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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by SanAndreaP

  1. There's a variable for this in BiomeGenBase: /** The temperature of this biome. */ public float temperature; You might test this out, but it should work. I think you place this variable in your biome constructor and set a temerature so that it snows. EDIT: There's also an other value for the downfall here: /** The rainfall in this biome. */ public float rainfall; Dunno what it does, but I think it's how often it starts to rain / snow(?). Play with this value as well or take the value from a snow biome (it's the second parameter in the setTemperatureRainfall(int, int) method, called in the initializations of the biomes in BiomeGenBase)
  2. WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied: 'C:\\T7-D510\\JavaWorkspace\\mcp72\\ec lipse' Looks like there are no writing rights for the eclipse folder. To solve this, right-click on your MCp folder -> Properties -> Remove the tick / filled square, so there's nothing in the checkbox -> Apply -> be sure that the 2nd checkbox is checked (apply changes for the folder, all subfolders and files) -> wait a bit until it's done -> click OK on the property window and try again.
  3. Check out the "Donate" section in this thread: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,5.0.html
  4. How do you spawn the particles exactly or better saying what triggers the spawn of particles? Do you have this issue on the Client or do you test on a server?
  5. looks like a Block ID conflict to me: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 250 is already occupied by ic2.common.BlockMachine@e015d5 when adding buildcraft.factory.BlockMiningWell@1b962c9 Change the block ID of either IC2 or Buildcraft for that block to a different value until it doesn't crash with the same message. If then appears a different one, try to change the block ID for the block mentioned in the crash report.
  6. Do you use the original Minecraft Launcher (Minecraft.exe from minecraft.net)? It looks like you don't use one, because of: It cannot find the net.minecraft.Launcher class, which should exist if you use the original launcher.
  7. Do you use the original Minecraft Launcher (Minecraft.exe from minecraft.net)? It looks like you don't use one, because of: It cannot find the net.minecraft.Launcher class, which should exist if you use the original launcher.
  8. Yup, it's how the vanilla code works.
  9. Well, I've looked for 3 minutes in the code and found this: mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension(entityplayermp, dimensionid); However, you'll need an instance of the Minecraft server (the mcServer object), an instance of the player from the server (the entityplayermp object) and your dimension ID (the dimensionid variable).
  10. Works for me, but only on the client in some cases. If I apply some code for the server, the game crashes. Dunno why I have to figure out how to spawn the particles on a server.
  11. Which version of Forge do you use? the newest should be
  12. You shouldn't use world.spawnEntityInWorld for particles. Just use Alptraum.mc.effectRenderer.addEffect
  13. What's the reason for that? And would it be possible to remove the need for clients to have forge installed in the future? It's kind of weird, as a player, having to install a mod loader/API without installing any actual mods that use it (in this rare case). Because Forge needs to alter packages for various hooks and because the Client runs internally a server now (which needs packets, too), I doubt this will be changed.
  14. Why do you use an int anyway? Wouldn't a short be enough?
  15. Okay, I have rewrote all my common files so they call my proxy methods now. That means instead Minecraft.getMinecraft.theWorld it calls now CSM_ModRegistry.proxy.getClientWorld() for example, which returns null on a server and returns the client world on a client. Also I've removed all imports to client stuff in my common files. Works perfectly now. But I'm wondering why it did work on forge rev.217 Anyway, I'm looking forward to update my mod ASAP, Thanks @all
  16. I have finished updating my mod to 1.3.2 using Forge 4.0 (#217) and wanted to ensure everything works with the newest build. On the Client, everything works fine, but as soon as I want to spawn something, the server crashes with following error log: I'm really wondering why it's crashing, because every variable and every code I'm using only for the client is packed into an if statement ala if(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide().isClient) { // code only for client } and it worked perfectly in rev. 217 of Forge, so I think it's probably a bug somewhere. Here's one of my entity classes which causing that error: https://gist.github.com/42b4c72c09eb508ec1b4
  17. Is there a way to get a dedicated server instance? I need it for some entity manipulation in my GUI. This code works fine on the client: FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance() but on a dedicated server, it gives me a null value. Here's my CommonProxy:
  18. How about Minecraft.getMinecraft().usePortal(); ?
  19. hm, okay then, but I would rather use the method from the EntitiyRegistry instead of the ModLoader equivalent, because you don't have troubles then when Forge will be updated and something has changed in the ModLoader compatibility layer of forge. Anyway, try to use this as the constructor of your boat entity: public Dinghy(World world, double x, double y, double z) { super(world, x, y, z, 1.5f, 0.5f); setPosition(x, y, z); } Sometimes my entities spawn at 0,0,0 client-side, too. Then the server will teleport the client-side entity to the right location. But I would say it occurs only in 1 out of 25 spawns for me.
  20. Don't use the ModLoader.getUniqueEntityID() method! Use the EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId() instead.
  21. Search and you will find. http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Installation/Client LOL why i havent see that ? SORRY 4 flaming ... But all these awesome mods i want ... all these incompatible mods ... that is depressing Well, you could ask the creators if they could port their mods to Forge.
  22. Huh, that's true. Then I have no idea
  23. Okay, I think I solved the problem now. As I thought it was the worldObj field from the entity I've used. I'm using now Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld instead and no crash so far. Here's the code which I'm using to spawn custom digging particles now: if(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide().isClient()) Minecraft.getMinecraft().effectRenderer.addEffect( new EntityDiggingFX(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld /* use this instead of this.worldObj */, X, Y, Z, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, Block.cloth, 0, teamCloth(getDataWatcherShort("clayTeam"))));
  24. Did you try: if(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide().isClient()) to check if it's on the client or if(FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide().isServer()) to check if it's on the server ?
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