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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. Update, 1.7.10 is not supported.
  2. If there are inappropriate ads {Protip: There are no sex ones} then take a screen shot and send it to us. That will have information we can use to track it down and remove it. But just saying "durr ads bad!" isn't helpful. We try and curate the ads to be as family friendly as possible. But we can't do shit without any information.
  3. Remove the shaders mod
  4. Yes, thats the 'or should' There is a reason why I do not support or condone the Technic platform, But this goes into a lot of bullshit drama that wars have been faught over. Point is, No we will not be doing this for both technical and legal reasons.
  5. They have permission to distribute mods. Or at least, they should. Its also far better to use things like those launchers and not just a world zip.
  6. Right these are all material based things. Which its on the item's end to determine if they have a harvest level. There is no way to generalize all of these values, your item just needs to check the material in canHarvestBlock which is delegated to when the block doesn't have a tool.
  7. 1) Redistributing other's mods is a NO GO serriously don't do it. It's not worth the drama. 2) Mods are loaded during init there is no way to unload them so doing it per world won't work.
  8. This would be a gradle question not us. We shouldnt need to do anything special. And we wont do anything special to support any more custom IDEs.
  9. Be more specific, what blocks exactly.
  10. Becuase its better to have things rendered from models and not have modders doing direct GL manipulation. It's kinda the entire point of the new rendering system. I'm gunna go with no.
  11. Honestly I have no idea how the data watcher and the internal data is is desyncing but things happen on modded servers. I've pushed a NPE protection in for it. We'll see if people can figure out more information but all of our logic seems sound.
  12. Yes it's a localization issue from crowdin. Nobody really cares. It'll be fixed eventually.
  13. The installer will download it, if not you've derped something up. You could always download it yourself from mojang's servers. Beyond that if you want help, update to atleast 1.8.9.
  14. The logging is important, you need to get these issues fixed, it's not on our end.
  15. Most likely a spigot issue then. The server is sending invalid config options for the entities' AI values.
  16. Due to the craziness that is that image, as well as the intermittent-ness of it. I'm more inclined to think the problem lies outside of Forge/MC. Possibly with your drivers or GFX card itself.
  17. Not reproducible in any way... You need to try and figure out a way to reproduce. This is usually caused by corrupt worlds or mods that break entity AI.
  18. Forge Version: 1.9- Minecraft Version: 1.9 Downloads: Changelog (Direct) Windows Installer (AdLink) (Direct) Other Installer (AdLink) (Direct) MDK (AdLink) (Direct) Universal (AdLink) (Direct) While we sit here and twiddel out thumbs waiting for Mojang to officially release 1.9.3, we figured it would be a good time to officially release our first recomended build for the 1.9.x familyu of Minecraft. This is for version 1.9 specifically (AKA: 1.9.0). It comes with a lot of new bug fixes, tons of performance enchancements and all new combat mechanics whoo!!!! Once 1.9.3 is officially dropped, we will immediatly be updating. And most likely pushing out a RB within the week. So get to testin and get to reportin. The hope with this RB is to get modders to start taking 1.9 seriously and update. There is A LOT of cool stuff for them to play with! Minecraft Forge 12.16.1 Changelog: ============================================================================ New: Added logging unknown exceptions in commands. Added "gui3d" and "smooth_lighting" options to the forge blockstate. Added hook to add entity spectator shader. New universal bucket system. Modders can now enable a forge bucket that will take over vanilla and work with all registered fluids. New hooks for swiming in fluids. Added logging for LAN servers who derp indexedcodecs. Increased actual maximum fuel burn time from 32767 to 2147483647. Added event to allow more control over the cameras FOV. Added support for custom dyes in banners. Added support for IItemHandler capability on all vanilla entities. Added new methods to make custom block states easier. Tooltips will now wrap instead of going off screen. Compleetly refactored and orginized interal Registry system, allows modders a simpler and cleaner interface with all vanilla registeres as well as custom ones added by mods. Fully implemented Villager Registry. New registries for SoundEvents, Enchantments, MobEffects and PotionTypes New support for ResourceLocations in IMCs New hooks to registry system to capture vanilla information. New keybinding modifers system, CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT can now be used as modifers (Example: CTRL+F) New mod update gem on main menu similiar to realms notification gem. Removed @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) from BossInfo/BossInfoServer methods Updated OreDictionary for a lot of new vanilla items/blocks. New event to