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Everything posted by SenpaiSubaraki

  1. What's the difference between a Cake block and a Cauldron ? you can eat cake caudlrons take water yeah okay, great. what about this ? they are both special renders they both keep count and render differently depending on times eaten/water available cake and cauldron MAY just use meta you could pull it off without a tile entity yes, that too. but you're not close to it. I'm using an ItemRenderer, to render an item into a model. But, blockmodels already exist? so why bother making new models ! I use this very line to render blocks render.renderBlockAsItem(blockToRender, 0, 1.0f); where "render" is an instance of RenderBlocks this works with Cake and Reed/Sugar Cane it lacks the rendering with flowerpots, cauldrons, brewing stands, repeaters, comparators and signs Thanks for any reflective answer or help.
  2. I need the same thing to make my own bow scope/zoom too. A method to set either the fov modifier value, or add another Item then the bow could be usefull for people who want to make a custom bow with a zoom.
  3. I need the same thing to make my own bow scope/zoom too. A method to set either the fov modifier value, or add another Item then the bow could be usefull for people who want to make a custom bow with a zoom.
  4. Stacksize is an nbt in itemstacks already.
  5. Stacksize is an nbt in itemstacks already.
  6. thanks ! I'll make my mod consume two items then for now I'll report the bug to forge :3 thanks a lot !
  7. So, I have everything I need, but 'im stuck on this last feature. Clicking the button would need to activate player.inventory.consumItem(Item.ingotIron.itemID); which it does, obviously. But gui's are client only, so as soon as i rightclick the item, the change gets neglected by the server, and the stacksize is added one again. So i decide to send a packet to the server. (enter packethandler code here x) ) removed the old consumeItem code and added it in the packethandler. now it consumes 2 items !! I was like ftw. how's that possible ? double checked for any double code, which i dont have. Checked for worldObj.isRemote with and without ' ! '. in both cases, no items got consumed. I used getEffectiveSide. same problem as above. I made it pass trough client and common proxy. consumed 2 items. i commented out either client or common proxy methods to consume the item. ...> no item consumed I'm totaly lost D: I dont know if this is a forge bug or if its just me doing stuff wrong. did anyone have this problem ? does someone know what i do wrong ? I'll share code, but my small gui is rather Stuffed of switches thanks for any help given. subaraki.
  8. yeah, you dont want to do that, that's really stupid. what do you really want to do ? if you are using eclipse ctrl h, first tab of the gui that pops up. enter the name of what you awnt to find, and you should be fine.
  9. i had this really awesome method before. I copy pasted the entire bow and EntityArrow code into new classes, chnaged names (offcourse) copy the arrow renderer code too register your new arrow entity in your client proxy edit bow code, so it shoots your arrows start minecraft, play around with code from arrow and bow find final result after a few days, be very happy, and continue
  10. experience is an entity that goes to the player. if the experience entity hits the player, the player will have a value added to a float hardcoded into the Player, value given by the experience orb entity. this will make a certain variable change, and the player's xp bar will be changed depending on how much got added. all you have to do is make a new entity, and hardcode into your entity (aka: copy paste) the player's ways of adding exp.
  11. how a texture pack works : 1 ; you code your mod, and add textures to your mod as described by any modloader tutorials. 2 ; your code works fine after following a tutorial on modloader 'how to add textures to items and blocks in 1.5.1" 3 ; you publish your mod. 4 ; you or anybody else makes sphax textures. people download the patch,and put it in the sphax texture pack folder. 5 ; the texture pack / mod will comunicate due of 1.5 and the mod will take pictures from the patch. 6; optifine and mcpatcher take care of the high resolution. voila, done. all you had to do is make the mod work
  12. i had that too, but somehow 1.5.1 solved the issue. such a mystery to me ._. http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/6859629_700b_v1.jpg[/img]
  13. Look, if you want US to make spawners FOR you, that's not going to happen. Make a new block (basic tutorials EVERYWHERE) copy ALL code needed for mobspawners and add the code necesairy to register the tile entity and what not. you can even add metadata to your block, and in the block file, make a switch from that metadata ( switch(this.getMetadata) ) or something like that. change the string for each case, add break points. That's all you need. that's what i did to make a custom mob spawn in custom dungeons. it works just fine. dont tell me it doesnt. nuff said, and good luck !
