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Everything posted by hydroflame
[Solved] Is it possible to use unpacked textures with Eclipse…
hydroflame replied to 535's topic in Modder Support
yeah all you have to do it place them inside mcp/src/minecraft/ -
heu .. well yeah that makes sens model.render(deathorb, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0.0625f); thsi method calls the ModelBase model to render while a obj is a IModelCustom, a thing that you are never calling add this method inside modeldeathorb public void renderWavefront(){ modelDeathOrb.renderAll(); } edit: also obviously call renderWavefront instead of "render(deathorb, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0F, 0.0625f);"
EntityThrowable/Entity working but invisbile
hydroflame replied to OwnAgePau's topic in Modder Support
they are, i have some entities (spells) that extends Entity directly and i have zero problem, its super weird -
EntityThrowable/Entity working but invisbile
hydroflame replied to OwnAgePau's topic in Modder Support
@gotolink ... that actually my example code -
Request - Mod Dev for an AMAZING PROJECT (Soulscraft)
hydroflame replied to Malice's topic in Minecraft General
get a java book, read, code simple, easy, efficient, your friend can code web ? then java should be no problem -
the material file has nothign to do with the texture, it only hold the reflection/diffuse indice and other metarial related property, to make png youll have to check with your 3d modeling software
ive been doign a bit of research and remove it completelly, it does it for you, and yes both of thsoe are quads (but i realise the tessellator ahs some mistake :\
welll when using the Configuration Object theres no method you can call to write another data, if you want to change something you have to use a 3rd party text editign program
so you can read from them but not write ? ... . . ............. .............................. .............. ...... ........ ....... .... thats dissapointing :\
*flips tables*! yes but gui, TESR and every Class<? extends Render> all have the same base push translate render pop while ISBRH is like : NOPE I DO WHAT I WANT *curse word also used for female dogs*!!!!
are you kidding me ok i reaaaally gotta learn exactly whats wrong with ISBRH because it seems like its following absolutelly NO convention in minecraft
well actually flenix its normal that your code doesnt work @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public boolean renderWorldBlock(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, Block block, int modelId, RenderBlocks renderer) { Tessellator tess = Tessellator.instance; GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslated(0, 1, 1); tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 1, 1, 0, 0); tess.addVertexWithUV(1, 1, 1, 0, 1); tess.addVertexWithUV(1, 1, 0, 1, 1); tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 1, 0, 1, 0); tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 0, 1, 0, 0); tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 1, 1, 0, 1); tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 1, 0, 1, 1); tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 0, 0, 1, 0); GL11.glPopMatrix(); return true; } the bold line says "move from whatever i was to +0, 1, 1 it should be GL11.glTranslated(x, y, z);//the coordinates given by the function
well its ticking a box (marking it checked) ... so yeah i guess easy
yes sir
someone else share my opinion ?!?!?? this must be my birthday or something but yeah look on forge wii youll see my tutorial and just download like blender3d or something and start using wavefront (aka real men modeling)
@gotolink, i can do even better import com.hydroflame.item.EquipementBase; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; public class SlotOnlyForClass extends Slot{ private Class onlyFor; public SlotOnlyForClass(IInventory iinventory, int index, int x, int y, Class classrestriction) { super(iinventory, index, x, y); onlyFor = classrestriction; } public boolean isItemValid(ItemStack itemStack) { return onlyFor.isAssignableFrom(Item.itemsList[itemStack.itemID].getClass()); } } usage: this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotOnlyForClass(inventory, id, x, y, BlockOre.class)); it will only accept BlockOre and any of its subclass
whos guide ? mine ? (on forge wiki) cuz id blame techne since its pretty much crap :\
heu .. ok well pastebin is blocked by my network but little tip n trick, when it says "quads" it mean any combinaison of 4 vertices so tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 0, 1, 0, 0) tess.addVertexWithUV(0, 1, 0, 0, 0) tess.addVertexWithUV(1, 0, 0, 0, 0) this is valid and tottally not a quad (i actually have no idea wtf it is though)
Toggle visibility of a block based on equipped tool
hydroflame replied to Bregor's topic in Modder Support
this is why i hate ISBRH, the only you CAN do to force a re-render is world.markBlockForUpdate(x, y, z) client side -
@ingiethigny, you forgot the part where you need a hashmap to store every players walk distance, the way thsi is setup now mean that once one person start walking this will trigger the event for everyone
Hi hydroflame, I was having the same problem as Channel_3, but setting up my files as you suggested fixed it. The only thing is I had to change the folder name and reference to lowercase. (And create all of the folders, of course.) Thanks! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no bro
no actually ant build is super usefull but i made my own script (in bash) that does the equivalent, zip, sign and upload to my server automaticly @op if you care to learn ant it will be usefull, if you just want to do it the easy manual way, run those script
just run recompile.sh (or.bat for windows user) and reobfuscate.sh/.bat then all the files you need zipped will be in mcp/reob/minecraft/*
oh ...my ... god, your mod is sooo cool i mean i would probably never use it because it would be super slow (well maybe i can think of cool stuff to do with it) but holy that is one of the coolest idea ever ! edit: attend en plus tes francais ?!?!?! ok la cest bin trop cool !
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