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Everything posted by WildHeart
Hello, how to get the sources of forge server?
Thank you! Solved!
Hello, i need to get the item that is held by the cursor(not in hand!) in container. How to get it?
Prompt then as it is necessary correctly as I carried out many tests and did not receive desirable result, can it is connected with the fact that I have experience of development of system of particles only on javascript
I interpolate all values for motion, color change, etc, but use deltaPartialTick. Can I expect to move in updateScreen or better to use drawScreen for this? If not, then there are a few more examples of how I should use updateScreen. Thanks!
Hello, I can't figure out which cases need updateScreen. I can for example calculate the movement of something (particles, animations) in the drawScreen and the movement will be smooth. If perform all the same actions with updateScreen, I will not get a smooth animation, and get the movement at 20 fps. So I want to understand why it is needed, I know that it is used for Gui TextField and beacon, comments in the code do not make it clear what you can still use this updateScreen. Thanks!
Hello, I have a problem when create the GUI in full screen. The fact that minecraft scales resolution in gui and etc. I have a question, is it possible to disable it, that the resolution is not scaled? My code: glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glMatrix { glLoadIdentity() glViewport(0, 0, mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight) glOrtho(0.0, 800.0, 600.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 3000.0) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glMatrix { glLoadIdentity() glTranslated(0.0, 0.0, -2000.0) glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) glClearDepth(1.0) glClear(GL11.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL11.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) // render something glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) } glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) } P.s. glMatrix -> GLStateManager.pushMatrix() block() <- Kotlin blocks GLStateManager.popMatrix()
I know, but what can be in it that can cause?
Not entity, this is tileEntity
Yes, thank u) But not entity, it's tile
I want to disable loading chunks in mod.
I want to disable this in mod. It is necessary not only in one tileEntity but also in the nearest in a chunk
How to update tileEntity when the player is not in the vicinity?
Not exactly. I know chunk loaders: ForgeChunManager, ChunkEvent.Load/Unload. But there are still vanilla ways I don't know about. That's what I'm asking.
Oh, sry, it's a stupid translator. "I have a mod that has a mechanism, this mechanism loads chunk when is enabled". I know that it is possible to load the chunk using method getChunkFromChunkCoords, but what else like this can cause a сhunk loading or tileEntities update in the vicinity?
I have a mod that has a mechanism, this mechanism is enabled when it loads your chunk, but I need to remove it as on my server logs are created. It doesn't mention ChunkEvent.Unload / Load or ForgeChunkManger. So, I need more ways of loading the chunk which I don't know. Thanks!
Hi, how to update the chunk if it was unloaded?
Well, then it's time to try Mixin by spongepowered Thanks for help!
So I ask if there is any other easier way to do. But apparently will have to use IClassTransformer.
What about allowUserToConnect? If it is null then the player can join to server
Yes, but there are plugins that allow you to do this. Plugins writen with bukkit api