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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Kokkie

  1. Still you're using it for an unsupported version. If you update you're free to ask.
  2. 1.7.10 is no longer supported.
  3. Can you post your whole project on GitHub or something like that?
  4. Show your code...
  5. Hmm what would be wrong...
  6. EntityPlayer::getName
  7. You need to make a variable like this: public static final ResourceLocation BUTCHER_LT = LootTableList.register(new ResourceLocation("iv","villager_butcher")); Then that is your ID.
  8. That is the 'ID'
  9. You can look at the Forge docs for a documentation of capabilities.
  10. It's just how I used to do it, sorry
  11. Okay, can you lock it for me?
  12. How can I lock a topic?
  13. Hello, I wondered how I could get the attack delay, AKA 1.9's best feature, from any item.
  14. Give it more memory
  15. Now, in my store, the buttons are all invisible (also the normal buttons (GuiButtonExt)) Just found the problem...
  16. Sorry, it's the older one, my newer one is... I changed the code to this: public GuiButtonWithImage(int buttonID, int xPos, int yPos, int xOff,int yOff, int type, boolean bank) { super(buttonID, xPos, yPos, 20, 20, ""); textureOffsetX = xOff; textureOffsetY = yOff; if (bank) { this.type = type; } } Now it does work...
  17. the texture is in assets.dgm.textures.gui
  18. Hello, I've made a custom button with textures for my money system. My code is on my github (https://github.com/KokkieBeer/DeGeweldigeMod). The button is located in com.Egietje.degeweldigemod.gui.button. As you can see the texture isn't the right or something like that and because of that it is stretched.
  19. He is helping you by giving the right/updated code for something you are doing wrong. It may work now but that may not be the case in the future.
  20. You want to make your own block glow? So like glowstone but without emitting light?
  21. Why not update to 1.11.2? If you update you should go for the latest version.
  22. Not just today...
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