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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. wow ... StrangeOne101... im sorry but youre soooo wrong. every modification to the world MUST be done server side or else they will be erased. @op: a general answer would be to tell you you must send a package to tell the server that a certain plaer has accomplished the action. if you explained in more details what you want to do i could give a better explanation. but youre going to need to send a packet. also, you DONT need the editBlocks thing
  2. @chillbill, are yoyu kidding ?!?!?! finally!! i have to check if theres a block place event too
  3. depending on the size of your mod i wouldnt mind looking over the code to see its efficiency. I'm doing a master in software engineering so im pretty much good at everything but i guess minecraft related my strength everythign except mobs and terrain generation. but i do have a lot of experience in entities in general as i am making a spell api myself.
  4. what the even fuck ? 1400?!?! are you making like every mod ever ? (ok exgagerating but wtf ?)
  5. no, you use System.out.println() to check wether or not the variable "isJumping" is true for other players when a player is jumping, like i said this variable might not necessarelly be synchronized with all the clients
  6. i imagine that when you say the tutorial seems unfinished its because at the begining it says :"THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION" yeah sorry about that i just never took time to actually finish that one. But hum yeah basicly markBlockForUpdate called on server side will send a Packet32TileEntity to aaaaall clients in range , while calling it client side will request a re-render of the chunk (since chunk are rendered in bulk) btw when the client receive a Packet32TE he will re-render anyway. the only thing you should have to do to actually sync is server side call markBlockForUpdate and override read/write to/from nbt (the method inherited from TileEntity) and also override this function: @Override public void onDataPacket(INetworkManager net, Packet132TileEntityData packet) { readFromNBT(packet.customParam1); } im not sure why TileEntity is not overriding it himself cuz that seems kindof necessary but wtv
  7. ok 1 make a class that will handle LivingDropEvent look up at tutorials if you dont know how 2 add your drops inside the handler
  8. its an instance ... you told us right here-> also, int never return null, never, its just impossible. like gotolink said, at worst it will return 0. can we see the class where flintpickaxe is created ?
  9. the part where the server doesnt know about keyboard input is obvious but the part about client not calling onUpdate on every entity im not sure about
  10. approved, well explained
  11. what i would do is either calculate the difference between last position and current position and derivate the rotation of the wheels from that, or use the datawatcher, whatever you feel like
  12. UV: basicly they are the default name to coordiantes in opengl 0, 0 represent top left (or botom left ? one is opengl the other is d3dx) and 1, 1 represent the opposite corner but since icons are all in 1 texture, you must use the getMinU getMaxU to determine what are the portion of the texture is given to this specific icon
  13. hum yeah that gonna need some work basicly player a does NOT have access to player b inventory, at all except his main item and 4 piece of armor technicly you could use the datawatcher to sync the item you want into a certain slot and then use the playerrender event to render that item
  14. can you check that other players see "isJumping" as a good value, this might not be updated through all the clients :\
  15. doesnt matter, client should calculate that anyway
  16. heu, not to be a dick but HashMap have been working for years, can we see your code you probably just forgot something
  17. well then now you know that somewhere in your entity update code you are not properly updating your wheelYaw
  18. well i don't do the "complete working example" thing, i print the code that should be enough to explain what you want to do meta can be gotten using world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); and side you just manually enter what you want if you want side 1 then block.getIcon(1, meta); side 2? block.getIcon(2, meta);
  19. yeye for sure we dont want it static, makes no sens anyway but was i mean is, can you print right before that rotation yaw thing? so you can clearly know what is the value at this moment ? System.out.println("value of rotation: "+((EntityTrucks)entity).wheelYaw); this.wheelModel[j].rotateAngleY = (((EntityTrucks)entity).wheelYaw * 3.141593F) / 60F; this.wheelModel[j].render(f5);
  20. tile entities require a damn lot of computing cycles + lot of network traffic, not recommended since ISBRH would be enough the wiki has a couple of tutorial on it
  21. well i mean more like to find the root cause of this, id first try to make a copy of carpet, if it doesnt work then you have a serious problem, if it does then you can add features one by one and see which one is messing up the whole thing and why or you could just try to copy everything related to the bounding box over first to see if that work, then slowly change into what you need
  22. id try straight up extending carpet, try to make a new carpet and one by one add the features you need to that block
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