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[1.16.1] Teleport with Armor set equipped


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12 hours ago, Silent_snowy said:

Hello, I'm new to modding and trying to make an armor set that when equipped you can teleport a short distance similar to chorus fruit, but I cant find anything online to help and I'm not sure what I would need to use. 

Any Help would be Appreciated.

when exactly should the player wearing the armor be teleported?

  • if the player equip the armor
  • if the player sneak & wearing the armor?

for the teleport you can look into the ChorusFruitItem class

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On 7/29/2021 at 4:47 AM, Luis_ST said:

when exactly should the player wearing the armor be teleported?

I was kind of thinking when the player is wearing the armor and has the chorus fruit in their inventory they could press a key bind and be teleported.

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On 7/31/2021 at 12:47 AM, poopoodice said:

ClientTickEvent -> check for key bind and is valid (has chorus fruit, is wearing the armour) -> send a packet to the server -> check if it's valid again -> perform tp

Hi thanks for you help could you tell me if I'm on the right track?


@SubscribeEvent public void onClientTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent event) {

PlayerEntity player = event.player;

if (player.inventory.armorItemInSlot(0).getItem() == RegistryHandler.ENDERIRON_CHESTPLATE.get());

if (player.inventory.mainInventory.contains(Items.CHORUS_FRUIT)); } }

And if I am on the right track how would I add in the Key bind check and Teleport?

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You should be using ClientTickEvent, since keybinding is only on client. The you need to check for phase otherwise it will be triggered twice a tick (I'm not sure which one is better, start or end), and also it's probably better to use PlayerEntity#getItemStackFromSlot here, for armour checking

39 minutes ago, Silent_snowy said:

if (player.inventory.armorItemInSlot(0).getItem() == RegistryHandler.ENDERIRON_CHESTPLATE.get());

I'm sure that the first slot is not gonna be the place for a chestplate, so use the method above.


39 minutes ago, Silent_snowy said:

if (player.inventory.mainInventory.contains(Items.CHORUS_FRUIT)); } }

Main inventory does not contain other storages like main/off hand, so you can either loop through the player's all items yourself, or use IInventory#hasAny.


About key bindings you can save your own instance of KeyBinding in a static final field (check GameSettings.java), and then check if it is pressed like how Minecraft does in Minecraft#processKeybinds.





Finally you are going to check all the stuff again (armour equipped, has the chorus fruit...) when the packet is received on the server, then process the tp (have a look at the chorus fruit , or maybe Enderman).



Edited by poopoodice
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