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Posts posted by hydroflame

  1. Hey guys,


    If you play on a server long enough you end up having a billion tunnels underground and minning all the ore out of your main area (the problem is a million time worst in big multiplayer server). So i was thinking, would there be a way to regenerate the underground ? like everything under 30 would pass another generate step every month or so (probably with another RNG so that ores are not EXACTLY in the same spot every time).


    btw im not expecting you guys to do the mod. I'm pretty sure i can handle this, except that world gen/chunks are the only thing i did not touch in forge (yet).


    so what do you guys think ? were would you start searching? does anybody have a mod i could take example from ? something like the hard mode world gen in terraria? (if you know what im talking about)  Which class should I look into?


    Thanks ^^

  2. heu, ok i dont know


    but this is kind of information outputed through the logs when you're using a released version of a mod? (im 99% certain yes but i want to make sure)


    All of the stuff you see in eclipse is output to the file when used in the normal game, yes.


    ah this is sweet, never had to acutally use the logs as i dont release before im as close as bug free as i can get, but its good to know

  3. honestly just look at the wiki, its pretty straightdoward.

    public class MainMod{
    @SidedProxy(clientSide = "com.hydroflame.mod.ForgeRevClientProxy", serverSide = "com.hydroflame.mod.ForgeRevCommonProxy")
    public static CommonProxy proxy;
    //bunch of function


    make a class CommonProxy and one ClientProxy that extends the CommonProxy one


    then make a function called registerRenderers() in both and but the rendering code in the client one

  4. Also, I don't think you need to do two glPushMatrix()'s since you aren't doing anything special to your model between the second one and the first glPopMatrix(); one pair should be good enough.


    definitely ^


    you probably should rotate before you translate


    doing translation before implies that you want to rotate according to the origin



    aka if you have a boat at 0, 0



    if you rotate then translate:

    rotate: the boat faces left:

    translate: the boat moves 10 unit

    o = origin e = empty b = boat

    rotate give

    [d]  (for the sake of it well just imagine this is a rotation and now another letter

    then translate:



    if you translate then rotate:

    translate, the boat is now 10 unit away

    rotate: opengl rotates the origin, meaning


    [o][e][e] would actually give  [o]




    nvm formating screwup up my ascii art



    if you dont give a shit about why, or if i wasn't clear enough,


    jsut switch glRotate and glTranslate order

  5. i can say for sure that the egg thignies and entity registering should be server side as both the client and the server must know that a new mob is in the game


    as to why its only "Spawn" and it renders as a biped... this is beyond my knowledge. i guess you'll have to debug it or wait 'til someone else give you an answer :(

  6. Yes. Yes it is


    sorry we do get some pretty stupid question sometimes


    at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.registerBlock([b]GameRegistry.java:232[/b])


    can you check at line 232 of GameRegistry to see what reference is null



    if(ref == null){
    System.out.println("ref is null");


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