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Everything posted by Ugdhar

  1. 9minecraft is bad, see https://stopmodreposts.org/ for more information. I would only download mods from curseforge, or from the actual website of the mod author. You should delete all of the mods you downloaded, and redownload them from authorized locations. There;s no telling what gets stuck into those redistributed jars.
  2. You will need to update to a more recent version for support, 1.6.4 is super duper ancient and no longer supported here
  3. That is not the answer to either of Answering these questions will help people to help you,
  4. I would try removing some/alll of the coremods and seeing if it still crashes like that. If not, you could try adding them back one by one, testing in between to see if it runs.
  5. The link at the top of the page for 1.13 Update Notes for Mod Creators has the answer to that question and more
  6. I think you got it, you're using optifine for 1.13, you need a 1.13.2 version specifically for the version of forge you are using. i don't use optifine, so I do not know if they are up to date as of yet, my guess would be probably not since forge itself is still being worked on for 1.13.2 *edit: It also looks like you have a mod for 1.6.4 in there as well.
  7. Why would lack of a job stop you from making an oracle account? I don't recall when I made mine, but I'm sure I wouldn't have paid any money for it, and if they require you to put an employer/profession, you could always say self employed software developer or something like that.
  8. You should not repost on your issue after 5 minutes, it is considered rude. This is not a chat room, it takes time for people to see your messages. That being said, you will not receive support for 1.7.10 here, it is too old, and regardless of mod popularity, is no longer supported on these forums. You will need to update to a more recent (1.10+ from what I've seen) version to get support.
  9. Minecraft 1.7.10 is no longer supported on these forums. You will need to update to a more recent version to receive support. Also, repeat posting after less than an hour is considered rude, give people time to answer your question.
  10. Also, you should update to a more recent version, I do no believe 1.8.9 is supported any longer.
  11. That's a lot of complaining for getting something people put a crapton of work into for FREE. If you're so sick of waiting, why not chip in and help the devs? Pretty sure there's info all over the place on how you could help contribute instead of making a useless thread whining and complaining and asking to get banned.
  12. Endercore crashing because there are Natura item references in the config file for items that don't exist? That would be my guess, based on just reading the first few lines. Often times if you read what it tells you, it gives hints as to what may be wrong.
  13. You will need to update to a more modern version of minecraft to receive support here. 1.7.10 is really old, and no longer supported on these forums.
  14. Looks like maybe underground biomes is trying to access client only classes perhaps? If you remove it, does it work?
  15. You will need to update to a more recent minecraft version to receive support. 1.7.10 is very very old, and no longer supported on these forums.
  16. 1.7.10 is so old, it is no longer supported. You will need to update to a newer version to receive help here.
  17. You must have java 8 for forge, at least until forge for 1.13+ comes out.
  18. Are you using Java 8? java -version will tell you I believe
  19. https://app.twitch.tv/download This should make it easy for you. After you install it and run it, click where it says Mods near the top, then click Minecraft. This will allow you to install premade modpacks, or you can use "Create Custom Profile" to create your own modpack. Makes it much easier, and will make sure you don't download mods from a fishy site. Hope this helps!
  20. The forge that this profile is running is outdated, even if you have a new one installed, you must edit the profile properties to make it use the new version.
  21. Did you run the installer? Once it's been run, it should add the version to your dropdown, it is not installed in the mods folder like a mod, it's a little different. If you don't see it in the dropdown after you've run it, try scrolling all the way to the bottom.
  22. Sorry, but you'll have to update to a newer version to receive support. 1.7.10 is really old, and no longer supported on these forums.
  23. You should post the full log, partial logs only show part of the story. Post them to a pastbin or github or something like that for readability. =]
  24. You will need to update to a newer version to receive support. 1.7.10 is super old, and no longer supported on these forums.
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