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Posts posted by hydroflame

  1. so you can do Reference.modID whenever you need the modID, if it ever changes you only need to change one line


    well .. i mean you should just keep it static, not necessarelly in a separate file


    public class Reference{
        public static String modid = "theforgerevolution";


    i mean this class is kindof useless




    @op: keep in mind that your mod id and your mod NAME are 2 different things, players rarelly get to see the modid



    my mod name: "The Forge Revolution"

    my mod id: "forgerev" (i think, or something similar)

  2. woups, i didnt read that correctly..


    in any case you could use reflection and the guava library to detect all class with the ex: @tlr38usdMod and then add all those class/submods to the main


    but it seems kindof redundant, why don't mod B just add its weapon by itself ?

  3. I'm not sure i understand, but couldn't you just make a tileentity for every block in your network and eachtime a object wants to travel in the network, each TE would receive the information from where it comes from and from there pick a destination. Then pass the information to the next TE ?


  4. And is there an easy way to get the camera vector to orient the texture perpendicular to the looking direction of the player?

    "billboarding" is the word you are looking for :P

    heres how to do it (in minecraft, in an actual opengl program there are better way to do this):



    EntityPlayer p = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer;
    GL11.glRotated(-p.rotationYaw, 0, 1, 0);
    GL11.glRotated(p.rotationPitch, 1, 0, 0);


    i only did a small amount of research on particle but i can tell you this


    every particle are child class of Entity and they can only spawn in client world (as the server doesn't give a **** about particle and doesn't want to update+sync them) and they are spherically billboarded.


    i never tried to actually create a new EntityFX (a new particle), might be possible, might not be


    but what I personally did for one of my TESR (TileEntitySpecialRenderer) was to have an internal list of particle inside the TESR and render+update them inside the TESR. Might not be the best way but for my case it was good enough


    edit: btw the billboard "technique" i show earlier is fake billboarding, which is 99% of the minecraft case "good enough" true billboarding is a biiiiit more compilcated

  5. ok ok dont take it wrong, youll probably lol too when you understand whats goign on


    public GravestoneChangePacket(int facing, int type, TileEntityGravestone par2, int x, int y, int z)


    this.facing = facing;

    this.type = type;

    tileEntity = (TileEntityGravestone)par2.worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(x, y, z);



    you see this, the method is giving you a reference to a tile entity and the coordinates of that TE, basicly what you are doing is saying


    get me the world reference of that TE


    then on that world get me the tile entity at the x y z location

    which obviously return the same TE you have in the begining xD


    so you could just say

    tileEntity = par2

    and everything would work fine :P


    dont worry i wasnt trying to imply you suck or anything, i do stupid shit sometimes too xD

  6. no no search google/youtube for  "blender texture unwrapping", fortunatelly minecraft is using the same convention as everyone on earth for rendering triangles, so if you unwrap your texture in blender your obj will keep the data on how to unwrap the texture, after that just bind and render

  7. ok

    1, if you're not doing any animation and only renderign based on metadata, use ISBRH not TESR

    2, dont use this, "@SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)" ever, it only causes confusion

    nothing good ever came out of that

    3, dont override this method: "public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World var1) "

    3, to read/write from TE you need to implement readFromNBT and writeToNBT

  8. *pulls out code*

    *tries it*


    mfw ?!


    ah ok, its not in the configuration object that you do that, its on the Property value,


    yeah it seemed really weird that you wold be able to read but not write


    thx dies ^^

  9. well i approve the part where you scale, because in blender you could shit models that are like 250 block tall so you would have to use scale, but what i dont get it why -1, -1, -1, that implies you want the model to be flipped on all axis :\


    and to texturing is not hard in blender, just go on youtube there will be a lot of tuts to help you :)

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