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Everything posted by TheRPGAdventurer

  1. an adult girl who plays video games? not hating tho, it's hard to find female gamers but an adult female gamer? YEAH! btw you can see the owner of that mod from minecraftforum.net. you can request him/her/them there.
  2. HAHA I'm 24 and I still don't have a girlfriend. also to know if adults play minecraft.
  3. I'm just curious if you are one of those kids below 18 who already have boyfriends.
  4. some thingsare not what they seem to be, what is your age btw?
  5. Are you the creator of this mod? If not we cannot help you, you must pass this to the mod's owner, because in here we help people who have trouble programming mods, not people who install mods, I think the term "Modder Support" is a bit confusing. Thank you beforehand.
  6. here it is https://github.com/PanzerTank101/rotd/tree/rotd-1.10.2
  7. ok gonna do some research be back in nest days.
  8. What codes do I have to post?
  9. Ok did some research on this site, my lang file is en_us.lang, changed it to en_US.lang
  10. like what file names? on what Files?
  11. So I'm done making my mod, run gradlew build and when I try to install it on my own PC, It gives me errors like assets is not working and such I/ll show you screenshots. So my question is, what files cause this error what class, I did not post some source code yet because I am unsure where it is giving the errors.
  12. HAHAHAHA! I mean what command to turn it into a jar file.
  13. thanks my mod is now done, now what do I do.
  14. ok solved it thanks guys, just don't put spaces on =.
  15. yes, trying to do it with no spaces.
  16. 1.10.2 en_uS.lang other languages work on other items tho, i think draco has a point.
  17. assets/MODID/lang other items work only on shears not.
  18. yeah! no more of those kids with cool mods being greedy. There is no reason for my minecraft mods to be copyrighted.
  19. My Item; https://pastebin.com/LzFb64rS My init https://pastebin.com/2xgR1UTv; My lang file https://pastebin.com/hUqY12D9;
  20. Hi How do I fix my armor being held more of a sword or tool rather an item? ModArmour init class https://pastebin.com/k1tz4Rax, ItemModArmour class https://pastebin.com/qeV4mssK
  21. public void generateNestUnderground(World world, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, Random rand) { int x = chunkX * 16 + random.nextInt(16); int z = chunkZ * 16 + random.nextInt(16); int xy = x >> 4; int zy = z >> 4; int height = world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(xy, zy).getHeight(new BlockPos(x & 15, 0, z & 15)); int y = height - random.nextInt(55); //30; if(world.getBiomeForCoordsBody(new BlockPos(x,y,z)).getBiomeClass().equals(BiomePlains.class)) { if((random.nextInt(10) + 1) <= 1) { if(world.getBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y, z)).getBlock() == Blocks.AIR) { dragonNest.generate(world, random, new BlockPos(x,y,z)); } } } } update what do you think is wrong? when I add the method to spawn caves you guys suggested it will not work but if I remove it, it randomly spawns underground.
  22. I know it's just a pseudo code I mean how to implement it, Difficulty in understanding code remember.
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