allow mods to control potion effect rendering. New boss bar rendering event. Add a java version detection and nag system for users on Java 7 or below with a nag screen. Bug Fix: Fixed NoSuchElementException in ModelBlockAnimation caused by empty event list. Fixed small bug in item extraction code. Fixed incorrect patch to GenLayer, causing large vanilla biomes to not work properly. Fixed droppers not dropping. Fixed ASM SignatureReader choking on lambda signatures generated by JDT Fixed WorldRenderer.normal() broken when used for arbitrary normals. Fixed item default transformations. Fixed universal jar in the installer not being signed properly. Fixed multiple registrations of reloading hooks in custom model loaders. Fixed custom model loader reload hook not firing during registration. Fixed NPE when using an item to open a slotless inventory. Fixed Block.onNeighborChange not being called for all axises. Fixed invalid item being passed to gatherCapabilities when itemstacks changed item. Fixed implementation of RenderEntityItem.shouldSpreadItems. Fixed vanilla bug where network clients would see incorrect break progress on blocks. Fixed Block/Item.setRegistryName printing a incorrect warning when used. Fixed Entity.shouldRiderSit modifying game logic and not just rendering. Fixed invalid parameters being sent to LivingSpawnEvent.CheckSpawn. Protected BlockSnapshot and Chunk.getTileEntity from mutible BlockPos instances. Fixed chat formatting not surviving line wraps in chat messages. Fixed loading of world ID maps for worlds without dummy data. Fixed bug with getLightOpacity based on TileEntities. Fixed Potion.shouldRenderInvText Fixed ItemStack capabiliteis being lost when picked up. Fixed race condition when using indexed codec in a LAN server. Fixed WorldEvent.PotentialSpawns Event passing the list instance of the ChunkProvider to users. Fixed WordServer.canCreatureTypeSpawnHere not using Forge Events. Fixed dummy blocks not being removed from registry on dedicated server correctly. Fixed CombinedInvWrapper accessing incorrect slots Fixed invalid index calculation in BakedQuadRetextured. Fixed some invalid side culling related to stairs/slabs. Fixed outline shader rendering. Fixed entity pathfidning not applying the correct penalty. Fixed hook for customizing the player's display name. Fixed edge case where minecarts could infinitly accelerate. Fixed KeyInputEvent not firing for all events. Fixed a condition that caused the enchantment table to roll invalid enchantments. Fixed players smaller then 1 block not fitting into tight spaces. Fixed Chests not opening correctly with semi-solid blocks on top. Fixed edge case where items would drop twice. Fixed finite fluids being drained incorrectly. Fixed Block.getPickBlock returning an ItemStack with a null Item Fixed issue caused by setting spawnRadius to 0 Fixed using PlaySoundEvent to replace a sound with a PositionedSound causing an NPE. Fixed mod languages not being loaded on the server. Fixed sluggish scrolling in mod list gui. Fixed issue where some TEs would not be loaded correctly before rendering. Fixed custom fluid sufraces not rendering from the bottom. Fixed cooldown overlay sometimes rendering opaque. Major New Feature: Keybinding Modifiers Modified the configuration options to allow usage of the CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT modifiers in keybinds. Allows for more combinations with controls. This has been neede with the ever growing mod community that adds more and more hot keys. Java Version Nag: Alright guys, nobody likes nags, but this is needed. People NEED to start updating to Java 8. There are MAJOR secuirty issues with Java 7 and 6. Not to mention the major performance increases, as well as awesome new tools modders are using more and more often. The new system will show a nag screen once every 24 hours. This CAN be disabled using the forge.cfg file. However it's recomended that the user just update their java. It will also put a nag in the main menu. If any mods are detected to require Java 8, the game will display a graceful screen before exiting.
  19. Yes, Update to 1.8.9 and ditch any mod that is holding you back because they 1) shouldn't be because the differences are so small 2) Need to stop being lazy and update. 1.8.0 is EOLed. Deal with it.
  20. You're in a debug environment which means 1) the line numbers are screwed so we can't see what you're actually erroring on. 2) You should debug your own things as it's most likely a bug in your mod not forge.
  21. We've told you how to fix your issue many times, and just like the first one you're going in circles. Suspended for 2 days for remaking a locked thread.
  22. This is getting dumb, I've linked you the tutorial on how to change your encoding. Something on your system is defaulting it to a non-UTF format. Which is why you have to configure it. The link tells you exactly where to put it and even gives multiple methods of applying it. You don't need to sit here trolling/bumping this post just follow the damn directions.
  23. Use The Installer It's open source if you want to go see what it does then good on you. We're not gunna hold your hand through making yours and others lives harder.
  24. Use the installer, that's what it's there for.
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