  14. by using your brain ... T.T
  15. main difference : Notepad++ lets you type text. Eclipse lets you type text, notifies you if you have any errors, has tools to auto-import classes you need, has hotfixes if you have any errors, it has a tools where you can test minecraft IN eclipse, so no need to recomp every time, etc etc etc ...
  16. opening a gui FMLNetworkHandler.openGui(player, mod_RpgInventory.instance, 2, world, x, y, z); //2 can be anything you like if you want a container with your gui public class MyGui extends GuiContainer { int var4 = this.mc.renderEngine.getTexture("/Block/changeColorGUI.png"); GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); this.mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(var4); dafuq, you still in 1.4.7 ? GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); this.mc.renderEngine.bindTexture("/Block/changeColorGUI.png"));
  17. EnumArmorMaterial hides = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("hides", 20, new int[]{2, 3, 2, 2}, 5); archerhood = new BonusArmor(RpgConfig.instance.archerhoodID, hides, 4, 0).setUnlocalizedName("archer1").setCreativeTab(tab); archerchest = new BonusArmor(RpgConfig.instance.archerchestID, hides, 4, 1).setUnlocalizedName("archer2").setCreativeTab(tab); archerpants = new BonusArmor(RpgConfig.instance.archerpantsID, hides, 4, 2).setUnlocalizedName("archer3").setCreativeTab(tab); archerboots = new BonusArmor(RpgConfig.instance.archerbootsID, hides, 4, 3).setUnlocalizedName("archer4").setCreativeTab(tab); bonus armor class @Override public String getArmorTextureFile(ItemStack itemstack) { if (itemstack.itemID == mod_RpgInventory.magehood.itemID || itemstack.itemID == mod_RpgInventory.magegown.itemID || itemstack.itemID == mod_RpgInventory.mageboots.itemID) { return "/armor/mage_1.png"; } if (itemstack.itemID == mod_RpgInventory.magepants.itemID) { return "/armor/mage_2.png"; } THAT, is how you add armor to Forge. not differently. tutorials enough out there. even i found one.
  18. OH GOD WHY All tutorials I watch add .setIconCoord() and .setItemName() to the end of the new armor, please, dont use NotePad++ Please, use eclipse. please, use your fucking brain, 1.5 has individual textures, use setUnlocalizedName(""); and blabla bla. i'm out. good luck.
  19. Tested your problem both : GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.dirt, 1), new Object[]{"P", 'P', new ItemStack(Item.redstoneRepeater,1)}); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Block.dirt, 1), new Object[]{"P", 'P', Item.redstoneRepeater}); I have no problem at all. dont know what you are doing, but it must be something else !
  20. public void smeltingRecipes(){ GameRegistry.addSmelting(ParallelWorlds.NightOre.blockID, new ItemStack(NightGem, 1), 1F); } that looks like a modloader method. call GameRegistry.addSmelting(ParallelWorlds.NightOre.blockID, new ItemStack(NightGem, 1), 1F); directly in your load method
  21. why would you even want to do that ? player.inventory.getArmorInSlot(0) or something like that. dont forget nullpointer checks. and player.setFire(20), for 1 second of fire.
  22. they're backin 1.5.1. update to 1.5.1 or explain what the problem is, more specifcly
  23. derp ! nevermind, i solved it. it was not getting called u.u
  24. oh, thats a way too. I thought more like a place where (dumb) users could find the log more easely, so we dont get anoying (dumb) people that dont post logs because they 'cant find it' I'm just saying.
  25. a pull request. and i dont really get what you want. like, check which armor the player is wearing ? what weapon he is using ? you can check the player's inventory for the armor he is wearing already, and you could add an enum yourself for each armor set you want, and add special effects to that in an onEvent class. weapon is the same story. player.inventory.getCurrentItem is more then enough i.m.o
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