
what about extending entity bull by entity cow ? so the bull gets recognized as a cow, not another entityliving. dont know if that works though.
Porting from ModLoader - Cannot get GUI Working!
SenpaiSubaraki replied to shinyquagsire23's topic in Modder Support
only thing you need to rewrite is the gui. IGuiHandler has serverGuiElement and CLientGuiElement. you need to open the specific data in their: containers for server, the gui in the client . -
How would I go about coding a custom cape?
SenpaiSubaraki replied to ZeldaCorporation's topic in Modder Support
As far as altering the url for capes, no methods have really been found. I've found a mod on the forums, brand new one, that renders capes. you could ask them. I guess it was called rpg inventory or something. the capes ar a work in progress though. -
can noone provide any help .. ?
whenever i place an Item in my slot, it wont place it down, but place a copy of it. so i have two items. and when i want to take it out, it just disapears ! Everything is working fine, and its the last thing I need for it to complete ! Here are a few files you might want to take a look at if you want to help me I'm pretty sure it's just a matter of a line. Server and Client are out of Sync, thats what I think, but dont know where inventory Container SlotArmorRpg
okay. I'll just shut my mouth from now on then.
saving the data in an NBT tag could be nice.
once the item is used, it will call on the method, getContainerItem. Your item should not be stackable, or when smelted, you will only get one item back, from the x items you smelted.
So, I solved that problem. it was a question of placing a variable in FRONT of another one, instead of behind. anyway, new problem pops up. i can place the item in the slot: but it makes a copy. and i can not take it out, it just disapears. so: Server and Client are out of Sync.; anyone got an idea what i can do about this ?
found my error. how do i call on an instance of an inventory without calling a new inventory every time ? public RpgInventory rpgInv; public RpgContainer (EntityPlayer p1, RpgInventory rpg) { super(); rpgInv = rpg;